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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. - -■■ ■ ' riDWIN F. CIIl., Prosecntlng Attoraey. At II uu Arlmr Tuesdaj au.l Frldayof each week. OScc in Court House. 1S1' MACK & SCII-TIIO, Dealera u Dry Ooods. lirucorii-, l'rockery , ie. No. 54 ."omh Main 6ire' .(Dltltis HAM:, W. Ifc, Reêldence and Ofttee U 'S. corner Willlums and 'l hompso.1 btreets. jjoiar office 1 to Sim. iflCHAEL ni'KRAV, Koofer Fire and U Vftr I'roii. Kult and Cumposiilon Gravel Roo.'s put on to order aml warrauted. Besldence ou Jcteraon Street, Ann Arbor. RW. EIXIS A CO., Drngglsts a: dealers t in Pams, Oils, So. i Suuth Main Street, At Arbor. Jq, ,. MOSMONS) Attorney and Counsellor ■ at Uw, Keal Estáte aud Inrarnnce Apent ConTtnnóag ud Collecllon or i laims promptly at lended W on liberal term. Ofllie in Uonnellys' flock. nputairs, Uuroii street, Aun Arbor, MichWH. JTACKSO1N, Denti8t.sacces'rtoC. l!. Porter. Office corner Main and rinron atrèetS! ttr the sore of R. VV. Kllis & ("o , Ann Arbor, .Auestheticsadiuiiiistertrd if required. Wy. BREAKET, M. ., Phjuldan and Wrgeoo. uitte . l reiWenoo corner of lluton and División Strei-ts flrst dujr east of Presbyteriaii Clinrrh . Ann Arbor, Mich. ES. JOHNSON, Dealer in Hat and "aps, t fan Slnw Ciood's. }i-ntf' Furnlühlni; (Joods, ie. No 7 South Jlaiu Mreet, Aun Arlior. v.ich. CTTHEbEaNB Ie WIIF-IM, Life and Kir'1 tnauranee Apeuts, aud dealergin Iseal Bsiate. Ofllce on Hurón Street. KWIS t'. BISIMIN, Dealer in Bardvara, si'ivi Houm Kunii liinyGoods, Tiu Ware.&c. 'y. 31 South Main strect. BAt'II A Ali:l., Dealers in Pry Goods Qrocfriejs, 4c c..Nu iO South lain ïtreet. Aun Arbor. SI.AWSOX S. Orocen, ProIlon and Commlssion tiercbanW, aud dealers in Water Lime. Land Platter, and Piaster Paris. No. 14 East Hurou street o siiMiliill.N, (Tholesale and Eetall Dealer O iu ]{';ii!v ::ll[■ niothing, Cloths, Cüssimerpp, VesiTits. andQcnta Ihirnlshflíií Gouds. Ño'. '■' Bontta Haiii Street. 17JI. WAli.Mïll, Dealer in Rmdy HadUotb ii iiiE.Olotbe. Casgimere Vcstinn, Hata. Caps, rrunks,1 arpcl lfSgB, c. Pumn .lijnll SLret. V'll.'IOHl-; HSKK, Booksellers an.lsnU nonen MfdTcal llege Text Boks, )chool and Miseellaneona Roks! No. '' Nortli Main ttftet. Oregory Bluck, Ann Arbor. FISLEY lKWls,1lValcrsln Boom, Shocs. QdterSi Suppers, &c No. ï Kast Uurou ttreet, inu rlr. V II. DAVEM'ORT & Cü., BANKERS. SALINE - - - MICHIGANBUY ANf) SELL Government Securities, Gold Coin, Drafts on Detroit, New York, Bos!n, and other Cities Ako receive money n Deposlt. make Collecilona, ml attcod promptly to all business peitainlu to Banking. Mouej loaued on approved Securities. J3:8in" F. SCHAEBEBLE, Teacher of Mueic. Gives instruction on the PIANO, V10LIN AND GUITAR, athia office No. 57 South Main street, (Moore's building, or at the resideace of the pupil. PIANO TUNIJG, made a specl&llt; and atlifactiou cuaranteed; 1324yl nEOCKEEY. GLASSWABE & GROCERIES, J. & i. Donnelly IlavelnstorealargeBtock'ifrrocken, Gla?Bv;iro, flilcd Ware, in.tlery Grocencs, fcc, ie, all tobe ?old at onnsaally luw piicèfl No. 12 East Hurón Str(et, Ann Albor. tliStf J. & I. tHMXKVIjY. JOHN G. GALL, DBALEB I3ST FRESH AND SALT MEATS, UK). SALSAGES, EE-., Order solicited aud prompt Ir Ulied with tbeheet OEatB in the market. 31 Kast Washington street. jAnn Arbor, Sept. 16th, 1S09. lS3Stf Jj ARÜL8EV, pr Manutactnrerof Oarriages, Buggies, Wagons, ANI SLKldHSof cvery stvle. made of the best niterial, and warrauied. iorse shoeing and lieMiniiü done pronvlly and prices reasonahle. "rein Slreet, uear K. U. Depot, Ann Arbor, Mich UïJyl 0r!c. b. porter, DENTIST. OSce in the SAVINGS BANK BLOCK, Ann Arbor. Ml Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFORMED WITH CARE. ÜNSTJRFASSED FACILITIES AND BXPBRIENCE SETTIXG ARTÏFIÏIAL TEETH, TO GIVE EACH INDIVIDUAL, Obtura of ikt proper ëixe, thapt, color. firmnc$taml na al expreiêion. 1244 JUMBER YARD. C. KRAPF, J?r!" & LarK and weH 'cked Lurobcr Yar.i on Swsnn strcct. In the .mth part of the City, and """ieepcomtontly on hand an excellent varkty of LUMBER, SHSNGLES,LATH&C 1rciheull)eol'laslow8canbe afforded in this Qnality and prices snch that NO ONE NEED GO TO DETROITnnArhor, Jaminry 20th, 18T1. ' 0S6 rj# 0.JENKIN8& H. RANDOLPII WHITE, M. D. DENTIST8. CORKER OF MAIN AND WASHINGTON ST'8. AU Operations peifoimed In the Most Thorough and Scientific uianner. Nltrous Oxide Gas coDstantly on liand, nd aclministerecl vvith perfect safey. 1320-yl,


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Michigan Argus