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Pctroit ívcrtfecmcnts. a i! iiha MAi uii;itv ji;ft. G. S. WOB.MER & SON, Déniers in n 1 1 kinds of Wood AcIronWorkins Maoliinery. OT, KM and 18 Jefftraon Ave., Ic;t r--i t , Mioh. pIIISISTA HIF.Iir.IlVG, O WESTKKN BTKAH MARBLB -W ORKS. Haoaractnrert of Marhland Marbldzed Mantlet, iabtnet nnd Plnmbers' stock Monnmmtal nnrl 'emetrj WotTü of evorj deaciiptiOD on band. Alao letlere i:i Gr ;.:■-' Oer. Mnnroo Ave. nnd Pnrmor rt . Introit. Mioh. P.Cbbota. G"o. P. Mcriims. TA5Ii;S5lAI,!,.!ll.i Crt., I I) Mt;rain CAEPETS AND DRY (ÍOOD ! 87 Womlwnrd Ato., cor. Lamed st. N. B. Wc. faATO an fminenso stock and will r1 Eoods !"W onuoghto m.ikult ;m bject ior thoc ii the int'TWT tu boy of M, C A KPH I S , we inake a specialty. GKO. s. F KOST & CO. Cha. Noble. Oro, s. Frst. C. W. Noble I'IÏTH: -A.3STD ron s lui In evcry part of tliis Rlate nrd ihe United States DETROIT. 1 K, 8v:lles& Co., V-. INDUSTRIAL ASENCY! For aapplylng exc.ry deacrlpti n of inrliietry 7S7-XO?I3: LABOR Offleewlth GliORGK S. FKOST ifc CO., Detroit, - - . Hlchlgan. TA3KE9 JBÏTKA, (GstibHshed 18543 tl Uraler in 11 kind of MACHINERY I AND sriMM.IKS. Al A ff ii t for iiiiiiN Patent Slünffle Httcbtnèa 20 Atwatcr Btreet Kitst, het ween rs;itcs ar.d Rucit lph slroetft, Detroit, Mich. ï TyCT WJSA'I" E F I T S I ÏÓ ï ï ,ÏTfA I I, 7 JD in the brigbi Lexleon ol yooth, vrhieb fat cserveR fr his youug maqhOOd, thcie ;h no uucti word aa (aïf. Randaü's Circassïan Crcam Wash Was never knows t1 f.iil t" Fredttoa, Plm;.: Bi Mtii PitcbesTaD, Ac, If used a jit riirec: i :.nd persevered In. il your drnggfM has wi cot H, teil liim to send for it. J. J. RlKDAIX. tor, Fishornlnck, Detroit, PIK AND FAKITHNÍÍ LAIVUS,- We offer for sale 25.0"0 aerda of Valuüble fine aod Parmlng I.nnds on Time, at Prlcoa raQfflntf trom 93 to 1O '■'■■' acresirf tbeve r u6 L&udfl are incatetl dn t!ie WiaeoBaln Rlvor. 0,6'(i acres on Walen Leadluf; to Cfaoboyaii or Daucan Mich. B40 aerea on the Au pre RIVer. 3,: tK ñores on Thimder Bay witer?, leariiog Co A] pena. B5fi acres on the TitíbawaHe Kív.t. 3 200 aeree i1: GHadw:n Co., Mich. tr Parras findTfmber 1 272 & Mineral and Hard Tlxnbor Lauda i:r:ir itüiciiíion, x.OfM acrei Prairie land in Nebrask.i ni?ar thaUnloD Pndflc Baiiroad. 900acr l'irnil uu. Land in Oratlot cotmty. S3-to $5 per iicre. rr Mnny of ttw r LftDds urewoTtfa the priee we Mfcforthcm foi Par ml uk pnrpoaos after the Tim her lt rut. Kor full tlt-scriptioD, rrct and terms, Bond for WrculáT. 1. PRESTOS & E0., Banfter. Detroit Mich. R. & W. F. LINN, Manarnctarera of roiind Ccflecs, Spkis. iïnsinni, etc , cif. And Wholesale Dealer in TEAS AND GROCERS' SUNDRIES ! ! 120 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit. TOHN COPLAND, Manufacturcr and O Wholesale dealer in & ïarge vnrity of Crackers, Sn&ps And iíiscuí. Orttcrp PoMcited ftiul filled at lowesi market pricc Bend lor Prloo l.ii Kvcl Oven s;, :nn Bakcry, corner Kandolph ar.i! Woudbridc Street! Dctruit. ItBEBI ïi. VICBC1Í4 f., WHOLESALB 35 Woodward Avenue, r lriioir. - - - ?.iicïiig-a:?c. TJtjeil JOBNSOK, XX M Lir.itaciurcr of iiiitl dcalerfn CAKIMAdKS, BTIQGIES AM) .SLKIGIIS ! A fino a8sortnwDl "f the i.itcpt sfyles "f home :ü, ■;').■ and Bastera Carriazes, loclading Lahdavs, ' i.m. rnoe and Famii.v CAsniAOsa trom the celebrated . ut' J. M'itt "i.. Brldgoport, '-'umi., con .;:;:i:iy n band and rnrnlshcd to order. I to 10S LvoedSt. west cor. CassSt Detroit Ciiriias" MiufftCtHri". JOHN l'ATTON A SON. Aru oíTrins the largovt and besl npsorlmcnt of CARRIAGBö & BUCJGtíS IN TUK WEST, At Orciitly lledlicod Prirc.". All ivork maitr ander our uwu supervisión . &nd Kir'i.v Wakhatfu. liict'Tv and Warcro itus corner oodbrldge nnd Bnish atrcets.Ditroil. For Threhins:, rvii)i: Wood. Miikiii:: "Ik's eiteamins! VooA for Cattlc, vo. 1). K. liU.ii, MaonfRctnrer. 191 AIWaTER STKB_T, DETROIT. GDOELTZ & IIKOTJIIOR, '. Impurtwis and Dealera In PANCY ÜOODS ! Tujs, Soüons. Hoslry, Lares anri Triininliigs, ANO MANUKACTUHEIïS OP CmLDRBN'S CABttlARSS, BASKETS AND 8leigha, No BOand ü W i idward t .Detroit. HPra rj fpUi n t Tov.- FniH nnd OrnamenW -L trees, öhraba Rose, Qrape Vlnea, and atï tbe 'mail ■' nlts Orcen House and Bedding Plank, DabUtis, Ola. tuin, i nbe Ro s, H ulrla Vm-s, &c, should bc plantod aftcr the middli o( May. s. wol thebuei viiiicti.-- I ible nnd Plower, 11 new. AstUstHtheitntyearof onreeed trade, we lmvc DO f-ïd m' ils uil hand A vi-rv larire s'ock of the mo'lcrdtc rates Ad -M.ADAIH, Detroit. TOHS V. AHPHLBTT, R0CKIKGHAM & Ohio ST0NE WARE GLAS3 AN!) STONr: FKUtT JARS. gend tbr Pri: List. OL Sc GG Wooilhridae Stroet "West, DETROIT MICH. CSC!!) LEKWMH, Billlrd Tablc M;inu fc.tiiror9 with LKLAiin1a raciu Bteel Wlre Ciahlons, fi , LUuaod lw Kandolpb Street, i etioit, MlcW. Brancbs St.Josepb, Mo. I alo mnafactnre PiReonliolp, Jonsy Llnd nnd Bajratell Tablea nd do all kindof alteringand repalrlns. Keepalwajra in bond Second band Tables nnd uil L"Jil appertalnlng tu BHHarde. Buwllng Pina nnd fSffls for sale. Alio all kiuds of triiniiiin SAM. B. REVENAUGB PiiöTÖGRAPHER, MAKES ALL K1M)S OF PIQTURES PEOM THE SMALLEST LOCKET TOITHB LIFE S IZE, AXriFINTSlIESTIIKMTN INDIA INKl OÏL, OR : "WTATEB OOLORs ! IN A SÜPPKRIOR MAXNER. . 1 : )-:y. No. SOIICKOSTXIiü T. J Go toR.W.ELLlS & CO's for cholee Wincs and Liquor? , for Medical Purposes. - ,- "ri f m mm T FARMERS! I'li-ircnowto-rï-'urnmy henrt tbankl fWn 'SffJ IMtrpnH tue Pannen r Wa-ht,!,, " ld! Ining Coumlcs, Who hn% f..r .io iiiMf .. ' ha past ntroded to me thelr tradc. and f l,„, ' irnttaatiaractoryniKltarontttMe K. buih unnÏÏ J lopt lo rec.ive h luir shfera of thelr patr. „,1, '■ ' lic"'" My ':"'"' ''' " ih '"' '"""--"J' d"td luÍ,í Inierests of my Customers, M wel] M n,y v. n Aiwl Bgalg my alm wil] b,. . . to keet :i. cheap (oods u possAMs. tal as .. ' ■ ' can be fpnod. and ut M !,■ Rata rs liii-'in.iu M myKO:i!Hc::ii bc iiO'i.rrU-il. I wHI nol in-(iL„,.J "' compteli pnces with Inferior good. I wilt i,,-1 I :.- il.-,,„,Hity of my ImplemtnOi in orden,,0' the prlce Th purvhascofcheiipeoodsor. klDdprorei nu onprofluble Inv.-Fimint , L J liavt fiKiüi! oih.-ircost. labal) kt p a ' a' FlLl STOCK OF FA1IMIXG TOOLS on bjod,thntli treacrRlly fOBDd n market J tbantborisedasot tor th Mlowtey ' '■ THRESHÍNO MACHINES Genuine Bnffalo I'ltt, BnfTalo. n.y. laicntgwn SucepsiHkps, BkUleOraak. Mcnoll Siipplicrd's Vibrutor, BCrttk 'l'Jic Qfllsnr .llachiuo, Raclnc,Wg, The Chanpton Bcapcr & Barer, scir r, The Klrby Slli!;!king Kr.iier, Conbinei),' Tb liirby l'u'o-Khi't'Ird BoveTi ooi's il.ifliinc, lombincd uitli Stlf-iafi JACKSON WAGONS, Buckeye and Shnrtsville Grain Drilli. Fairbank'9 Scales, all sizes. TUK GENUINE curtís and dodge plows, Maimfactnrcd at K:il:im:i7. .. I liiivelocatcd myself at the ol;l nntl wel! kun-, , ApijIc PacktDg House of D Ilcnnlng. on DPlr!J Btreet.opposite Hlock. wherc IshallbeC" py t meet as many of my ol.l customeri, nnj „ many new onea as may picase to curae, I have securod the permanent services of Simut! Mc'l-iren. one of my old shop hunde, Ui Mr.J ! nnderstaiida " lEtZEIPIIRIEIISr QAV kinds of Arïrnltnral Toflg, nd will bt 't ï ] hand eariy In the moruhit.' and ïnte at night vht 1 neceösary to acccnimodute . i ffi. ROCERS. AnnArbor Apr!ll8t.l871. ir.l5mc i HBAR Y " The "Bar" not being a Mockey ISNT OME OK DAÏtWINS PROGENIICBS! HI'T WIÍAT OF TfiAT AS LONG AS E. J. JOHNSON! HAS A FULL STOCK OP HATS & O APS! FOP SPRINtf AND SÜMMEEÍ! Hls STYLES .A-ZRE THE LATEST. HJS GOODS THE BEST! AND IIIS TRICES HIK TZZS.CZjL. 3BÈ JES JáS T AIso a full line ol Genie' Fn-nishing Cooöi Cal! and examine hi CHIPS, PALMS, STRAffi, I'ANAMAS, mul LEGHOKNS, bclore ptircbwiog. 7 South Main St , Ann Aiboi. dirjïctörtT" -OF- jV ÏN" IV A R B O E, FOK 1871, With a Complete Portrait ot the City, an Accurate Census, Statistical Tables, &c. &c. 7H3 ÜNDER8IGNKD,bvlDghd nn Piletsr! pzperleoce in the compllation and publtauoi of Ciiy ai"i CdiiDty Dlrectorle in tblatsdotka Stntesl and hfiviuj; been Kulicilcd by ft numter o[ the prorainenl cituena u i?sni' a work of t ha kin leels aafëiii priinii-iin,r oonipldtfl aatlsfictloa Tm rarkwIU contttn cumplan unraliol the city. Bettlng 1'' r t II i is ftdvaBlagea n a commercisl aod maDiuastmlnie tmvn ; ulso statialicnl tables _shoIng e nuinherol lirmi eugmicd in i'vcry wpartment of uiaimfjicttir aiKl tnde; tné fiLTt'pate an mitil -nies ol the aamai the nrnnber of dr-Hn: and boaloesa boasea In city, and in ft t (iVfrJ kind orobaractcr of Informad n thnt thecitleui a niiiv deslr : skptcbea of ihe - choren, bonevoluiit aodetly The dly P00"!1 ma] y auvoDtageu which ifthi-y wem nentnllj known, wonld aitrait n-ttlirs frum 11 parttoi coantry. It is onr d.-in to pabMsh aworktur general dktrtbutlon tbnjohont ihe OnltedoU It would be DperflDiHW tci hef mgethe necfllj of adrefllsliDg h clty.or to mentí n the ■uliMnUpr' that n in-rs ml boalna s men den" rrom th:s nethod of adTcrüeing a slljr . The woik uil! I),! di livi red to Fubtcrilierp in ''■' month iif.Inlv I; tu bc hoped that hnnine m wlll niily conaider and pproetote th advanUi" of idvertlslng thcir boslnoH in tbbfco t. lti be fonnil in store?, offlee. bótela ai:d all pnMt places where t be rnn!: binBt tneet the eje pi 8W"j ol pnrehadera rvery d:iy, Tenns of Advertisin. OnePwe "" Half - 5 FoQrth" 801 C ipital Nomcs Price of books to eubecribers," 00; to non-w1'scribers, $ii Ou. ]89ïtf JAMES M. THO5IA3. A gooclhoaseandlotcontaiuinfr all tlie necejMjJ convenieiices of :i ool hoine, i ti Ann Arbor,Mtclti for wíiich I wlll excbange ooe f ük' doscnp"'' onrgry liberal terms, i tn'e i-ity of Freeport ' ■ tfynouse and lol .-ir" Dieet)1 sitnalcii, are " i. [ algo bare ttrolve crea of alce funJM' gardeninglaDd Jolnlug city liinits worlh í'-WPf .■!■:■. ;ill "I" whicii 1 'si to cxüh.inge lor pruper!)'18 Ann Arbor or a lurm ín W.isli! i-n.iw ('ounty. A preparcd to p;y or tui! tbe dlffereoce Id i:n-;it bargaln v II bo gtVen. Addresa and Icarn p' ilcolan LE WIS COLBY, 1320m3 í'rwjiort, !'■ Sk 1! v Subscribe to Pele than lwo centa TT í Thoae who liavc i.ot "' Miisicnl Mflír"9 I sliould .-.luí BU cení" p3 S aamplecopy. Tbem;" XLíW V .nKrwrit.-rs. i ,, back Dumben ir A ÍTw8cboolBook,by'eenl. Fm.rlvuk rom_ _ „ , " irs foi íó cuntí. Su"n. B. Pericias. Price, UribíMJtet Í7.5O per dozen. Conlnins _ _ priif? iívit Uvo humlred ncwand 1 I i I ' W bcantifnl songs, dnets, te. li 11 1 1 liy Will S. lliiys. fl -i ter, Thomas, etc. Ev.-y Tí' blng :y ncu', ficph. and I % sparkllns. Cúutcntí and fw 1 IS i-. inm pages "-ut (rea lljíl 1 'I I 1 ■ I 'ampie copies mailri fice Illll Ilrll II ofpoatageto teacher for lvflJliíli ' ;5 cents. Liberal t . - IbrtntrodneUoD. Wortb of M-.iv.c .or Aflílrc-í1 , J. L. PF.TERS, 5fí) l!roahray. fli Traibcn Mllfllna ge thclrcxtrlers íor J0 '"'ïi. ■■ui claim atyears snbM-notion to re". Musical Mouthly íawt piiysiciATBiiñSr tOCCTtATELY ANIi CARBFULLY PREPABBD i It. W.SLLJ8 '6 C0.,DJtU00JSí3


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