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Tlie ftonlvenary of the birthdny of Amcr lean Iudppiiclcncc was celebrated at thi place in a marnier pleaslng to all, nd wltl au eoihualasm which plalnly sliowed tha althougb msarly i centnry basnlapsed sfnce tiiai evontfiii day, yct the patriotlc sptrii wliich Rctuated the Bignero of the declar ation still pervaries tlic peoplc. The dsj was oshered in by th rluglng of belle and tlie íliinir oí .muís, accompanled of onrae j the iBceaaant cracking of flrccrockera and wiappibg of torpedee i. At ibout 9 o'ciock the crowd conniiciicocl colcctlng In tlie rtrects, belng swolleu by the oiistuiiily arrtvlng temnafcom the country aild ulso ly tlio trains of tbe M. C. R. that before ilie hour íor t lic processlon to fonn had elapsed, Dexter was fuil ■(■ overflowing. At about 10 o'ciock the procoss'on was ibrmed. At Ite head was the Saline Cornet Band, wh!ch discour.-cd inuslc wortli one's whllc tu bear, followcd by a tableau car whicli was Indeed a ih'.ng of beauty. The central pedestal i the car Waaoceaplcd bj the GoiMi'ss ( Liberty, aud sorroondlng her ligares emblemat.c ot Gomraerce, Airri cnlture, Manufacturas, Art, Blstory, Music Puace, aii'l Union. Next folio wed a car of yuang mlsjtea represeüting t he different States, witli Michigan for tic central or malo li.nrc. Theu carne a troop of borse, with the rMers in costamos representing the different uatlonalltlea wliicli li ;vo mude ;i hom with Uiicie Samuel, the ' lieatban Chinee," and tli" " L'uli Amemlinents " n')t belng omltted. .{ter this carne .c&rrlages tor a mlle or so. The proccssion prooeeded to the grove, faal west o; the vUlage, irbere the oratlon and its usual accompanylog excrclsee were gone Ihroogb wiih. The oration, ly WrttT Dbitbb, y.-q., of Chloago, was excellen ainl reflected credit upon the orator. The lirst of it part ook COnsMerably bt n local nature, bei iilt remlnUcences of iiis early days in (bat, his nitive place. Politics were entiiv'y Ignored, and each one tliat hcartl prouotmeed it aa hour well spent. In tbe afteraoou the aporta cora menced, whicii conslated of : boys' ibot race, a sack race, a three-legged race, a potato race, :i wheel-bsrrow race, and cllmblng a greased pple. They were ai; exclting, and furnlshed food for a great deal of' langhter. At E o'clock the boat races were called on MUI Créele, wliich kept the pcop'c entertalned until a sky rocket announced a new fleld of pleisiire, and a brilliant pyrottclinic dis phiy ciosed the day's Geattvities, vvlilcb bad beeu une coutluual round oí' enjoymerit. No accidents happetied, nor dtd any " de va-sions" come .vitliin the noüce of our reporter. Jtu flnitum est. - Ifflprovemente are grndoallj belng nidde, aml tlie beauty of the )!:iee enhanced. The gradlng o( IJ Street, from the depot to An n Arbor street, is approacblng coinple tion, and is well worth the expeuditnre. The southerly side of A nu Arbor atreet lia been paved and otberwlse rnaterlally improved, while a nnnaber of dwelllngs are bel ng erected In different pirts of tlie vil lage. - Edward Croghan, a yoiing man iv!io loft hcre nearly a year ago, and who had numeroua ï in this vicinity, wtts strnck by lightnlng and killed, on the 13th uit., near Deer Lodge City, Montana, llis luotherstlll resides bere. On the eventng of the 4th, while two recent craduates of the University, were returnlng from Relief Park, they were attacked by a coiiple of ruiïïins wiio saluteil them wlth clubs whicli caine In cl e proximity to their lie.aU ; bilt not being eaeily scared ihey tnrued upon thclrassall anta and makiug free ise of the large class canes whieh they carrled, soon becime mastera of the sltaattoa. After the attaeking party were knocked down two more men riished up and commeoced searchlne their pockets, bot Onding the wrong ones were floored, they, too, attacked the yon Dg men. Not being very suecessful, they ilirew a volley of stones and fled. Two of the stones hit their mark, both of the young men belng injured, one quite serious'y. The woiild be robbers, we are sorry to say, succeeded in cscaping, but tliey nmsl carry some renienibianeer of the occasion, for the large canes used upon them were prttty well battered in [jieces. At abont 9 o'clock Wednesday evenlng, a flre broke out in the oM building, at the corner of Depot and Fif'th streets, oppostie the Michigan Central freigbt boase, whicb destroyed the entire baildlng wltb nearly all its contenta. One-half of the building was ocenpied by tlie broom factoiy of Bufor & MoCoiAUlt, while In he othcr h:ilf was the cooper shop ofG. Faitii The building was owncd by Woon & Perui.v. No insnrauce. Mis. WlLtaXQ, llie eloquent Corresponding Sccretary of the Womau's Mlssionary Society of the 11. E. Churcb, wili givc au adilressat tlie Metliodist Clnirch, on Thtnsdiiy evenlng of nest week. It is i froe leoture, anl w i 11 deeply interest all who at tend.


Old News
Michigan Argus