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gOMETUÍNU UOOO AT LAST! AT 24 Main Street. The ucdersigneil, having localed at this 'place, has jnst oponed a FINE and SELECT an assortment i üLlil Ii35 LíioMiUmíuq & As can be fonnd west of New York City,whieh he is preparcd to makc up iuto the most STYLISH GARMENTS, AT TiíK SïïORTEST NOU CE, AND LOWEST POSSIBLE PK ALSO A I.tXE OP GfEïiTS' FURNI8HING GOODS. Cali on JAS. BOYD ancl ha will GIVE YOTJ FITS. JAMES BOYD, 1818tf 24 Main Street. SECOND AEBIVAL -OPNEW SUMMER DRY GOODS - AT- 3VC .A. TT HT .A. JEt 3D'S ViTe have just roccivcd NEW DRESS GOODS ! BLACK, COLORED AND JAPANESE SILKS, Frenen Organdíes and Lawn?, white and coloree!, PJqoiUi Percales and Liucns, Parasols, Elbboae and Lnce? Hoop Skirts and CorsetS, Ölovfts and llosiery, Lincn Damas k and Toweïs, AND A FOIX LINE OF DOMESTIC GOODS! These goods have all been boaght by 5!r. J. v. Hsynard, POR CASH 1 And thcy wiU bc sotd ut a small ndvauce trom Oost. J H. MAYNARD. 1324ro3 A mik! MISAL DiSOOVERYc ui 1.1.HÍNK ltenr Trslimnny to tbr Womïerful Curntive Eflccls of DR. ALKÏilfS CALIFORNIA J. W.U.Ki.R l'roprietor. H H. McDONAM) b CO-, liruggiats iin-1 Oen. A-;'li, S.m rrtoolno, Cal., klitl 3-J un.l 34 Cuuimcrcc M,S.Y. Viiioaar Bitters are not avile Kancy Drink. Hado of Peor' Rum, Whlskeyi Prooi" Kpirita and Refuto JjiqucrM doctorcd, spiced and sweetenedto pleaM the laste, called "Tonics," "Appctlzers," ' IïeBtorers," &c, lliut lead tho tippler ou to runkennpps and ruin, lnt are il Irue Medicine, nlnde from tlie Nativo Rot3 nnd llerbs of California, freo IV0111 nll Alcoiioüc Biiinulnnts. They are the GKEAT BLOOD TI KlFir.ll and A LIFB GIVING PRINCIl'LIi, :i perAet üniovator and Invigorator of tlie System, oarrylng off nll polsonona matter and restoring tho blood to a luallliy condltion. No person can takc thcee Bitters accordlng to direction nnd romaln long unwcll, providcd tlielr Ijoncs nrc not dotroycd tiy mineral poison or otlicr means, and tho vital orgaus wastcd beyond the polat of repair. Tliry arca Oontle Purcativc a ttcII asa Tonic, poiisessing also, tlio peciilinr jnerit of ncting as a powerful agent In relievlng Congestión or Inflaralnativn of the I,ivcr, and nll the Vifoera', Oranp. FOR FEJIALE COMPLAINTS, whother In youngor old, mnri-ied or eingle, at tho dawn of womanhood or at the turn of lifc, these Tonic Bitters have 110 cqnal. For Inflnminatnry nnd Clironio Khpi:m.itlsm and Gout, Dyspepsla or IndiecRtion, lïil ons, lieniil 1 put and Intcrniittcut Fcvits, Dlaeasea of tlie Itlood, I,ivr, Kidncys, and Uladdcr, these Bitter havo been most Buccessful. Sucll I)i,HC:sfs nre caused by Vitiatcd Ivlood viiicli is generally produced by derangement of tho DÏBCStiVC Ol'UILIl". DT8FBPSIA OR INDICJEPTION, Headaehe, Pain In t!ic phouldcrs, Coughs, TightncM of tho Clicst, Dizziness, Sonr Ernctatlons of the Stomach, Dadlastein tho Mouth, Blllons Attncks, Palpltatlon of the Heart, Inflamnntlon of the Lungs, Pain In tho regloi)8 of tho Kidncys, and a hundred olher piiinfol ■ymptoma, are the offsprlngs of Dyspopsia. Thej Invigorate the Stomach and Bthnnlate the tor. pldllver andbowels, whlchrenderthcmoftiBeontUed clllcncy in cleansing the blooa of all bnpnritlm, and impnrlincrnowlife and vijior to the wholesystcm. FORSKIX J)ISKAiii;S,Eruptions,TcUcr, Sait Kheum.Blotchcs Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Cartuncles, Rlng-Worms, Scald-Hoad, Sore Eycs, lirisipelaB, Itcli, Scurfs, DiEcolor.itions ol tho Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Ekin, of whattvcr name or nature, are litcrally np and cnrricd ont of tho f ystem in a phort time by tlm dm of theso Bitten, One boitle In BUCh cases w ;!1 convinee the nioti incretluiuus ol" tiicir curutive effect. Cleanso the Vitiatcd P.lood -wlirnever von find lts Impaiitlea bontlng throngh the ekin in Pimple Brnotloncor Bore, cleanee 1 1 hen ynu flnd ii óhstracted and KliiKKish In the veins: clcaoseitirhenltlsfoul nnd yoorfeèllnga will teil yon wh. n. Kci. the blood pure and the beaUJ] orthoeystcm wlliföllovr. P" PIN, TATE, andother WORBIP, lnrtineln tho ■ t n ciiniiiy destroy eaand '■ ■ r ful] dlrecttonn, reao careiullr the clrcntar around rarh bottle. prlnted Infour laugnages- Knglisli, Germán, Freneh nd E panlah. J. WALKER, Proprictor. R. H. jrcDONALl) & CO., Drof;ist8 and Gen. Agent!, Sun I'ianciBoo, Cal., and 82 ard 3-1 Commcrco Btreet, Xew Tork. r?TSOLD BY ALL DÜUUÜlêiTS AND BEALEHP GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for 3trictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Paints ,Oils , &c. BOOTS AND SHOK ! CHE AI FOR CASH! ■■■ JUST RECEIVED AT B. F. Rice's SHOE STORE, OPPOSITE IIANGSTERFER'8 HALL ! A new Stock of BeasonaBle Boots and Shoes atnong which is a fine assortment of the latest Stjics of Ladies' Mlsses' and Uhlldrcns' Fine Sliocs In Serge, Goat and Kid; A-Qrcat Variety of Mens' Boys' and Youths' FINE GOODS IN PRUNELLA French Calf, and also an entirely uew Stock of Slippers, Gorcd BusklnS, and Shocs of Fancy Colors ol New Stylos. We aim to keep the best and most scrviceable work, AT BEASONABLE PRÏCES. Particular attontlon glven to the manu facture ot SEWED & PEGGED CALF E O O T S 1 Which are goiranteed to give entire satisfaction as to FIT AND DURABILITY. REPAIRÏXG DOE PHOMPTLY ! ! CALL AND SEK OUR LAD1ES' POLISn IWlTEIt PROOF 410LD BlfKUÏ SKRE SI19E, OVLÏ ÍÍ.OO. LIDIES' POLISII WATER PROOF ULTEI Bit KIE SERGE S!IOE,$2.O9. Serje C.ilters, $1.00. ri:iii Slipper?, .50. N. B. All Prime Goorls. No Shorldy. i:i-j4-2m. SAA1. 1Í. RtVENAliGiH C(l])l!3 OU1 ASBHOTÏPES & DAGUEBREOTYPES IN FIKST CLASS STYLE TO ANY DESIRBD SIZE!. YyiIEN Y OU WANT FINE PIIOTOGltAPIIS, 00 TO SAM. B. REVENAUGH, IV o. 30 Iluron Slroi'f . UEOPLE'S DllUG hTüivüi R. W.EIUS& CO. T ATEST STY1ES! BESTGOOD3! GREATEST VAEI3TY AND L0WE3T PR1CESÜ S. SONDHEIM BXS jim trKTÜKKKD im.u.m WITH THE Ï.ARC3EST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF SPRIN3 AND SUMMER GGODS C2.vrs stkmsiiiyg goods, CHILDREX AND Ï0CTIE1 CLOTIIIXG TRUNK3, VALISE3, SATCHELS, &c, &c, &c, THAT HAS EVfiR BKF.N nnonoHT TO THIS iCITY, WUICII UE W1LL SELL Cheaper than the Cheapest for Cash. ALSO A PINK AS3ORTMENT OF CASSIMERE3, CO A TIN GS, and VESTINGS, WIIICII ITE WILL MAKE UPTO ORDER riVTIIE!I3ESTSTYLE, fAND WARRANTED A FIT OR NO SALE: pOR SALE OR TO RENT. A Gontecl Reidence l'i milos from tho Conrt Ronxe eqnHra ld Ano Arbor. toeotber wtth 6 cf orchard betng choleo fruit. 5 acrei pvtnre, well I, garden Bhrnbbery nll ai first quallty, Siruniioti. hi;n!thy nnrl bcntiiifnl. To ptrtien wi-ii lettta of oor Btacatlon! loatitations, ihis proprlj is very dctsimble. Price m-iilomti! a:i.l accnmmodulne Bnanireof Iw4. JOHN N. OOTT. Ann Arbor. ■pOR SALE, A ONE HOKSETOrBUGGY Ni'.irly new. the office of N. W. OHEFVBK. Ar.n Arbor. My r.nth, 1871. II 'I-M. jLVíi; SALE. TbcoDden Irned alten rnr sslo her reiMenet in the villoee ol Bollue : Iwo il hoiifc. barn, wter , fralt. &c. Teins made easy. Mrs. CORIN'THA (JRKEN. Siline, Jnne 1 lth.1871, ijj .urj Finost Assortmont of Toilet I Goods in the City, by


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Michigan Argus