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JAM. B. REVEN AÜGH, ■ FííOTOGRiPHER i , ETOUCHES ALL HIS NEGATJ VES BEFORE PRINTING, SO THAT 'FRECKLESJIOTHSANDTAN Do not show in any of his Pictures. No Extra Charges. Ëstatc of Jalfles OBrien. riTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Wa?htenatv,p8 O Notiee la herebv iiven.thatby an order of the Probate Courtfor the Countyof Wushtonaw, made on the twonticth day of June A. D. 1871. bÏx months from that date were allowccl for creditorHto present thelr claims agavntt the estáte of Jamen O'Brlan, L&teof ald Connty, deceased, and that all ereditors of said deceased are requircd to present rheir clftifnn to said Probate Court. at. the Probate Office, i n theCíry of Atin Arbof.for exaratnution and allowance, on or before the tv entieth day of December next, and that sucli claims will be heard before said Probate Court, on Saturday, the sïxteenth day of September, and on Wedncsday, the twentl th dav December next. at ten o'clock in tlie forouooü of eacti of tfioiedayg. Dated . Aun Arbor, June 20th, A. D. 1171. HI11AM J. BÏÏAKE6, 132Tw4 Jnclije of Probate. Estáte of William Latson. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countyof Woshtenn-w, m, Notice ís hettihy gii-eh, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on tlie seventeenth day of June, A. D. 1871, six mimths frum that date were allowed for ereditors to present their claims against the estáte of "William Tjutson, late of said county, deceased, and that all ereditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to naid Probate OotUÏ, at the Probate Oiticn, ín the City of Atin Arbor, for examinntion and ftllawanco, on oï before the eighteenth day of December next, and that sucli clfiifns -vvill beheerd before .said Probate Court, on Sííturday, the fifth dity of August, and on Mundfiy the eighteenth day of Deoeinber next. ítt Í0 o'clock in the forenoon oí cacli oí' those tlays. Dated, Ann Arbor, June, 17, A. D. 1871. HITtAM J. BEAKE 1327w4 Judge of Probate. Chancery Notiee. OTATE OF MICHIGAN".- The Circuit Court for O tlie Oounty oí' Washtenaw : ín Chuncery. MAHY M. SA VAGE, Coi'ijilamant, ■V9, AUGUSTUS M. 8AVAGË, Pcfcndttrtt. ït 9titisfftotily f'tïpeiirmg io ihh Cohrt by affidftvit that the defetidant, Augustus M. Savage, is iiot & resident of thia State, but resides in thé Stfite of Qlinois; on motion of Felch Urant, solieitors for complainant, it ia ordered that the defendant cause his appearance to be entered within threernonths hom the date of this order : and that in case of his appearing, he cause his answer to the complainant's bill to bo ñled, and a copy thereof to be servet! on the complainant's Bolieiton witíhin twenty days after service of a copy of said bill of coniplaint, and notiee of this order, and in default thereof, that the said bill be taken as confosned by the Bnid defendfint. And it is furthei ordered, that witliin twentv days tlie said conipluinant cause h copy of this order to be publislicd Ín the Michigan Aryus, a newspaper printed in said county of Wasntensw, and that the publication continue at least 0HQ6 t weck lor six weeks in successiou, or that she cause a copy of this order to be porsonally served on the suid deftndant according to the nües and practico of thia ('ourt. Dated, June 27th, I871. FELCH & GRANT, 132S Complainant's Sohcitors. Chancery Notiee. QTATE OF MICHIGA N, Pourth Judicial Circuit : O In.Chanccry. Ï'HEBE 1'ALÍÍEK, Complainant, ) VB. [ THOMAS W. PALMER, Defendimt. ) Suit pending in the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenaw, In Chancery: At Ann Arbor, ou the sixth day of June, A. I). 1871. It sutisfactovily appearing "by the affidavits of Phebe Palmer and Myron Vebb; filed in this cause, and by the return to the aubpocna in this cause, that tlie rtefendaut, Thomas W. Palmer, is a resident of this Wtate, but that the proecss for his appearance üssued in this canse OOnaid not be served by reason of the said defeudant's absence trom or eoncealment witliin tliis State, and by reason of his continued absence froin his last known place of residence, on motion of ifiritm J. Bcakes, Solicitor for complainant, it is ordered that the said defendant appear and answer the bill of complaint filed in .this cause within three months from the date of this order. And it is further ordered thfti within twenty daya after the date of this order the thé said oompïainaDt oauae a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed ín aaid oounty of Wasiiicuaw, uk! timt suiih poblïcation be continued once in each week for six weeks in succession, or that she canse u copy of this order to be served on siiid defendant pei-sonally, at least twenty days before the time above presmbed for the appearance of said defendant. (A true copy.) Iï. BEAHAN", Cirouit Court (iminissinncr, 1325wG Washtenaw County, Sfiohigan. Iioal Estáte for Sale. CTATEOl-1 MICHIGAN, Coun oí "Waahtonaw. O In the matter of the estáte oí Anthony Ely, deceased. Notiee is hereby given, that in pui-suance of an order graïited to the undersigned, administrutor of the estáte of said deceased, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the fifteenth day of May, A. D. 1871, thore will be SOld it public renduc, to the highest bidder, at the eouth door of the Court House, in taé City of Arm Arbor in CheeountT of Washtenaw in said Btate, on Wedneada; the niath divyof August, A . D. 1871, at one o'clock in the afternoon of that day {subject to all enonmbrances by mortgage or otherwise at the time of the death of said deceased, and also subject to the right of duwer of his widow therein), the l'olloving described real estáte, to-wit: The undivided hult' of a parcel of land boundod as follow : at northeast oornerof Cross and luron streets in the city ot FprtIsnti, county nnd State aforesaid, and nxnmng thence Dorth alona Hurón streel nine róds, thenoe east aiong (i. Sanders' land to the river, tlience duwn the river to Croei strect, thence west to the place of bezinning, (excepting and reserving the parcela ai land owned by Charles MoCormick and the City of Ypsilanti. Dated, May 8Oth A. I). 1871. 1327 HIRAM DAY, Administrator. SlierifTs Sale. BY VIRTUE of ne exeention issned out of and ander the veal of the Ircnit rurt fertheCooiDtv of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, bearlng dnte the thirlielh day oriJccember, A D. 18TC, and 'o tue dii ected an flelivereri, I. Byron R. I'ortor, Sheriff, by Thos. J. Iloskins, Dcpnty Sheriff, did, on the tht r tiet h day of December, A D. 18T0, levy upon and Bei ze all th right, title, and Interest of Öanrlce O'Cconnor, in and to the folio wl ng deecribfd lands and preraleeB to wit: The west % (half) ofthesouth enst.'.i CqiiaitiTjof ectionlifteeu nnd the northwest ifquiirtcrj of the Dortheost '.t (qaarter) of section 32 (twenty two), town one south, range six eant, in the County ofWashtenaw and State of Michigan, wliich premiseH, or the defendant8 interest therein I hall expoe for sale, at public auction, as the Inw directa, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, thatbeiiig the place for holding the Circuit Court tor the County f Washtenaw. od Saturdaj the filteenth day of July next, at two o'clock in the ttfternoon. Dntcd, Anu Arbor, May 27th, 18T1. ïi. H POKTER. Sherifi', 1324 By Tnos. 3. Hoskins Deputy Sheriffs Sale. STATB OF MICHIGAN, County of Waéhtenaw, se. By virtne of a writ Of exeoution issued oui i and undcr the seal of tlic Circuit Uourt, for the county of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, dated the23ddayof June, 1871 and to me directèd and delivered., against the goods and chafóles, lands nnd tcnementa of Owen Croman, dcfendant therein named, I did, on the 24th day oí' Juno, A. D. 1871, for the want of goods and chattles, levy upon all the interest that Owen Croman has in tne following described real estáte, to-wit : all that pieee or parecí of land ly and being in the tiiwn ut' Northfield, oounty of ashtenaw and State ui tf iohigan, deaorlued asfollows, torwifc: the north cast quarter of seution number flfteen in townphip number one south, and range number bíx cast, accoxcU ing to tho original suvvey, contninin forty nores of land, which premisea I ahal) expose for sale at public tnetion, to tne highest biddtfr, a! the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the 18th day of August, A. 1). 1871, at 10 o'elock a, m. of said day. Dated, Juno 27th, 1371. MTKONWBBB. Sheriff. 1323 By Jokxin Fobbb, Under Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. State of Michigan, County of Wathtsnaw, ss.By virtue of a write of tjxecuion, UtBued out oí' and under the cal of the Circuit Court for the ruunty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, dntod the ninth (9tli) day of March, A. D. 1871, and to me directed and delivered, against the goodh ?nd chattleB, lande and tenemenU of Charles Peach, defendant therein nuncfl, I did, on the twentieth day of March, A. 1). 1871, for the want of goods and ohatÜes, levy upon the folloivIng real eatttte: Beginning at a stake fc the center of tin1 Tcrriini-ial road, on the cast half of the sou! hweel quartèrof seotion seventeen (17), in tcwnship fbui (4] south of rango (6) six east, thence north cif?hty-8fiveii degroeseaet, sixohnins; thence noztb fifteen mütutiea ■west, four chains and eihty-iive links; thence south eíghty-seven degrees thivíy minutes west, six chains eïevon link; thuuoo south forty-one degfreea thirty minutes east, thrce chains ; thence south eighty-seven degreea thirty miamtée west, four ohains lorty links to the place ai' beginning, contuining threo and seventy-iive one-hundredllis acres of land: Also a paroel of land begianüuï at a stake ín the oenter of the i &tritorial road, on the cast half oí' tho southwest quarter of seotion [17] seventeeñ, in town (-1) south of range (0) east; tlienrc north eitfhty-ftcvcn degrees thirty min ntea eat, four (■]) chains flfty linl;s; thonoe south forty-one degreea thirty minutos oavt, Öirse dhains; thenoe south eighty-seven degreea thirty minutee voel , three ohains to tibe place of beginning; Alsoapieoeof In ml being in ilif northwest oorner oi the west half oí' tin southeast quarter of sec. (17) seventeen, in township (4) four south ol range [6] six cast. oammenoing eight rodfl easi of (lienorthwost corner of suid lot, running1 west eifjht rwls to the corner of said lot, titenee south ten rode, thence northeasterly to the plnee of bertnning, all the abore deacriptiona eupposed to eonttiin five nnd one-fourth aoroa of land ; uso the south half of tho wcKt half of the northeast quarter Of B9&tion (17) seventeen, in townahip tour BOuthf range Úx eost, oontaining forty acres of land, moreor less; Also a part of the northwest quarter of section (17] serenteui, town four (4) south of rnnxe (6) six east, beginning at thesoutheasi oorner of said auartersee1 ion Meenteen, and running thence ïiorth twenty-one chaina and seventy-two links, thenoe west sixteen chains and ixty links, thence sonth fifty degreea west aine chains and flftsen ttoks, to the tenter of the Saline and Monroc road, tlienro sonth tliirtrninc and one-fourth deprees east, twínly distes (Wiel forty-four links, to the south line of Bfda quarter neotíos, nnd thence oast on said line ten ohafiifl and seventy links, to the place of beginning, oontaining forty eres of land, more or tees. W'lii-h prexaisefl I shall expose for sale at public auotion, lo the bigheet bidder, at the BOUth door of the Court. House in the City of Ann Arbor, in said county, on the twenly-sivond V.iy of -Tuly, A.D. Wil, at ten o'clock in the foveuoon f auiñ day. Dotcd JVO Rth, A. I). 1871, MYRON WEBB1, Sheriff. P. Crawjer, Plt'ff s Att'y. Kift. Go toH.W.ELLIS & CO's for ehoïeeWines and Liqunrf for Medical Purposes . Slieriff's Sale. STA'] E OF MICHIGAN mntyof W&sntenáWM Ily virtue oi' u wrrt fï exí.rütión issued out of Êü undex the Bi ai of the Ürcuil Court fior the couuty ó. Wdshtenuw, State oí Michigan, dated tho twenty sevoutli day of Mareh, 1871, and to mi' direoted an delivered, against the muls and chattele, Inndsjan tt'iifiiu'iu.-i f "hristiiiTi F. Ka]1)', detVndant t horen named, 1 did, on tlic flret day oí' June, A. ]). 1871, fo the want of goods and chattela levy upou all {]■ ratéi oei that i liri.-tian !■'. Kopp has in the following .U seribed ptëöïii ör parcela of land, lo-wit: All nf'lot mv. aeven and '.■irhl, in block one, Brown & Kuiler' Additlon to the city oí' Aun Aibm-, aaid Iota being i I i-ity oí' Aim Arbor, connty ot' Waahtenaw, SI ai of Michigan; vl.icli premises 1 khaU expOM frsult at public ttuction. t the tnghesi bíddet, af tho sout door of the Court House, Ín the city uf Aun Arbbr, 0 1 ■frf "áfith dtiy of July, 1871, ut 10 o'cloek x. X. Of sal á$. Dated, June lst, 1871. MYROX WEBB, Sheriff, IS2S By Jobtik Fonfti:s, Under-Shcriff. Sheriff 's Salo. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtona-w By virtue of a writ vf esecution, íssnfld ewii oi un ander ílu sea] erf the Circuit C&urt fcft (He co'ufity o Washtenaw, State ef Midfaigáji, dít tod tho twentj iirst day of March, Í87Í, and to me directed and delii eied, against the goode and chattels, landa andten iñcnts of Louis ïl. Iluchoz, defendant therein iiíimc I did, on the third day of June, A. D. Ib71, for th want of goods and chattels, levy upon those parta o luis l and 2 lying west of Detroit street, in block fou north of Hurón street and range ((5) six, occorditrg t thc rcewded plat of the vilhigc (now city) of An Arbnr, excepting the northenst corner, also exoeptin thc north six roda of the west seven rods of sait lot two, said real estáte beíng situated in the cit of Ann Arbor, county of WaahtextAW, State of Miel iu'iin; whie-h premisos I hall expose fbr sale at pul 'ion, tothe highest bidder, at the south doo of the Court H"use, in the city of Ann Arbor, o the iwenty-iiflh day of July 1871, nt ten o'eloek i the fbrenoon of saíd day. Duted, June 3d, 1871. WEBB, Sheriff, 1325 By Joiitin Foubes, Under Bhenff. Sheriff 's Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss O By virtue of a wit of execution issued out of aiu under the seal of the Circuit Court for tbe county o Waahten&w, 8tate of Michigan, dated tlie ewhteent day of March, 1871, jmd to me directed nnd deliveret agèdaxt tbe fÓoáM mui ohattel, landn and tenements O" Amelia S. McC'ard, defenditnt theroin Dgaarf. I dMcf the eighteenth day of HarcJi, a. d. 1871, for the wan of goodfl and ohattels. levy upon all the interest tha Amelia S. MoCard bas in the following1 dflaoribei piect'S ot1 parcela oí land situated in the villaje i Chelsea, county of Washtemrtr, Btttte of Miohigax deeerfbed as foüows, to-wit: l-ots ,o. 1, , ;, -i, OQ {39} thfrty-nine, in block No. (1 in said village of I 'In 1 kea ! also oommenctng at a pooit two rods east of th nètttheoet corner of said lot one thence running riort along thc highway three rods, thence west sixtee rod, thence south to thc northeast corner of lot No 38 in Bfrtd block Kfo. (6) six, thence eaet to Lhc place o oeginxung; also a piece of land bounded as folio ws on the north bf the last described pieee of land, sout by lot No. thirty-nine, and on the east by lots No. and 2 in said "block, which premisos I shall exposé fo sale at public auction to the highesi bidder, at th south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Ai bor, on the fifteenth day ot' July, a. . 1871, at 10 a m. of ssiid day. DaU'd, June 1, 1571 ÍYRON "VVf:DB, Sherfrfv, 132-itd ■ ByifomftJÍ FciftfcKs, Cnder-bherif Drain Commissioncr's Notice. TVTOTI'-E is her eb y giren that the Drain Com II mlssioner of Washtenavv County willbeatth house of Tatrick Welch, in the township of North .ield, in xaidconuty on tho (ld) nint teenth Xiy ó Jnly, 1ST1 . at 2 o'olück p. m., to meet parties to con ti act for the excavation and constructíun oí a drain to be known as the Ludvick DihId, commencin 10 chains nud CO links south of the qtltfrter B'ake o tho nor tb side of Bcctlon (■ oj thlrty, town 1 onth Ö eaet, and runnlug thence eaaterïv aud nortlierl) t tlic County Draln, ou laud owned by Appieton, Iwillalso be at the house of Patrick Welch. m the f 15) fifteenth day ol" July aforesaid, at whicl time ana place, I wïll exblbit mapa of the abov proppeed drain, and öeecriutiuns nt the tevers parce] of land (Jcemed by me to be beueiited there by, and tho aniunt and descrlptlon b) división an ■ n of theabove projiorted druiii by m appor tioued to ihe owners of each deecrlptioo of land to construct, and the township 'f Northfu;ld te. con stnict on account of sucfc drain benefltinu hiy:h way. and hear reasons, if any are offered, why snel apportionment Bbonld be revtsed or corrected". Anu Arbor, June v4:h, 1871DAVri) r. FINLEY, 13-23 County Drain Commissioner. Drain Comraissioncr's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given, that tho Drain Commis sioner of Washtenaw County wilï be at the house of E. C. Eaton, in the township of Ypsilanti, in Bak county, on the eighth (8th) day of July, 1871, at 2 o'clock p. m., to moot parties to contract for the exea vation and construetioii of a drain to be known a the Eaton Drain, commeneing eighty rods west of the aoutheast corner of sec. H in said town, nud runninj thence easterly and northcrly to wliat is known a AVillow Run, on hmds owned by Bumtms, [ will also be at the house of E. C. Eaton, on thc third {3dj day of July aforesaid, at which time ara place I will exhibit map' of the above proposcd drain and descriptiona of the aeverol poroela of land deemec by me tobe beneflted thereby, and the amount m deserlptïon by divisions and subdivisiona of abov. proposed drain by me apportíoned to tbe owuers o each deacript ion of land to construct, and the town ship of Ypsilanti to construct on account of anch drain benenting higfrway, and to hear reaBOna if an,] are off.-red, why stioh aiiporlioninent should be reviewed or correcter!. Ann Arbor, June 13th 1871. DAVID M. FINLEY, 132(i County Driün Commissioner. Mortgage Sale. DEF VTT.T being made in the condition of a mortgage, exeeuted by Gleorge Kauffinan and Adam lïosbach to James McMulion, dated April 29th,A. D. [868, and recordad same day in the Keijisler's office of Washtenaw County, in book 37 of mortgageft, page 118, by which the power of sale therein containea beciimc operativo ; wbioh mortgage was on the twentieth day of September, 1869, assigned to Lucy W. s. Morfau, md tho aongnment reeoiöed June Sist, 1871, aeróos the record of said mortgage, and the sum of serení y-tive dollars being now claimed as due thereon, and no snit or proceeding liaviny been instituted to teem er i be same, or any part thereof ; Notioe is therefore hercoy given, that said mort-gaspe will be foreclosed by the sale of the mortgaged premises, to-wit : " Lot number thirtcen, in block number four soutli, rauge number t"wo west, in the city of Ann Arbor and State of Michigan," or porae part thereof, at public vendue. at the Court House, in said city, on the twenty-third day of September net, at noon. Dated, June 22d, 1871. LUCY W. S. MORGAN, Mortgagcc. E. W. MOBOAN, Att'y. Mortgage Sale. DBFAT7LT hoving been made in tlic payment of money witJi ten per cent interest thereon, securod by a CLTüiin indentiire of mortgage exeeuted by lliram Stoxma and Agnee E. Btoznss, botli of the city of Ann Arbor, xnd State of Michigan, to John A. Nichola, of the samo place, and hearing date the seventh day of June, A. D. 1870, and recorded in the office of the Iicgiáter of Deeda in the oounty of "Washtenaw, State of Michigan, on tho eighth diy of June, A. D. 1870, in liber 4;i of mortgages, at page 28óf by which default the power of sale in said mortgage bas become operativo, aud no suit or proceediny at law or in chanccry having been instituted to recover the amount due on said inortgai?e, or any part thereof, and the sum of Beven hundjéd and fifty dollars being now claimed to be due upon said mortgage and the bond accompanying the eame; iCíotíoe ia Sierefore hereby given, that said mort?age will be ioreoloed by a sale of the mortgaged premjses, on Saturday, thc ninth day of tíeptomrer, A, D. 1671, at the hour of eleven a. m. ff said day, at tlic south door of thu Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor afoiesaid, (the .same being the place where the Circuit Court for said uounty is held) and that at that time aud place I sliall sell at public uurtion, to thc highest bidder, the pienüses hereinafter describcd, (being the said mortgaged premises), orso much thereof aa sball bc necessary to satisfy tlie imount due on said mortgage and bond at the date of this nol ice, witn interest, and cosrs anü expenses ulLowed by law, together with an Attorney's fee of thirty dallftrs ptovided for in said mortgage, that is to say : all tnoM oertaia pieoea or paroela of land sitúa tud in the eounty of Wafthtenaw anti State of Michigan, known, bounded and desenbed as foüows, to-wit : bcing the voolen fuctory in Brown & Fuller's addition to the viilage etf Ana Arbor, in said oounty of VTashtenaw, withall the privileges and appurtenances, inri muil-; ;ül tbc machinen", apparatus and fixtures remaining thereon and to be put thereon ; and alsojcne following desoribed severalpnicelsof land and privileges and water power, to-wit: commencinu al the southwesterly boundary oí' Mili Btreet in said addition, fifty-six links sotitheasterly from the point where aline drawn from the south corner of block tlirct' in said addition, aoroas and at right angles with ilill Btreet, will intersect said boundary, thence northwesterly along said boundary toree chains and scventy-seven links, thence aouth thirty degreos west to tlio mili, roce, thence?down said race so far that a eourse noith thirty degtees east will intersect the point of beginning, chence to the place of beginiting, together with all the privileges of using thereon 8O7Onty-two square of water to be baken from Boid raoe ; affio commencing twelve fect northweaterly from the northerly corner of the rako factory or cabinet shop forniurly standing betweon the race and riveronthe southwesterly side of said mili raer, thence un the lino of the tana fort y feet, thence BOUthwesterly at rigbt aagles with the line of tlie race to tlio river Huron, theuce at right angles down the river i'orty feet, thence northeasterly al liglii anglas with the line of the race to the place oí hrginning, fnr the purpose of ■ a bulk boad andsuoh other buüdingd as the narties may elect, with the privilege of using onsaid fend 144 square inohes of water, to be taken from said race, togethei1 wiili all the land and priYileges of evevy nature] kind and deecription, oonveyed by ölieldon Tomlinson and Abbv II., bis wife, to the party of the first part, on the 2d oay oí June, A. D. 1869. J lated, Aun Arbor, June 12th, 1871. JOHX A. NICHOLS, D. C&ASOSR, Mortgagee. Att'y. for MottgAgee. i.íl'íí Mortgago Bale. Dl IFAULT ha ving been made in the oonditiona of a certain mortgago exeeuted by Wüliam Pomeroy :i;i Charlotte Pomeroy, his wifo, botli of Ann Arbor, Miohigan, to Luther 3E. Ailcn, of the sanie place, bieb mortgage bears date the tifth da y of February, V. 1 ). 1869, and is reeordcd in the ofRee of the Register f Ueeds of the oounty of "Wnshtenaw, in liber 41 of nortgacs, on psse lfl, and was assjgned by said uthcr E. iillen tú Ij. Fuller, by assignment Lade ín llbei two of ossignment of morígages, on agc lñü, in the oftice of said Register of Deedfl on hc 2Gth day of Maxoh. A, D. 1801, and was f urther shignefl by said Betsy L. Fuller to Lucy A. Bennett, y assignment recorded in liber two of npsignment of . ■■:' i b '■ 600, in the oiKcr of said Register L Deedsand by reason of said def ault Use power öf ale íti siud ïnortgage baving becoxae operatire, and -w claimod (o beduo and omring on said bortgace and hí i ■ ■ aooompanying the .same, tlie sum t BIX bundred and eihty-onc dolíais and fifteen ents, also an Attorncy's fee of twenty dollars, and no uit or proceeding at law or in ehanoery havmg been istttuted to recover the same or any part thereof ; Notice ia therefore hereby given, that on Baturday, he nintli day of September, A. X). 1871, at eleven 'clook a. ir. of said day, at the south door of the Tourt House, in the city oj' An-ïi Arbw, tn said eounty f Vii.-]iii'ii;nv (the banu temg the plaèe wherethe 'irciiit e -vut for said eounty ia lu:ld), I sliU sf-ll at uttion, to th higheet bidder, tlie pp lereinafter desonbed (&eing the prcinhes uescribcd i Bttid iportgage] o so much Öiereof as shaU )e neeesabsy to ratisfy tha amount due on said oortgage aml note at the date of thia notie, vttti interest and costa and expenses allowed by mt, tfcwt ia to say : all that pieee of land ktuated :: rbor, in tiit1 eounty of Washtenaw, deseribed b all that part of the west half of thf nortbeaori quaver of sectáon nuzober nineteen (19) in tawnship nmber bwo south of range i aast, ín the Btutecf [iohigan, which waa deeaed by George 1). Hill anrl wife to the paiMies of the first pari in said mortgae, y deed made on the fint day of October, A. 1). 18(10, iid reoorded in liber number M of deeds, fortíie ounty of Washtenaw, on page 1"'.), containing fiftyliroe acres inore or lesa, tö whüih last inentioned eed this advertísement refersfor a further deecripIon of said pr Dated, Anu Arbor June 2, 1871. LUCV A. BBKNBTT, D. CbamxBj Assiguee of 5fort.gage. f siJ Assignee. 2326 Mortgage Sale. DEÏAULT baving beeá mode i the condition él a ccrtain mortgage uxceuttid by Ucorge W. ld n.ii'k and Nellie SlcConawk, et' thïxitty fAnn Mbór county of Wasfetenaw, and State of Michigan, tu AJice M. Betítf, oí the aame place, on the 2:td day o Mureh, a. d. 1869. and reoorded in the ( mie of the KLL'-istcr óf iWds ö'f said onunty of Waahte naw, uu the 2Sd day of March, 1869, At 6 o'clock p. m of suid dny, in Liber 39 of mortji'ages, on page 659, oi wbich jnortgsge there is doined to bu dtjfe at th?dït of Üöb notitie the sum of oné'tHoüsaild onÜ st&y-eign dollars and seventy-four cents, and an Attorney's fie oi' thiriy dollars therefor, in additkm to all oth t Lega costs, shonld uny proceedings be taken to foreclos said oaprtgage, md no prooeedinga in luw or in equit havinu been liad to recover said sum of money or an part tnereof : Xow, therefore, notice is hereby grten Chat, by virtue of a power of snle ín wtid morteag oontained, .1 -I'"!! set! at public auction to the highes tydder, on the seoond day ot Septexolttt nest, at o'clock p. M. of said day', at the front door of th Court House in the city of. Ann Arbor, county aföro Hiiid, (thut being the place of holding the Circuit Cour for said county), all th oso certain pieces or pareéis o laúd situnted in the city of Ann Arbor, countv o Waahtenaw' áforesaid knvwn, borrodtd Ww ■ ' as folio ws, to-wit: the west iialf of Ints in:i and ten (Í) & 10) block number threu (Sj south oí lluro Street, and runfie number two (2) eaat, nccording to recordad plat of the village (now city) oí Ann Arbor county oí Washtenaw afuresuid. June lat, 1871. ALICE M. BEERS, Mortfcaprco. John N. Gott, Atty for Mortgageo. 1324 Mortgage Sale. DEFAT'LT having been made in the condition of oertaizi mortgage exeeuted by Torrey 0. Thomp son, od I tit y oi Ann Ari'ir, ''jimty ot 'Viishtenaw and State of Michigan, to l'hebe Jith$ Slfeworth, c tWo townahip of Lodi, county of Waalititfiaw rtfoTS said, cm the Kd &&9 OÍ June, A. D. Í868, and recordó in the office of the Kcgister of Deeda for suid county on the 2lith day of Juno, a. d. 18ö8, atll o'eloek Á m., ín Liber S!) of nn-tgage, on pag-e litl, on whic mortgage mul note aobompanying tlie same there i claiznea to be duc at the date of this notice the sum o nine huncVrwJ ftíiíí &vc dollars and snty-two cents GfSsO ah atlorney's fee of thirty dollars should an procoedings be taken to foreclose this mortgage, an no suit or procceding in law or cqnity hJavinft been in stituted to recover the debt or any part thercof : Xo tioe is hereby given, that by virtue of the power o sale eontained iu said mortgage, I sh.ill sell to th bigbeet bidder on the second day of September neiïi ■t 1' -'Vloek p. h. of said day, at the front door of tli Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in said cuunt of Washtenaw, the premiaes described in suid mort gage as all thoee certain pieces or parcela oí' land situ ated in the city ef Ann Arbor, Hint? of Wflshtenai and State aforesairl, known, boundcd and doseribed foUowB, to-wit: lïeing lots auznber ten utid eleven i block number one, and lots fivo, six, twenty-1 b twenty-four in blotrk numbei tiro, nnft lot numbe four in block nurnNjr tour, aOOOrolñg to a recoi'dö plat of Hill's additicfn to the city of Ann Arbfjr, Mich igan, rssetving from said sale Iota ten nnd eleven ii block one aforesaid, heretoforc released. Jüne Ist, 1871. PHEBE JANE ELLSWORTH, Hortgiwee. John N. Gott. Attorney for Mortgayee. 1324 Mortgage Sale. DEFATILT havfng been made m the conditions of morton e oxemtod by Mary ai. Watkins to Ed ward Treadwcll, and dated April 4th, 1870, whic tztetttgage is recorded in the office sf tbe Kegistor o Dófeda tor the county at Wribtöti#w, ötate uf Michi gan, in liber -l'ï, on piige 22X, and by reason of said de fa uit there beinji now due the sum of two tliousant scven hundred and twenty-tltree dollars and eihty cight cents, also an Attomoy's fee of thirty dollars and no ptoceedings at law or in enuit y haring bee: had to recover said amount ; Notice is thercfore herc by friven, that on Satnrday, the 5th day of Avguai 1871, at eleven o'clock of said day, at the south door o the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in pak county, I shall aeU at public auction, to the bighefl bidder, the prenases described in said mortgage, tha is to say : all of the foUowing piecofl nv paroSfl of hint itnate iii the city of Ann Arbor, aioresuid, known ;md deseribed as follows : Lot No. one, and the eai half of lot Xo. two, in block No. one north of lluron street, in range Xo. two east, according to the recordee plat of said city. Dated, Ann Arbor, May Sth, 1871. EDWAED XJREADWELL, D. Crameb, Mortgagee. Att'y. for Mortgagee. 1321 Movtgage Sale. DËFAULT having been made in the oonditione o ficcrtaiii mortgage, executedby John D'Woïf, ant Caroline 0'W'olf, of the township of Freedom, Wash tenaw County, Michigan, to Jolin Jaoob Fiegel, of th same place, hearing date the eighth day of July A. D 1870, and recorded in the Ecgistcr's oiïice for the sak County of Washtenaw, on the eighth day of July, A 1. 1870, in liber 41 of Mortgages, on page. 659, by rea son of wliich dcfault there is now due and to becom due upon said mortgage the sum of six hundred anc seventy-foiir dollars and flfty-two cents, and no suit q proceeding at luw or in chancery ha ving' been insti tuted to recover said amount, or any part thereof; Notice is therefore hereby pi ven, that on Satunlay the twenty second day of July, A. D. 1871, at eleven o'clock A. M., of tlie said day at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said Count of Washtenaw, [the same being the place where th Circuit Court for said county is held), I shall sell a public auction to the bigbeet bidder the premises herc inafter described, or so much thereof as shall be neces sary to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage at th date of thia notice with interest and costs and expen sos áUowod by law, toprether with an Attorney's fee o thirty dollars, provided for in said mortp-age that is to say hII that certain tract or parecí of land situated in the tov.nslnp of Freedom, County of Washtenav, ann stüte ofAÜcbigan, known and described as the cas half of the north west quarter of the north west quur ter of metion number twclve, in township numbei three south of range number four east, in the distric of land subject to sale at Detroit, Michigan, contamina Iwfníy acres more or less. Ann Arbor, April 24, 1871. JOHN JACOB FIEGEL, Jtforfgagee. T). Cn.Mr:it, Attorney for Mortgagee. 13I0td Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS, default has been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage, made aud executed by Daniel Long, Jr., on the twenty-third day of Deeember, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty nine, to John McCormick, which mortgage was reoorded on the oazne day, in the office of the Regiflferof Deedfi in and for the county of Washtenaw, Michigan, iu liber lorty-twi of mortgages, and puge two hundred and flfty; anc whereas, t.iercis now due and unpaidthc sum of thirt dollars on said mortgage and tlie note aocompanyinf the same for kitèreat, and the fuxther sum of tïiret hundred dollars pi inoipal and aoorning interest abovt the said thirty dollars will become due on the flrst dn of October next, and there is alao thirty dollars due fo'i an attorney fee. providud for in said mortgage shonïc any proceedings oe taken to foreclose the same; and whoveas. no pi ■ofeedings at law or ui eqiiity hare boei rakin to reeo ver the same or ny part thereof: notice is hereby glven, by virtue of the power of sale oontoinec in said mortgage, that on Monday, the aeventeent} day nf July A. 1. eigJiteen hundred and Beventy-one at the hour of tweïve o'elock, noon, of said day, :it the frontdoor of the Court House for the county oi Washtensw, the undersigned will scll at public auction, to thu bighest bidder, the prcniises described Ín sok mortffage, of snifioient thereof to pay and satisfy the said debt, the interest thereon, the costs and expensa of said sale, and the attorney fee provided for in saic mortp-itge : The said premisos being described as that ertain pieoe or paroei of ltnd lying and being in tht city of Ann Arbor, Ín the county of Wtwhtenaw, bouudod and described aa follows, béing the south hal] of the following described land, boundcd by the Ann Arbor city limite on the north: on the east by the Catholie Cemetery ; on the Bouth by the Chubb rood; n the west by lands röoently oceupied by Mra. Sük, eing eight rods in front and ten rods deep. Ann Arlor, April lllh, 1871. JOHN McCOEMICK, Mortgagee. O. HAWxnra, Attorney for Mortgagee. 1317-td. Estáte of John Diehl. C TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenav, m. O At a session of the Probate Conrt for the County tí Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arlior, on Friclay, the twenty-third lay of Juno, in the year oiie thousand eight hundred and soveni y-one. Present, llirani J. Beakes, Jutlge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of John Diehl, leoeasea. On reading and filing the petirion, chily verificil, oí Üdargaretta Diehl, praying thnt Leonard Granel ii. iy be appolnted Adminiatrator of the catate of ea il. Thereapon it ia ordercd, that Monday, the twenty'ourth day of .luly next, at ten o'elodc in the foreloon, be asadgned l'or the hearing of said petition, md that tiie heirs at law of said deceaaed, and all other persons inteiested in said estáte, are required to ap)ear at a Benion of said Court, thext to be holden, at he Probate Om'ce, in the City of Anu Arbor, and hove cause, it any there bo, why the prftyer of the tetitionei liuuld not be gianted : And it is furtliei irdered, that said petífáoncr give notice to the persona nterested in said estafo, of the pendency of said petiiou, and the hearing thereof, by causing a eopy oí bis order to 1m' pnbaished in the Michigan Argut, a lewspaper printed and cn-culuting in said County, hitje sneoessjve weeks previous to aaid flay of hearing. (A truecopy.) HlítAM J. BKAKES, 1328 Judice of Probate. Eestate of John Mason, OTATE O1-' MICHIGAN, County oí Wushtenaw, w. r At a session of the Probate Court for the County jf Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oltice, in the ity oí' Ann Arbor, on Tuesdny, the twenty-seveuth day of June, in the year one thousand cight hundred and e ven tv -one. Present, Hiram J. Boakes, Jurlgc of Probate. In the matter oí' the estato of John Masou, deceased Samuel Masón, administra tor of said estáte, comes nto Court and represents that he íb now preparad to onder bis final account is guch Administratm . Thercupon it isoi'dered, that Monday, tlie twenty"ourth day of .luly next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, e aasjgnea tor examining and allowing snoh account, ind that the heirs at law of said deceascd, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to ffipear at a session of said ( 'om t, then to be holden, at lie Probate Offloe, ín the ity oí Ann Arbor, in said County, and show canse, it' any there )% why the said (TMiiuf shöuld uot be allo wed: And it ís foxtner rdered, that said Administrator give notice to the rsoaa Lnterested in said estatej oi Uie pendency of aid aoeount, and the hearing thoreof, by eanetng a opy ot' tliis order tt be pnblisliul in tho MïaMffCtn Irffu, a newspapcr printed and circulating in said County, three successivc weeks previuna tu said day f hearing. I true oopy.J HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1328 Judg-e of Probate. Estáte of Hu#h Vaughn. QTATE Oï MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, . At a asasion of the Probate Court for the County f "Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the l'ity of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the tweniy-sixth day f June, iu the year one thousand eiglxt hwadred nd seveni y-one. i, Iliram J. Bea&fis, Judge of Probate. Tn the matter of the estrtte of Hugh Vaughn, eeased. Maryaret Vaughn, Administratrlx and Michael Valsh, adnfcinfotrator de boni i'n of said estáte oomea n Court and represent that they are' now prepared to endex their final account a-s sut:h Administratrix and tlministrator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twenty'ourth day of JnlyiMXt, at ten ocloek iu the foreoon, be asigued fw examining and allowing such ctount, and th i the ht bu at [aw of ssid Aeeeaaed, and il other persons iaterested iu said estáte, are reuired lo appear at a n saion of said Conrt, tlicn to be olden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County, and show causo, if any thero ie, why the said account Bhould not be nllowed : And further ordered that snid Adminiatratrij; md dministraior give notioe to the persona rntfimeted ta iid eatate, of the ])endency of faid account, and the earing themof, by causing a oopy of this cxder to be ublished in the Michigan Argw n oewspaper printed ná airenlating ia said Connty, tbxee soewalTe weeks reviouB t' said day of hearing. (A truc copy.) HIBAM J. BBAKES, 1328 .fnd.e of Probate. AU persona who baveolimsagainst the estáte of the te Minerva E. Mundj, will present Üiem tor adjustracnt at the office of H. D. Bennett, üairersity buildntr, on or befare the öfth day of September, 1871. Dal 1, Anu Arbor, June 8th, 1871. t. D. BI NNETÏ, ) BEDGWICK DBAK, 5 Truslees. LKMUEL F08TEE, )


Old News
Michigan Argus