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Comniissioneí-s' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. County WaAh ' mOmcmgaad havins been appointwi ?' Probate Court tor wúd .imty, ComnuteS nht ':eic, examine snd adjnst all claims and iU.m,.,H i persons agafanrt the eetüf f Leander I iitiür" of siiid Cmimy, dec. u S, (tereír) rrc not'ice a' '"!' monthsfrom date are allowed, by ordci of ,.?.' bata ( 'unit, tor creditors to present' thcir cliim v the estáte of said detened, and that thcv ín Min"l on Beturday, the iifth day of AuKúst -ml? S"""T, the íirst dty of December next, at 10 o'c'lock A " each of snid days, to receive, examine, uní Ifflia'j claims. 'o"UOTJuS(lal Dated, June lst, A. I). 1871. ,,„. CAtED ;:vhk, ( "2;w OTHNIEL GOOD1NG, j t'ommusiomn Estáte of "Williaru H.CooL STATE OF Mil ini AN Countv of WaAfc. At aseswon of the PíSfate Court tor tïï , '"■ of Waslitenaw, holden at tlie Probate Óffi ?"f City oí Ann Arbor, on Thursduy, the twénS 'tht day of June, in the year one 'thousand uieht?". Present, Hirnm J. Jíeakes, .Judge of Probafp In the matter of the Kstate ol Williani Ji r deceased. -". uoj Emeline Cook, Administratrix of said estiitp into Court and represent that he b now vin"1 to ronder her final account as such ilim„;V1''4 Thereiípí M h orclcred, that Monday th.í""'fourth day of Jiily next, at ter-Vclock in thc w""r' be assigned for examining and allffwiiu, MXW' I euunt, and that the heirs at law of saií ífi-Ü' and all other persons interested in sai,] arerequirad toappenrat a Bossion of said cómtiö I to be holden at the Probate Office, in the 0i j I Ann Arbor, in said eciunty, and show rase if there be, why the ssrtS account should nS"? ' alltrtred: And t wttfrtíier ordered.that saij u Sü istratns gí nótice to the persons lew!?said catate, of the pendency of said account i,? keuring thereoí, by eausing a copy of th ortnto fc pubbshed in the Michigan Argm, a ncwspaper miíf and mreulating in snid eouuty, thre mnlzïï weeks previous to said day of hearing (A trae copy.) Hl RAM J. ÏÏKAKE8 liS ' . ta of ïrobal,, Estáte of Geo. Gotts, Heñ. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of Wushtnmr At a session of the Probate Conrt for ('oimtw W ashtenaw, holden at the Probate Office ij tí"?, of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the rwcnty-gMt } J June in the year one thousand eight tiundnrf ,,"i seventy-one. Present, Uiiain J. Beakes, Judge of Probate In the matter of thc estáte oí George Gotta'ii,im dcoeased. ' "t' Orí rertdfílg and filing the petition.dulvTcriSMl ,i llary Gotts, praying that Edwin Jactara oí other suitablc person, rnay be appointcd adminíta! tor of the catate vi said deceased. Thereupon it ím ordered, that Hondlrf thr tm fourth day of July next, at trá o'clock in lii forenoon, be asaigned for the hdririr of snid etifil and that the heirs at law of snii! decenaed, and all? er persons Intexested ín said estafe. ?■ Tcquiretl to ií jíear at a session of said Court, then tó 'tholi ., the Probate Office, in thc City of Ann Artor ,.í show cause, íí any there be, wliy thc piuver a Z petitioner should not be granted : And it is faitW ordered, that said petitiuner prive riotice to the pemw intereated in said estáte, oí' the pcmieju'y of suMiw! tion, and the hearing thereof , by causmg n copy otöil order to be poblúhed in the Michigan Arpa, í tal paper printed and cirnilatin;; iii snid ouñtv tbr succesive weeks prevíous to snid dny of hearinií (A true copy.) II1KAJÍ .7. BEAKtí MM JndgeofPrakt,.. Estáte of Obed A. Alvor OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of TVnsMenaw u. 0 At a session of the Probate Court for thet'omitTol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the íitr of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the twenty-seveuthiiit i June, is the year ono thousand eiht hundred'iad sevonty-one. l'rescnt llíram J. Iíeakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Obcd A. Almri deceased. On reading and filiníí thepetition, dnlj vciilkd.ol Eosebia Sí. Alvord, praying thíit a certain iatr now on filo in this court, puiportin!; tu bc the lo: will and testement of suiíl deceaaed, mny bfl íiiimittd to jirobiite, and that she, David tí. Alvord und Fun Cass Alvord may be appointcd Executora thereof. Thereapon it is ordered, that Monday, the twraiyfourth day of July next, at ten o'clock in the Eonam, 1; aoürgnod for the hearing of said petition, aiuIthitlU leñatees, devisees and heii? at law oí' saiduoceased.Md all other persons interested in suid estáte, are requirai to appear nt a session of said Court, then tobehotóeí, at thc Probate Office, in the City of Aun Arta, ni show canse, if any there be, why the pruyer uf tl ] titiínier shoulil not be (rrnnted : And 'it is hita ordered, that said petitioner gire notice to the pencni interested in swid estáte, of the pendency of Baid it tion, and the hearing thereof, by causingacopyoíttii order to ])e published in the Michigan Argxs, a Den. paper printed and circnlating in said Cotinly, tkitt sucecasire nvs previous to said day of heariaf. (A true eopy.) HIKAM J. BEA08, 1328 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Lydia Church. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, Oonnty of Wiishteca, w 0 At asession of the Probate Court for the Comí; ofWashtenaw, holden at tbe Trobate ofllce ii tbe City uf Ann Arbor, on, Hit twenti-ltot day of June, in the year one thúnsand eithíbu. dred and seventy-one. Present, Ilinnn J. BeakeB, Judge oí Prohtf. I the matter of thc estáte' of íjdia Ihnt't, deceased. iheodore F. McDonald, Administrntorof taid ■ tatc, comes into Courtíind represents thatheis mi prepared tu rencler bis final account as snch Adin istrator. Thcrenpon it is Ordered, that Mocd.iy. tlit '■ enteenti: day ol' ,July Dfrtt. nt tan o'clorlt i forenflon, beassiyned for examiniiif: and allowiDg snch aceoiml. anii thut the heirs atlaw oiutii ceased.and all other persons i iiïerestedinsaiiiestnle, are reqnlred to appear at a sesstonofsíii(Coürt,tlieD to be holden at the theC'ilrof An Arbor in BaldOonnty.and show canse iíanTtherf hr, why the Baid account shonld notbeaioweft-. ABft'uis fnrther ordered, that said Adinnislratorreeiilit! to tbe personsinterestefl in stiid estáte, ofthepfn. deney of said account, and the hearimr thcrenf, íiy earuliig a copy of tls order to )c puMished hitte Michiguii Argtts, n newspaperprinteil rtiin circnlalicj insaidCotliity, three successive weeks previo! I gai'1 dny of hearing. (A truecopy.) HIKAM í. BEAKES. lMTtd Jnd'.'eofProbiK, Estáte of Roswell Curtís. STATKOP MICHIGAN, Connty of Wiwnteiuw,. At asession of the Probate Conrt rorlheConi' 01 Washtcnaw. holden at the Probate Office in til ('ilv (.fAnn Arbor, ooThnrsday, the tirenljieeoiil dny of June, in the yar one "thonsand eighlhudred and yeventy-one. Present Hirnm .7 üc.ikeí, Uxüge of Prohate In the matter of the estáte of RobkcII C'. dccca;ed Lcster Curtís. Execnt'T of thc last will ad ttanient of oid decensed, comes hito Conrt aldrfpresems that lie is now prepared to render hit Í' account ae fnch ExeColor. Thcrenpon it is Ordered, that Jlondny, the teeiuh day of Jnly nejt at ten o'clock in the for noon, be assigiied for examining and allowi: snch acconnt, and that the Icgatces deTia and heirs at law of said deceased. oí "" other persojis interefted iu said eetntc, are rfr quired loappcar nt a eesslor. of said ('onrt, tte'1 be holden at thc Probate Orlice, It the C'iiy of Aun Arbor. in satd Connty. and show c.'inic, if aov Uk" be.why the said acconnt shonld not beallo"' And it is fnrther ordered that sskl En' give notice to the persons interested in Mid csuit, of the pendency of snid acconnt, nnd the heanng thereof. bycansintf a copy of this order to be pw lishedinthe Mkhigav Atfius, a newspaper pnurö and clrcn lating in siiid Conuty. three UW"" weeks previons to said dny of hearinj:. f A trnecopy.) H1RAM J. BEAKES. lS'iT jHdt'eofProbsltEstáte of Jacob Maehrlc. STATE OP MICHIGAN, Connty of Wmhteta. At a session of thc Probate Court lor the Comí; of Wnshtenaw. holden at the Probate office. i]' City of Anu Arbor, on .Monday. the nincteen!"; of .Tune. in the year one thonsand ei{bt iawm ind seventy-nne. Present, Iliram .1. Beakes. Judie of Prohate In tlie matter of the estáte of Jacob Mae!"'1 deceased. CatliHiine Barbara Bauer, feimcrlv C.i'.l'roi Barbara Maehrle. Bieentrlx of the last BI testament of said deceated. comes into f onrt t0 represen'! that shci now prepared to rende'-" flnal account as snch Kxocutrlx Thereupon His ordered, thatMoilsj, t!e ", "f teenth day of Jnly next, at ten u'clock iii tIa'b noon, beassianed for examininjr and allo int"' account, and that the leñatees deviïcef aiid " " aw of said decea-ed, and all other peraons l tr' cstcd in said estáte are reqmred to nppeal n j session of said Court then to be holden Probate Offlcc, in the City of Ann Arbor, in" connty, and show cause, if any therebe, " ■ saidacconntshonldnotbeallowed : And ■' her ordered, t bat naid Eieeutrix irive notlw the persons interested in saitl eslate, of ti' J dencyofsaid account, and thehcariiip thcifO' cansinga ct)py of this order to bc publiaht'd l11" Michigan Argnx, a newspaper printed aod . atine in said Cotinty, three successive previonsto said day ol hearinii. f A true copy.j HIKAM J BEAKlf; 132Hd JndteolProWtEstáte of Drakes - Minors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN', County of Washtcn. O At a session of the Probate Court fur the CW of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office m J uj of Anu Aibor, on Wednealay, the tourtrenth '!j tune, in the year one thousand eight hundred eveiity-one. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Prolmte. In the matter of the estáte of Mary L ' ,ucia A. Drake, Abiam A. Urake ind WiUi.' Jrake, minors. ■,.. Nathan Salyer, Guardian of said estáte com .'ourt and represents tliat he is now prepared w .er his itnal account ns iueh Guardian. . Thereupon it is ordered, that Mondad ;j; enth day of July, next, at ten o'clock l orenoon, be auigned for exuminiug. a d e[ nii such account, and that the next of uid minors, and all other persons interest aid t state, are required to appear at ft S?L a ..i'l ( ourt, then to be holden at the Probate OW he City of Ann Arbor, in said Connty, f"0,! cause, if any therebe, why the said aeiomil "''""r',;. e allowed: And it is tttrtbsr ordered, tliatfwyjr). ian give noticie to the perswib intcxesteil ib ? áT$: .ate, of the pendency of said account and the rj i. by causing a copy of this order U be 1'1n the Michigan Árout, a newspaper printed au ' ating in said County, three suecessive weeks pr to sud day of hearing. rs (A t rae eopy.) UIEAf J. BI ■ )yL 13-2H Juderf!iïEstate of John Fream, Sr. Q TATE Ol' JI K HU i A.N , ( of WashtilM k5 Ata Bession of the Probate Court fortlici f Wiislifuuaw, holden at thc-1'robatcOUicc, "'': f Ann Arbor, on l'riday, the mnlli o.jd une, in the year one thousand cifht Jinnnn eventy-one. ". Present Hiram i. Beskes, Jtulfre of TTofiaK' . 1 n the matter of the estáte ot John i'Kata, nv,fieñ, oL On readinir and filiTiK the petition. duly r "!JeJlE. ohn i'reiiiu, Junior, praying thut Öeorge ".■ r someotlier suitaHi; person, uiay be VV""' i linistrator de bonii wu with the wül lai'-i"1 Thereupon it is oidered, tht Jlonday, uk „ ay of July next, at ten o'clock in the lr?LV. -s:ipnea tor tbe hearing of sxid petition, ni ' (,j . .Irvisees and hriis :,t laW u! siid 'lllTfl;wl 11 other persis inttrested in said e.-late, ar' 'Sjdefc o apptar M sistinn of said court, then to m j ttiw Probate OÍBee, in tlie City of Ann A q( tj,e iow cause, if any there be. why lbo I' furtk" Htitioiiei slinuld uni be rauted : And it ,f jtrdevcd, that said petitioner givenotiM to oI ons interested in said estáte. ,.t the I"""-, lid petition, and the hearing thireot, ! y,,,,.;' opy of ibis ordei t be publisliêd i ■ d i Dcwspaper printed and 1'oul1l'""1ud d ofl mnty, three nuccewux teeks v"''-'vluuö '" '


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Michigan Argus