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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. EDWIN F. rlïl Prosccntlng Attorney. At Anu Arhdr Tureday mil Fcidoyof each wcuU oflci. m 0Ort Hornet 1H" ï ïl'K SCMIHII. Dealen 11 Dry Gooda. U'i.rucerfc. Crotkei-y.ic No. 4 South Malu Str. _ ' liToHKIS II A LK, nl.""SSÏdttC uil Ofltee Al tío. 18. cornet WilHums and Ttaouipsoii Streel. B,.sular offlcc honn 1 to 3r.M. ICUAi:i, JllilKAÏ, Roofor Pire and Water ProoT. Feit aixl Omposition Gravel B„of pat on to order and warrauted. Iïesidence on hfcraou Street, Ano Arbor. _____ il. ELIÜi CO, Drusgists and dealers . In Ptiuls, Oils, etc. Hu. S Soutk MaiQ Streut, Ao Arbor. Q. A. SKSSIONS, Attorney and Couuselior at La , Ucal Kti.te and Insurance Ageut Con. remiclnï and Collixlion of laims pri.mptly at teiidra to on term. Ofllce iu Donncllya1 BkKk. op taire, Hurón street, Anii Arbor, MichWH. JACKSOSi, entl6t.sncccsortoC. B. Porter. OfBce corner Maiuaud Hurou utrects. rer the store of R. W. Ellis fc o . Ann Arbur, jl_. ncüietics admlnislcrod If req-.iired. Wl BKKAKKY, M. Phyoïcian and Sureeou. Ollici', at resldence corner of Hu(on ïud División 8treetl flrst door eat of Presby ttri.iu Churrb , Auü Arbur, Midi. EJ. JOIÜ'iSOi, Dealer in Hnts and Cp, f ar. Slraw Goods Gents Furnishing Goods, ie. No 7 Soutli Main .-treet. Ann Arbor. Mich. crTIIi:KI.An A HEDON. Life and t'ir'1 iittiur-üC'1 .'cnt. and dcalern Real Kstale. DUlce on Ilnron Str-il . EWIü C. KIS1ON, Dealer in Hardwnre, Stoves. House Kurni ïiuiiGood, Tia W'aif,fcc. Ko. 31 Ünuth llain street. BAC1I Sc ABEL, Dealere in Pry Good Groccriw, ie _c.,So ï6 Soutb Main Mreet, Aun Arbor. SLAWSON & SO', Grccirn, Provisión and OoromlMlon Merrhants. and dealers in Water Li_c, Uud Piaster, and Piaster Paris. No. 10 East Ilnron slreet., tt'hiilesaie and RetalLDealer . in kendy .Made CIotMnc, i'lotlm, Cassimercs, .s.andGent'8 Furnishing GO"ds. No.i.' South tlill Sirivt. __ 11" W. WAÍiíEIlí Di-airr in Keady M-deHoth M luz,(-totka Cassiincre. Vesting. Hato. Caps, [: :ik. .' Ctrpet Dag, &c. ül 'outh Main street. iifl.nom: Sc FISHLE, Boolueller aurt StuI tioin-r M.dical Lnw and (Jollen Te_t BO'ks, Vh'fll ai:d Mbcell.ineou lïookn. No. 3 North Main nt. Orifrory Itlock, Anu Arbor. rKUEX V L_WIS,'De_lera In Booi, Shoea Gmwrfi, Ï5'ippefs, &c. No. - Coat Hurou t-treet, tno rir. W II. DAVENPORT & CU., BA1MKERS, SALINE - - - MICHIGANBIT ANO SELL Government Securities, Gold Coin, Lrafts on Detroit, New York, Boston, and othor Citles AIjo receivc money un Depofit make Colltcione, and altend promptly to all businc.-s pertainiug to Bnltin. Muuej loaued on npproved Securitics. }3-'Sm3 Teacher of Music, Gives instruclion on the PIANO, VIOLIN AND GUITAR, at hls office No. 57 South Mam street, (Moore'b buitdiügj,or at th rceidcuce of the pupil. PIANO TUNIIG, ■ide a specialily and satigfaction guarantced; UUjí ('EOCKEBY. GLASSWABE & GROCERIES, J. & Donnelly. llave ín store alargestockof Crockerj, (Jlaapware. lited Ware.Cntlcry Groccnes, &c, 4c, all tobt Kld at unusually low pricoa. No. 12 East Muron Street, Ann Arlmr ll-sif .1. a i". iom:i.i. v. jöhnöTgall, dealeb irr FEESH AND SALT MEATS, I.AHI), SAU8AGK8, Ktc. Orders solicitcd and promptly fllled with thebest eau In the market. 31 Kast Washington stroet. Ann Arbor, Sopt. 16th, 1869. lUMtf M AKKSEY, Q3Jk Manu tactn rcr of Carriages. Buggies, Wagons, AND SLElOÜSof every tjie, made ofthn best niterial, and warranied. Horee f hoelnp and Ke PilrÍDg done promptly and prices reaonable. Detroit Street, near K. H. Depot, Ann Arbor, Stich 13-22yl [)R. O. B. POUTER, DEISTTIST. ce o the SAVINGS BANKBLOCK, Aun Arbor. U Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFORMEÜ IV1TH CARE. WSTJRPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE SETTING ARTIFICIAL TEETH, TO OtVE EACH INDIVIDUAL, 'tre of the proper #èc, $kape,colort firmnetsand Hi al ezprettion, 1244 JUMBER YARÖT C. KRAPF, ;, ,'■ a Urge and well jtockea Lnmber Tftril on ''f'raon Street, In the eouth part of the Cltv, anrt ""'tep constantly on hand an excellent varlety of UiMBER,SHINGLES,LATH&C mï-ïer'" bc ld " 'Ow " Cl"1 be afforcled in this lotllty and prlces snch that' NO ONE NEED GO TO DETROIT. C. KB APP. n Arbor, January 2Oth, 1871. 886 P C. JENKINS & H. RANDOLPH "WHITE, M. D. DENTIST8. COESER OF MAIN AND WASHINGTON ST'S. AU Operations peiformed in the Most Thorough and Solentlflc manner. Nltrous Oxide Gas constantly on hand, n admlnlstered with perfect safety. 13o.yl.


Old News
Michigan Argus