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Why Women Fall

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The ' social evil is not conhned by a great deal, to the places wkere it exists 111 its more public manifostation. Awhile ugo, haviug some curiosity to ascertain if the " personáis " in the Sunday's Tribune wero bona tide, and, it' so, what was tho chamen r ut' tlioseudvertising:, I answered four of fchem. In time I recoived replies, with the followiiig rosult : No. 1. A wij uw wiio keeps a boarding house on Michii-ui :-enue, abot SOyeaxs of age, with one child. No, 2. A youag lady on Wabash avenue, near twunty-sccond stri'ct, about twtiity-two years old. No. 3. A uulow one of the "courts" between ffabaeh and Michigan avenues, about thirty-two years oi' age, with three cliildren. No. 4. A numic-d wonian residing en South l'ark avenue, about thirty, with a sickly husband and no childn n. All wanted thesame thing -a " fricinl" who could asáat them- the younglady and the married 1 idj spoke oí dress purticularly. So ruuch for thatonecxpeiiuicnt, whieh, I aasure you, is litoraUy truo. Now the organ of this claes ofpeople is publishing these " personáis " all the time - 68pecially eyery Sunday, The t'u-ts I have related' go to show that the evil is íearfully on the increase all ovr the city, and indícate a Btate ol moráis not of thu most favorable kind. One ivsult'oí' my investigations OJB this subject is to le.ul me to llie e.ineiusion that the passion fordressand display ís the eause for ft lárge páctioB of this evil. I ara thorougilj oonvinced that niore j_rii-ls mu seduocd into a Ufo or shamc oya lesire io kiep np with Ihe timM in fashioimble iltiru tli:m in im ntl' r way. In f net 1 believu hst three out of every fivo enter the gato tbat leda to destruction through tho wiles of the temptor - Fashion. The womon Oifiu'olvcs, therefore, who run riot in the eitravagfaace of dress swe principally more ohargeatle in my opiion with thi1 cxisti'iu-c; ind extensión of ial ovil " tlüin are the men. - Chicago Beputl -■ - mm- - - Cavoda was exuuuttd on the Ist inst. at Puerto Prinoipe. He previously wrote lettus tu Villamil, liis brotber Adolpho and othr Cnbaa generala advi. ing tlicin to sntrender, :is tlmt was the onle WTor they ooul4 do to Cuba; that i (luiiini itioii ui' li ■ struggle would only entail th( tedding of blood, m that thq Cuban oftjtrae WH lost at me and in tlm "United StaU's.


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