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E? QR BENT A DESIRABLE STORE ! And CELLAR. Alr on Fine Front Room over thelr New Store, No. 18 Min St., froui August lst 1871. Bnquire oí 183Otr O.W. BAYS. Supt. OUILDERS ATTENTION, SANFORD & CARPENTER MAOHINISTS Are prepsred to do all kmcli of LATHE SCHEW CUTTING, PLANING, POWER PIXiHSifi, BRIDOE AND BUILDING BOLTS ! - - ALSO STEAM AND GAS PITTING IN ALL ALL 1T3 BH INCH KS. AOEXTS FOP. STEAM & GAS FITTERS GOODS (JOOKS, VALVE3, WI1ISTLES, &C. ALSO Model Making of every variety Baement of Conrier Offlc, Cor. Mala and Catherloe Strcetn . ANN AKUOR. I33o-m3 QOMETH1NG EVV AT 50 Main Street ! lotjis walz, grocer&confectioner HAS A FULL9TOCK IN UI9 LINK, AND WILL PRi'MPTLY SERVE THB PUBLIC WITU SCGARS, TEAS. COPFEK8 SPICES, SYRÜM, CANDIES, ETC. Farties Supplied WITH CAKES OF ALL KINDS AT SHORT NOTICK, OP THE BEST QUAIITY, AND AT THE MOST LIBER4L TERMS. CALL -A-líriD SE03 HIM BEFORE PURCHASINO-. 1330 m6. PXTKAORDINARY 1NDUCEMENTS TOPÜRCnASEHSOF DRYGOODS ALSO CARPETS AND 01L CLOTHS. THE FARMERS' STORE! Will now offer Thirty ThouaDd Dollars worth of SPRING and SU 11 MER DRY GOODS! AND GROCERIES! AT REDUOED PRICES! FOR THIRTY DAT8 BEFO E HOVING INTO rHEIR'NEW STORE! No. 23 South Malu Street, now belug fltted up ncxt door tu Wiues & Worden's G, W. HAYS, Supt. i Aun Arbor, July lOth 1871. 1330-ml 1 Estáte of Coraelius Laughlin. 1 C TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wunhtenaw, ss. 1 ij Ata session of the Probate Court for tbe County i of Waahteuaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Arbor, on fcÑiturday, the eighth day of ' July, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one. Preaent Iliram J. Beukes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Ketnte o? CorneliuB Laughlin, deceased. On readiug and flling the petition, duly verifled, of Bridget Taylor, praying that eome suitable person may lw apointed Administ nitor of said estáte. Thereupon il is orderod, ïhat Monduy, the ecventh day of August next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, he assigned for the hearing of aitl petition, una that the heirs at law of said deceoaed, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a aeasion of said Court then to be holden, at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be why the prayer of the petitioner tthould not be granted : And it is f urther ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said potition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thi oriler to be publislied in the Michigan Argust a newspnper printed and cm u lating in said county, three sucecBsive weeks previous to said day of hearinff. (A true copy.) ItfUAM J. BEAKE8, 1330 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Jacob Sangree. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, sa. O At a session of the Probate Court for the County of WaeMenaw. hulden at the Probate Office, iu the City of Aon Arbor, on Thuraday, the sixth day of July, !n the year one thousand eight hnndred and eveuty one fresen!. Hiram J. Beakes, Judge o f Probate. Id the matter of the Estáte of Jacob Sangree, deccascd. Ou reading and fllinr the petition, duly verifled, of Auna Sanroe, pniyiu that a certtdu Instrument now on tile in thie Court purpurtiujc to be the last will autl tétame ut of iaui ueceased muy be adiniltt'i] to probate, and that alie inay bo appoiuted eole Executiix ChW f. Thereüpon it is ordered, that Mnday, the seventh dny of Anust uext, at teo o'clock In the forenoon, be aiiüigned for the hearing of nnid petition, aud that tbc lbgateet. deviaee, and ut law of said deccaed, aud all other perron; tutereited in said etate are requirtul to appear at a csalon oTiid Conrt, thrn robe holduu. at the i'robate office, inthe City of Aim Arbor, And show eaue. Ifan.v therebe. wrïy the prayer of the petitioncr ihonld uot be gianted: And it ie lurthcrordered, tbatsuirl petltiouei Ivenollceto the pereons interested in -mwI escate, of the pendeucy of raid petítlou, and tbe hrariug thcroof. by cauflng a copy of Chis order to be publfsheri in the Michigan ArtfttSi a newwpaper printed and circulating li. aid County, three sucretBive weeks previous to said daj of hearing. (A trae copy.) HIRAM BEAKRS, 1330 Judee of Probate. A UGÜST 10thT 1870. NEW WHEAT FLOÜR aaporior qunlii.v, at the ANN ARBOR CITY MILLS. Very nlce bolted Corn Meal. conrae Mel, Orohnm Flonr - jjood secoöd qnnlity Klour at low prlce, Cmcked Wljcut, aml all kinds of l'Vnl, at luweet [ricea, and delivered inHuy part ufthecity. Termc Wak. SW Ordora left In mj Order Boi at the Poat Office ] promptly attendtd to, HÍÍ J. T. SWATHBL. Estáte of Heman E. Gage. OTATEOF MICHIO AN. County of O At & misil of t be Probate Court for thcConnly uf Waslitcuaw, borden at the Probate Oftlce, Inthe City of Aun Arbor, 011 Tuesdny, Ihe twenly-sevi-uth day of .luiiiï, in the year one thousnud eight hundred aud seventy-oiie. Pro8en1.Hirnm J. Beake, Juderrof Probnte. In the matter of the cauto oflietnan K. Gage, deceased. On readingandulln; the petltln duly verifledof Rttlh R liage and Russell Wlllppe, Administrators pri. ing tbatthey may be Hccnsed to ell certaln real estáte whcreol aniel deceased rtied seied. Thereupoii U ia ordered, thal Wedneoday, the h dny of u,?ut uejtt, at ten o'clock in the foreuouu, be asaigned for the hearing of uaic petition and that tbe heirs at law of said dec ed, aii'l alt other pcreone iutererïted in sard estáte, are requlrcd to appcar nt a sessiou ofsaiaCourt theD tobe hulden at the Probate Office. in th cttv of Aun Arbor, and show cause. II any there be.ihy the prayer of the petitionershnuld not be grauted: And it Isfiutherordered that foldpetltloncr ïivenotlcetoihepürgoasiutereeted in sald estáte ol the pen. dency of sald petitlo, and Ihe heartnr thereof. by oauslnga copy of this Order to he uubllshed inthc IHcipanArgHt,t newnpapcrprlntcd andcircnlating in xnid county. ibur succcssivc weekf prevlout lo sald day ol licnring. CAtrnecopy j HIRAM .1. MKAKE8. 1330 Jadee of Probate Estáte of John E. Voodwörth. OTATK OP MICHIO N, Oounty of Wat htennw.n. v At a nexélon of the Probate Court for the Coniity of Washtenaw, holden at the Prohate office, til the City of Ann Arbor. ou Thiimdny. the rtith day of July. lu the year one thousand eight hundred and cventy-onc. Present. Hlram J. Beakes. Jndpe of Probate In tbe matter of the estáte of John R. Woodworth, inctini petent. Emory Birnes, Onardian of aid eatnte. comes IntO Conrt and représenos that he i now prrparcd to render biti second account as puch Onnrdinu. Thcrenpon it is ordered, that Mo'iday. the scventh Jay of August next, at ten u'clock In the fore noon, be assicjned for elarfiinirip nnd such account, and thnl the nüt of kin of nld Incompetent, and all other persons iutnreatd in sald estáte, are required to Kppcar at a session ofsaid Court theu to be huiden at the Probate Office, in the City ot Ann Arbor, in sstd counf.y, and show cause. ïf any therebe, why the satd account shon ld notboallowed : And it is further rdered, that sald Gnardtin givc notice to the persons interestcd tn said estáte, of the pendencyoTsald account, and the hearine thereof. by eausinga copy of thls order to bc publishcd in the Michigan Arfvs, a DQVspKMi printed and eiren latinft in said Connty, three aaccessive weeks previoas tn said day of hearina. fAtrnecopy.J 1IIRAM J. BEAKES, 133 td Jndueol Probate CoiUlüissiono: s' Notico. PTATE OK .MtcniOAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. uníersiiíned . having been appointed bv the Probato Conrt for sald 'onuty. C mmisjioners to rewiT. examine and adjnst all e'nim inl demnnd ot all persons a{rainsttbe estáte of Christopher Lange. 1ste of said County, rieceased, bereby gWe notice th.'itBii mooth from date are allowed by order f paid Probate c:.iuit. for creditors to present tbelr cfaim8 apalnst the estáte of sald deceascd, and that they ill meet atthcofflee of Richard Bi-ahan. in the citv of Ann Arbor, in sald Cunnty, on Saturdar the fifth day of August, aud Saturday. the sixth day of J 'iiuary nezt,at ten nVlock A. M. of each of said days, to recelve, examine, and adlust said claims. Uated, July 6th 1R7I. 13S0w4 JOHN LYNCE, ' J Conunissloners. Chancery Notice. CTATE OF MICHIQAN.-The Circuit Court for - the County of WaJiumaw : In Chancery. MAKY M. 8AVAOE, Comptainanl, va. AUGU8TU8M. 8AVAGE, Deendant. It satiafKCoril'y nppt-nnng to this Court by affidavit that the defundnnt. Augustus M. Savage, is not a resident of this tate, but resides in the Htatc of Illinois ; on niotion of Felch Si (irant, solicitóla for complainant, it ia ordered that the defendant t-AUse his nppeiUHjico to l)e entei ed within three months trom the date of thin order : and that in case of his appearin, he cau?e bis answer to the complaiimnt's bill to be flled, nnd a copy thercof to be served on the complainant's solicitora wilhin twenty days lifter wrvice of a copy of siiid bill of romplnint, and notice of thia order, and in default theroof, that the said bül be taken ns confraiwl by the suid dtfendant. And it is farthei ordei"el, that within twenty days the said complainant cause n copy of thia order to be published in the Miehiijnn Argus, a newspaptr printed in said county of "Waahtenaw, and that the publication continue at least onee a week for six weeks in succession, or that sbe cause a eopy of tbis order to be pernonally served on tbe said dcfundant according lo the rules and practice of tbis Court. Dated, June 27th, 1871. R. BEAHAN, Cireiiit Court Commmiraioner, ATashtenaw County, Michigan. Fblcii & Obant, Complainant's Sohcitors. 1330. ' Y o FARMERS ! I dcsire now to retitrn mj hearty thnnk for the liberal patronage of the Cnrmcrs of Washtenaw and adjcúuluL Counties, who have for so many yearsin the post extended to me their trade, nnd I hope and trust satiaractdry nnd proflmble to both partios. I nope lo rweiTe a fair abare of their patp nae in tbe future My eC'ort wili be hoüestlv directed towards the Interests of my Customers, aswoll nimyonn. And agaiu my alui will be, nit lo ktep as che.ip Eoods as pnüsiblr, but a irod as cau be fonnd. aud at as Low Katcs :is the qunlity of my O"dt) can bc afïorded. I will not undertaKe to compereinprice wlth inferior goods. I wül not inipair the qmlity of my in order to re dnce the price. The purchase of cheap goods of any kim) pruvi's an uiiprolitahic lnveetment, as many have found to their cost. I sball ktep a FLLL STOCK OF YkUM TOOLS on hand.thnt is senerally fonnd in market. I am thc authorizcd ogent for the following THRESHÍNG MACHINES cnuinc Buffnlo Fitts, Buffalo, N. Y . nrichipran Swcepatnkca, Bnttle Creek. iliols & Shepbcrd' Vibrator, B.Crcek TUc Geiser Machine, Hacine, Wie. AT.SO The Champion üeaper & Jlower, Sclf-Rabr. The Kirby Sclf-Rnking Kraprr. Comblned. Tbo Kirby Two-llheelcd IHonrr. WooíI's natblne, Coiobincd rilb Self-Bake. JACKSON WAGOXS, Buckeye and Shortsville Grain Drilli Fairbank's Scales, all sizes. TUE GEJÍUINE CURTÍS AND DODGE PLOWS, MdDiifaclnrcd at Kalam.izoo. I have located the old and well-known Apple Packing House of I) FIennlnr. on Detroit Street, opposite Biicliuz' Block. whrrr I shall be haij. py tu meet na man of mj old customer, and as many new ones as may pleaae to comf, I have secured the permanent service of Snimiol McK'laren. mie of my old shop hanclF, who pcrfcctly iindt:r."tiiiids REPAIRINQ Afl kinds of Asrirnltural Tools, and will be on hand earl in the morning and late at nlght, when necessary to accommodate . M. ROCERS. nnArbor April let. 1S71. 131Lm6 JJEAR YE! The "Bar" not being a Monkey ISNT ONE OP DARWIN'S PROGENITOKS ! BCT WHAT OF TflAT AS LONQ AS E. J. JOHNSON ! HAS A FÜLL STOCK OF HATS & CAPS ! FOK SPRING ANO SÜMMER ! ! Hls STYLES A.K.E THE LATEST. H18 tí OU DS THE BEST! AND H18 PRIOE8 THE Aleo a full line of OenU' Farnluhlng Oooda Cali ndemminehle CHIPS, I'ALMS, STRAWS, ANAMAS, and LEOMORN8, bcfor pnrcb.ialBg. f South Mata St.. Ann Aiboi. f ttvoit totútxmfa yi ICHÍuAN potT Q. S. WORMER & SON, I mIi-m in all kinds of ■Wood Sc Iron Worttins Maohh,, P 'm nri rn.T,ffTfnn AVe., Detroit, Mie I uiiisiAA rrii:ni,i, "- - vy WK8TKRN STKaM MARBLE WOHKg Mannfactnrers of Marhle and Marbleized M ," CtiMnet and Plntnbers' Stock. Monument,? "l CVtïiotry Wot-k of eVcr, rfescription on hand .H dolers in Orates ■ A1W Cor. Monroc Ave. and Farmer st . Detroit Mu. PC,,,. Oto.P. T AMKs ALL 3tt. Ac fcö., " ' Dealers in CARPETS AND DRY GOOD [ 8T Woodward Ave., cor. Lamed 8t. N. B. We havn u Immense stock tid wil] goods 1 . enough to make it an ..bject for thnJï the nti-ri-r to bnyofu. C ARPKT8, we make a spccialtj. GEo. s, i'iiosjr & co, - Cha. Noble. Geo, S. Proal, c. W. y. HNK ANU land8 KOU SÍJ.S In every part of this State and the Unlted SU! DETROIT. #■ 3BJ, S'VvalKsiSe Co., ' - INDUSTRIAL AGENCY! For npplyiDg evcry deecrlpti.-n of iodon"WITS LABOn Office wlth OEOIIGE 8. FROST &C0, D_eÍrolt'. ' ' - Mlch . [mis ji-.ks, ce.u;.;m„ J Ucalrr In nit kinds of ' MACHINEEYi AND SÜPPLIES, Alao Agent for Hall' Patent Shl,i. 29 Atwater street East. hetwecn Bates ind c d"lphstrccti,Delroit, MIch. "' ! I DUT WHAT IFlfxliiÖlTrirFATlm X) In the hri;ht Lexicon ol yooth, whicli [iu esetves fr his yonng manbood, there it noik word as fail. w Randall's Circassian Cream Wasü Was never known t" fail t remi-Te ï"reckl pw, pies, Moth Pitches, Tan, &c. , lf iter] pr dir tl"ns. nnd poraevered In. l! yonr drn""iii hu il got it, teil him to send for it. J. J. R.tNDA M.. Pmnrietot FlahetCloctji PIM: AND I-Alt TIIX. I.AMis. .- offer for ale 25 0 0 acres of Vnlnablc Pinp „1 Fnrming Land on Time, at Priccs ran from SS to $1O Per A ore 6 SM acre, of uJJ Pinc Land are located on the Wifconnin ïiTO' 9,620 acres on Waters leading to Cneboina ■ Dnncan Mich. f4n acres on the Anprn Ri(r 3 ,' 00 acres on Thunder Bav witer, leartiiEto i pena. 850 ictcp on the Tuibawasse Eiier. im acres In OlwHrin Co., Mich. t"T Farms andTimbt, 1 27-' acn-s cholee Mineral and Hard Timber n ncar Ontonopon, í (XH) acre Prairie land in Nfbru. ka near the Union Paciflc Railroad. oa rr ,! Kxrmtng Land in Oratlot coanty. Í3(o$5por{w t3T Many of these Lnnds are worth the pilcr ira ak for them foi Farminjr parpóse after the ui treris ent. For fnll dewription, nnce and ttmi send for Circular. m D. PRKSTO J k CO., Banktn, Detroit. Mich. R. fitW. P.LINN, Mannraclnrers of ironnd foflecj, Spltrs. .Huxcurd, ttt.tu, And Whle8Ale Dealers in TEAS AND QROCERS' SUIÏDRIESÜ 120 Jefferpoi) Avenne, Detroit TOHN COPLAND, Manufacturer ud O Wholesale dealer iu a large varlety of Crackers, Snaps And Biscuits. Orders soliclted and ailcd at lowest markt! dH Send lor Pricc List ' ltcel Oven Steam Bakcry, corner Bandolpb itj Woodbrldge street, Detroit. LBEBT D. PIKBCE &. COA. WHOLESAI.E Bi bc "mr Cit9iiS; 35 Woodward Avenue, DKTHOIT, - - - MICHIGrAN. HtTGH JOHNSON, M.iuufactnrer of nnd dealcrin CARI!IA(iKS, BüeGUfl AND SLEICBS! A flue assorimrnt of the latest myle of himtuit and Eastern Cnrriases, Lucludin Lahdws, ï.uu knok and Family Carkiaurs frnnv the crlebrKfj factory of -J. Mott A: Co., Brulgeport, Oouü„t0istantly on hand and ftirmbed to order. Nos. 96 to 1(W Lamed St. wet,cor. Cas St.Deti il fttvringe Maiuifactnrtr. - JOHN PATTON &SON. Are offerinc the largest and best assortmcot of CARRIAGES & BUGGjES IN TUE WEST, At Greatly Rednced Price. All work made ui onr owü hiiperviition. and Fuily Warrantfd. Factory and Warerooms corner Woodbridgf ni Brnsh Street, Detroit. For 'X'rireshins:. ijawing Woodr Makins; tjider. Hteaming Jfood lor Jattle, sea. V. E. KICK, Manulaetnrer. 191 ATWATER STREET, DETROIT. GDOELTZ de BltOTHIIK. Importers and Dealers in FANCY GOODS! 'l'oys, Vaiikic lotions. Hosiery, Lates ao Tiimniinss AM) MANUFACTURERS OP CHILDREN'S CARllIAGKS, BASKETS AND Sleigh, No SO nnd S.! Woodward Avo . Detroit. Transplant Now.-fruit auil Ornament! Tree, öhrub Kikms, Grape Vinea, and wl the 'mail fruits Groen üoune aud Beddim; Plam Dahlias, Oladioln-, "l ulx? Rosefl. Madcrii Viufs, Aí.t íhonldbeplaDtcdanortheniiddleof May. Sumé the best varietit- Field Vejreiábln and Flower.ill new. As tliis i the ilrst of oor 8eed trade, wl bare tin old seedt on hand A very large stock of the moderate rst drr, W M. A DAIR. Detroit. JOH , A.HPHLETT, fJ WmI.KALE DEALER IN BOCKINGHAM & Ohio STONE WAB! GI.ASS AND STONlC FRUIT JARS. Seod for Price Liat. 64&OO Woodbridge Stroet "Weet, DETROIT MICH. Cs Hl I KMtl lUill. Bllllard Tablr Tlanii fucturer, with Dklanki's Patent Steel Wil ' O'ishions. 9. ltiu and 102 liumlolph Street, Hetroïii Micb. Branch: St.Joseph, Mo. I also mnufactnre Pifconhole, Jcnrj Lind j BasHtell Tables anrt do all kind? of lterinsaiiiltfr pairinc. Keep ahvays on hand Second hajd Tohrs and all gLld appertalning to Billiard. Uowli! Pins and BBrTs for salo. Alo all kinrt of trimmiL done. SAM. B. EEVENAÜGH PHÖTOGRAPHSR, V1AKES ALL KIMJS OF PIOTURES TROM HE SMALLEST LOCKET TOITHB LIFE SIZE, AN D FIXISDES THEM Ct INDIA INKI OILi, OR 1XTATEH COLOBs ! IN A SrPPKRIOR MANXER. lS19-:y. W. 30 Hl'RO STKEET. - ' . ■ ' GotoR.W.ELLIS&CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicines, Paints,0il6.&c.


Old News
Michigan Argus