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Improvements In The City

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That our city Is Ifi á prosperous condl tiou Is evktenced by the numbcr of new buildings Whlch have been erectcd, or nre in the process of erectlou thls scson. New business houses are sprluglng up on the different business streets, new dwcllings appearing here and there throughout the city, old buiK3iigs beiug rertiodelcd and lmproved, aKd the cutiré place puttiïig dn a air of prosperity whlch has not beeu equftled In yeais, If ever. The city does not scera to be spreacling out anü wideiiing ts buundarics to any gTeat exteat, but has a teiulency to phat politicians would term " centrltaation," or iu other words doub li . Owners of large lots are divlding them and selling off as the property Iniïa.!es in Val-e, and ittany lots wlilch vvere iccupied by bnt ou dvvelüng a ycar or so gö cao iiow uumtKcr tvve ov Uirec, and as i con'wqimMiCÈ it IsnH as far W one's ircighMN as it ased to be. Business houses, too, ire gïadually crowding out aud repl&Olog esidences, and shoul.i the T. A. A. & N. R. R. becotne a " puixt phact," tr more Miterprlsing - so callcd - sistert of th State will have little chance fc exult oVer the " old fogy " proclivittes vhich they iu:;ist characterize the laliaUltattts ót the Uui versity city. The followinj list comprises all of the buildings completcd aud in tlio process of ereClion tthich have conw A'ithiii or notice, frtth the anw.c of the oWner, and the estlinated cost where t could be obtained : Uuiversity Hall, State St., 133x144 ft., iour storles. f80,000. Union School building extensión, State St., 30x100 ft., three stories. $20,000. J. f1. Avery, liüron Öt., Coï. PotSith, Cook's Hotel, 66x112 ft., four stories. $31,000. Satherland, Whedon & Co., Hurou St , west, batU house, 28x104, four stories. $10,000. Jas. McMahon, Ann St., two .stores, 22x50 ft. each, three stories. $10,000 Wm. Burkc, Ann St., store, 23x60 it., three stories. f5,000. Flolian Estáte, Anti St., store, 22x50, ft., tlircc stories. $5,000. R Matthews, Ann St., raet marfcet, 13x60 ft., tliree storics. $4,000. S. )tait, Ann St., saloou, 13x60 ft., three stories. f4,000 J. Reynolds. Aun St., store, 21x00 ft., three storte. f5,000. Ed. Vai'dawarker, S. Main St., store, 19x80 ft., tftree stories. f 5,500. John Schumacher & Co., S Main St., store, 21x00 ft., two siorles $2,500. H. Binder, S. Miiin St., saloon, 24x85 ft., three stories. $6,500. Al. Brodbeck, Liberty St., store, 20x40 ft, two stories. $l,;00. John llviurich, Fourth St., store, 24x52 ft., tliree stories. $4,000. Wm. Foliey, Detroit St. cor. North, carriage shop. D. llenning, Pontiac St., near depot, apple packing house. J. T. Haüock, cor. State and Madlson, St's. d wel i i lig. J. O. Banks, S. State St., d welling $5,000. Mrs C. M Welen, eor. State aud Ana St's., dweil ing. Mrs. H. Morse, cor. State and North St's., dweil ing. W. D. Sinith, cor. Williara and Maynart St's , two dwellings. D. W. Bliss, William St., near Fifth, dweil ing. $2,000. Schuyler Grant, east sitie División St., near Williara, dwulliug. $4,000. R. W. Ellls, vest side División St., near Wiiliain, dweiling. $3,500. A. D. lWuner, Huron St , west, d welling $1,500. .lohu Gates, Huron St., west, dwelHng. V. E. Walker, Miller Ave., dwellinir. A. A. Gregory, Spring St., dweiling. James Jones, Broadway, 5th vrd, dweil ing. $3,500. Geo. Killett, Broadvvny, d welling. N. Gates, Broadway, dwelling. As will be seen tuis does uot Inelodfl the new Opera House of G. D. llill, wliich is now reeeiving its finishing strokes, nor the new Chureh to be built by the Congregïllonal society, and for whlc) grouud has )uen bi-okeu at the corner of State and William streets. These buildings would add some $75,000 or $80,000 more to the amount, but as the fonner was enclosed ast season, aud nothing but the foundation of the latter will be built this season, they are omitted. Several buildings are undergolng thorough repairs, and comin? out as good as new. One firm ín the city informs uk that they have some $6,000 or $7,000 worth of this kind of work to do. Wc have receiveda copy of tnc 'Trlennial Catalogue of the Uuiversity of Michi gn, for 1871," containing full lists of all connected with the Universlty from lts foundation, as Regenta, Professors or Stu dent. The surumary puts the tvhole number who have recelved degrecsat 2,016, of whom 16 only reccived Post Gradúate or ilonorary degrees, ïnaking the number of regular graduales in the several departments aud schools, 2,900 Of these 102 are eported deceased, making the alumni corps now nnmber 2,798. The 2,900 graduates are classifled as follows, each eraduate belng connted but onu, though niany have taken two degrees, and some three and even four : liachelors of Art, .... gu Jichelors or Phllosophy, - 12 3achelors of Science. "... 147 UI vil Engineers, .... 66 Mining Englneem, - - . 13 :Jhannaceutical Chemists, 52 doctors of Aledlcine, .... 969 Bachelors of La w, - - - - 1,030 Total, 2,900 The flrst graduatlngclass in the Literary Department numbered 11, in 1845 ; the mnallest class, 9, in 1852 ; the largest class, U8, in 1870. For many years the oaly degreeconferred was thatot Bachelor of Arts, the other degrees in the Literary Departmeut being örst conferred as follows : Bachelor of Science in 1855 ; Civil Engineer in 1860 j Mlniug Eugineer in 1867; Pharmaceutiual Chemist in 1869 ; and Bachelor ol Philosophy in 1870. In the Medical Department theflrst class graduated in 1851, and uumberert but 6. The smallest siuce the flret was lu 1860, nd uumbered 21 ; tbeiargest in 1869, num bering 94. The flrst Lw class graduaten1 In 1860, apon a single courge of lecture, and numbered 16 ; the largest class in 1867 nd numbered 145. The Catalogue consists of 88 pages, and contalns inuch other interesting iuformaion besidos that wc have passcd under notice. We are havlng magnifteent harvest veather, - the rain of Mondar niglit and "uesday mornlngcaused butlittle delay, - nd the farmers are Improving it in securng probably the largest erop of wheat ever grown in Washtenaw Couuty. Considérale of it s already secured. No cliange to eported condltion of summer crops. The tPxt of Rev. L. K. Fisk next Sabbath venltig will be from I. Cor. xiv. - 35: "It s a shame for womeD to speak Id the hurch."


Old News
Michigan Argus