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The First Prayer In Congress

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In Thatcher's Military JounuU, under late of December, 177", is found a note iontaining the idciltical " ñrst prayer in Dongre&s," made by Rev. Jacob Douche, i gentleman of great eloquence. Here it is, in historical curiosity : - "O Lord, our heavonly Fatlior, high und rightly King of kings and Lord of lords, who dost from Thy throne behokl all the dweilen on earth, and reinest with power supremo and uncontrullcd over all tho kingdoms, cmpifcs and governmcnts, look down in mercy, we beseeeh Thee, on these American States, who have fied to Thee from the rod of the oppressor, and thrown themselves on Thy gracious protection, desiring to le henceforth dependent only on Thee ; to Thee they have appealed tor the righteousness of their cause ; to Thee do they now look up for that countenance and support which Thou filonc oanst give ; tako them thefefore, HeftVenly Pather, onder Thy nurturing: care ; give them wisdom in council, and valor in the field ; dofoat the malicious designs of our cruel adversaries; convince them of the unrigtiteousness of their causo ; and if they still perBist in thoir sanguinary purposc, O let the voice of Thine unerring justicc sounding in their hn.'irts, constrain them to drop tbc AVcapons of war from their unnurvud hands in the day of battle ! Be Thou present, O God of wisdom ; And direct the eouncils of this honorable asBOmbly ; enable them to settlo things on the bost and sureöt foundation, that the mene of blood may be spcedily closed ; that order, lumnony and peace rnay be effeetually restored, and truth and justice, religión and picty prevail and flourish amongThy peoplo. Preserve the health of thcir bodiea and the vigor of their minds ; shower down on them, and the millions thi:y here roprosent, such temporal blessinga as ïhou seest expedient for them in this world, and crown them witli everlastiog k!oiT in 10 world to come. All this we ask in the mine and through the merits of Jesus Christ, thy Son, our Saviour. Amen." In our own land, tho most momcntous issues hang on the events of' passing hours. lf oppression, corruption aud intoleranec wear a bolder front and soem to bo maltin !i rapid strides toward the mastery of of the paople, tuero is on tho othov band, among the thonghtful everywhere, a keoner pcrception of the common danger, and a drawing together of tho wioe and good to resist the advanee of ovil. Not a few of the old political issues to whiih many of all parties have clung in the past ;ire dcad bcyond rccovery ; butthegreat principies wo liavc been steadtit11y gupporting for so many years, aio now presentad in a now light, and are tnking a freah hold of tho public miiul. Tho Civil vice must bo reibrmed. The prent buiden of taxation, which the hand of (elfiáhQ68B would roll upon the shoulders least fittcd to bear it, must be wisely adjusted in the interest of the whole people ; and the unexnmpled waste of the earnings of honest industry, by those in office, must be rebuked and prevented. We court for ouvselves the allianoo of true patriota from all parties to aid in this good -work. It is not brute force but intelligonce that governs, and to that we appeal in the hope of rolling back tho tide of evil that seeks to sweop over theland. - N. Y. Jourruil of Commerce. A BTow York engineer has invented an artificial soit of oubent that yromisos to ' stipersodo stone for pavemi-nts.


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