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The Civil-service Commissioners

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The coininissioners appointcd by Gentral üraut with uudelined poWetS to do unspecified things lor the civil si-rvice ailow thernselves tue inost liberal construction of the act wliicli called them ïnto official oxistenee. lf there were uny prospect of their sccuiing a proper civil bervico lor us there couid be 110 objection to this courso, nor is there DOW, so tar as tüe coinnÜ8ioiiers -ví CCIioerneu. It is of the essonco oí the civil-servico reform that it branaoend8 jjarty issues, und pivpows t.i give to whichevur party raay bo in power a trustworthy and eoonomical machinerj lor adniinistoring the gOTommeut. Tlw prostige which a party might gaan by effecting such a reform couid ïiot counterbalance tiio loss of it would cost. If either party did effect such chango the brnnt ofit woiud tüorefore ue made to fall upon the Buooessor of that party in power. In that case it would ue i bold experiment to oyprthrow i ayateui wliich had been found to work weli. 'JCha few departuieiits or Bub-departments of the goveiniaent which liave bjcn woll iiinistered for a number ot ternas, e;t.:e. y Eome original felicity of design or tiu; íortuitous suecession oí u number ot' ablo ma honcst men at the head of theni, are uot molested even uuclor tlié preeeut nosvstem. In the dep&rtments wbere abusas are rifest one set of worttaless inoonipetenta are meraly orowded out to uiake room for unother sot of worthleas incom p.tuTLts, and however mucli the publio sorvico suü'ers the men who are turund out have no gvioviincc. This is the state ot things whioh has borne fruit in ignóranos, waste and dishonesty, and wniob everyone must desire to soe done away with. The oommisaionors are d''ubtKss in earneet in their efforts to do away with it. Jiut my real reform must rem T8 thu power of appointment from Congrcss. And it is idle to suppose that uny phin wliich takcs away or iliminishes the jatronage of Congress will be ucccpted by :t Eadical Congress, unless the eost of it, in tho power of Congressmen, is to bo paid by a subsequent and Democratie Congreso. - New Ym-k World. The wholo yeariy incomo from the m ut Btock of ttie Unit.d States, is estimated at no less th;in $(00,000,000, incliuling boef, dairy and labor of working oxen. The Jackson Cititm says cight moderate drinkers of tbat city drank tour bi gs of lager beer in two honra without bj coming imrticularly intoxioatod. 4


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