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- Son Francisco is to entor ttpoa (lie manufacture ot' nilk- Horaco Gtïfeley luvs beurt marte an li mor.iry LL. I). liy Ainlievst College. - Dtilutfi hns bad a tidal wavo, over iriiich phfloBOphers are pMtooopbizia. - TluToarc 3,OGt lanpiingo sjiokeu ín tlio worlil, exclus'.vc of thcoiie spokeu hy 'l Truthful Jamos." - 10,000,000 gallons is what tho Califbrniuns estímate tho wino erop ol' tliat Statn at fot" tlio yoar 1871. - Mrs. ViinJoTpool ia colleetiug monoy to cícñay tho expenses of the coming tii;il of hor husbaud at üastinrf. - Tho Spriugffelcl Bepub&tan, one of tho ablest of Kadical journals, favo. Horae" örceïey for the PiX'siflt'ncj'. - Mimster Sc-hctick is toadying to Englund as bad as did Minister Johnson. Why don't tlio Radical papers liowl 'i - Alexander Kcith Johuston, tlio dis tinguished geograpber, died Mondiy last, khe lüth, inst, in the Güth yeoi" of kis ge. - Th fastest time on record ia AmtriWH ïuude at th.o Saratoga races, on Friday last. " Iongfellöwr " ruuuing a íuilo in h). - The California Republicans liked tho Democratie platform go well thcy stole it. Which isu't the only thing they have atolen. ■ - Co-niicetient ha repenled ïfeï nsuiy laws, leu ving meu free to hiit) tha service of money at aiij' rato which tkoy cai command. - Tho T)eraocrat3 are to elect their candidato for President in 1872. It must be so for Wendell Phillips says so. 'Weudell voasons woll. - It is said that a completer edlcjtion of Nasby's letters aro be published. What have the public dono to murit such an iiifticrtion? - 100,000 people, ín the Tlnited State and Canada, aro said to take thoir "c"eparturo " from this earth through the ngeuey of eonsumption. - Tho steaniship America, froin Yokohama to San Francisco, rought o-ver a cargo valued at $3,900,000, the most Taluable ever lanrlcd in Aincrica. - Au old lady read about the strike i f tlic wiro drawersin Watoester, Mass., and naid, " of all tho new fangied lUiiü.'s, wixa (li:ivcrs must be the quecrest." - One offioèholdor has fowid sometliing ho eouldn't stick to. fe retery Boutwell eouldn't stick to the new loan, and was obligcd to withdraw it. - Tho Norther:i Michigan Agricultuml Society aie to hold thoir first aiu nual exhibition at Grand ltipids, Scptembor 12th, ïath, Mth and löth. - From all parts of the State comes glowing roports of tho Hieat harve=t, 8nd tlie present erop will undoubtedly eual any evex gfithured in Michigan. - 20,514 coBvicts have been roceived at tho Albany penitentiary in the List 22 years. Of these, 17,N(M: were of inteinporote habits, wijle 2,710 claiined to be températe. - The ne west " Departurc " is tho revivinc of the old Knoiv-Nothing zations in New York by the Radioals, which are said to embrace a membership of OTcr six thousand. - An Indian commitócd snicido at Charlevoix on tho lth inst. Cause : too muoli liquor. lic could faco dcuth but couldn't whisky. Sensible. Pity some white men wouldn't tovm tlio samo opinión. - Tho Detroit Tribune evidently fisils bad bccause it took the sidc of common sense for ouce, and said a word in prais i of Oov. Iloiïinan. It ia trying in all mauner of shapes to 'igglo out of it. For shame ! - The famous Peace Jubilee is to b.; outdone by a musical festival, to ba held in Boston next year. It will bc nnder tho same management - Mr. Gilmore - and is to cousist of 2,000 iiistruments, with a chorus of 20,000 voicos. Tho Ooliseum is to bo capable of taating 10S,(KM) pooplo. ■ - The Nation pictures this as a possible result of tbo present social agitation : "Befon; limjí ïiiiiii will giz at wiaitin with tho same oniotioiis with whioli he gazcs at a landscape or iiold of wheat ; whilo woman will look on man as she looks ou a gniin clovator or a locomotivo." - All of tho Atlantic ifc Grent Western llaihoad, with its dcjpots, roal ostutc, track, etc, lj'ing in the State of Ohio, is to bu sold at auction by tho Sheriff of Summit Go., at Akron, on the 26th inst., by an oidor of the Court of Coiumon l'lius. It will bo the largost auction Bale on ivoord, tho appruiscd valuo of tlu; proporty to f6,653,233.


Old News
Michigan Argus