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Which Isn't Bad

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The Chicago Common C juncil, having plánned an excursión to Lake Cit; , tho Chicago l'oat takes occasion to remonst.rate with theni in the lblloviing happy maimer: " The public, have come to vriisw with considerable and well morited disgust, these oöicial cxcursioiïs whieh, while many of tUo pai ticipants manage to preserve a tolerable degree of propriety, are niade the occasiun by others tur a grand debauch and silly spoeeli-iiiüking, which bring tho whole party and the constltuency behiitd them mto reproach. Wc have had out or twu of these oilicuiil excxirsion alretidy, :ud a a result, the city of Chicago has been sufficiently disgracet in tho Western country, without sending anóther expedition t complete the dis gust of the whole population resdini west of tke Mississippi liver. 11' siicl ïiicinbi.'i's of tie (.'tmiuion Council as wvsl to visit the Western country will patk up jtheir valisoe, purchaso their railroac tickets, and start out on tbuir own indi vidual responsibility, no one will have the slihtest objection, and probablj nothiu wil! occur to mar the harmoni ot' the trip, or to creatj on unfavprable improssion abroad con erning tho pcoplo of tliis city. But to travel ai the Com mon Council of tho city of Ciiieago, wit] the expectati n ot' boing dead-headed on railroad lincsand at lioiels, to be wined diaed and entertuiiicd free ot' expense a all points, and to mako on all occasion and as often as possible, orations o mi&tdcd stupidity and egotum, with the privilege ot' sending back telegram about tlie "goose hanging high, "etc. - to travel in this capacity, and with thesi expoctations, is simply to repeat tlie liis tory of former We had mucl T&thei that tlie Ciuinon Council sliouli stay at home. But if it must go, wc trust it will have suffieient decent regari fot the reputation of the city, to appro priate or steal enough funds trom tlie city tivasury to defray its expenses, and not start a wíi y likc an association of pauper vagabonds, witfa the ezpectation of begging board, rofreshments, and transportation from Chicago to Balt Lake and n-turn. We see that a conimittcü has beun appointed to procure passes over the railrjads, and we presume additional committoes will be appoiated in duo time, to aolicit free accommodatÍQils from tlie hotols in tho various towns and citics along thè route, and to suggest to the municipal authórities itnder whose juris diction the excursión will pass, that it would bc a proper ihing to offer the Conuuon Counoil of the city of Chicago a champaignc dinner, wine sapper, 6 Old Bourbon picnic, or some otlier similar entertainment, and in caso of th extensión of sueli a courtesy the Coinmon Council will lay over for its proper aoceptancc ; and Mr. Alderman Stupid will mikc liis usual speech, in which lie will take occasion to return thanks for the lionor oonferred, etc. We trust tht' railroads and hotels will meet this oonuBittee with au offer to transport and entertain the menibers of tho Conuuon Ccumcü nu precisoly Üte sanie ternas on whieh the public are transportad and enterti'.incd."


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Michigan Argus