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Local And Other Brevities

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_ The Ypsllautl " i'oreupine is wnai the Detroit Tribune dubbs onr democratie coutetnporary down the Hnron. - Prof J. H Boise aiu) daoghtW, formerly of thls city, bul now o'' Chicago, are eeoilne tlielr summerin Europe. -"Aiioilur " departnre": The editor ofthispiper for the Editorial Convetitiou ttli'jy City, and excursión to Mackinaw. _ The barn of Isaac P. Savkhy, of L.iraa,2', miles trom Dexter, was bnrncd on tlieloili lost. lusurcd in the Washtenaw Mutual for $1.000. - The foundation walls of the new Uni Tcrsity building were ftnlshed lust Monctay, and Tneadttjf morutfig the brick layers com nienced tlielr vork. _ N'civ wheat basn't made its appear iiicc to any great extent In this msrket, but " old rye " is very plenty. It sel Is for 10c, witlia dowoward teudency. - Trying to do business without aclvertUig is like winking at a pretty glrl Üirougli a pair of green goggloa. You inay know wliut you ara doiug, but nobody clse does. - The Porter Zonaves are to open the K Opera House witli a thentrical enter taimnent, wlien "The Bpy of Sliiloh," will beieodéred. We bespeak for tliein a renranttiiive andlence. - Tbebridgea bcingbnilt over the et-eek wlilch crosses Westlluron Street and Milier Aremie are improvements longneeded, indivhich will be appreciited ny the travdlag public. City Fathers, your labors are not all 'm vain ! - Lsst Sabbath aftenioon the stock expteM castwafd bomid, when about seven miles east of ïpulUntl, had a "smash tip" o( its own, demolishins several cars und klliiiig considerable stock. The cause was llic breaking of an axle. - Mr. Oii.uu.KS Dovey, of Biclianau, tu receotlr operated upou by Prof. Fiïotii ISOEAX, of the Uuiversity, for stone in the bladder, and is now as well as ever. The itone removed was an iiicli and a qujrter !onj aml three quarters of an Inch thick - htkion Patriot. - It has been sugested that in our list of new buildings publlshed last week, we omitted several "shanties" which sonie of'Mhcboys" had had erectcl over their ejes. Not being deslrous of haviug a sim ilar iustitiilion built over our optical orfins, we still " contlnoer to omit," - Messrs. Wood & Pf.huu an; e'earin? wy the rubbish preparatory to the erctt;tion of a building upon the site of their old one, which was burned two or thniwkssince, just opposite tliu frelgbt depot. The new building is to be lire proof, 32xÖ4 reet, aml to be used for the produce business. - Durlng the year lfTO there were ?!)5 hirths, :Jt5 deaths, and WO mari-iages in Washteuaw County. The oldest person that diedduringthe year was Wiluam Schooi, n, lied 101 years, 8 mouths and flve days. He died Feb. 3th, 1870, wa a formar, a utive of New Jersey, and lived at Ypsi Mtt. Friend Uobison, at the Clerk's Ice, didii't Kivc us the ge of the youngftchild bom. - In ilcscribing the Fourth of July cel AraUon at Howell, the Livingston l)emtTOispcaksof the Porter Zouaves as lol!s: " TIiq Porter Zouaves from Ann A'bor arriyed the night previous, and their 'filliant uniforms and littering flre arin, ttompauied by a band of martial music, utributed largely to the pleasurcs of the % It is a well drilled oompany, and deservcs the patronage of the people." - Prof. Vkomax, fonuerly Priucipal of " East Saginaw Iliah Scliool, has been 'Ppointed to, and accepted the PrinciWship 3f tie Normal School at Ypsilanti. We State Board of Education at their re"nt meetlii"; also ordered two additional teicliers employed dnring the coming year, 'M made arrangements for putting down "w walks, building new fences, and mak% other necessary repairs and iraprovcBntsto tüe buildings, and grounds. We clip the föllowing froni tliú Dcxtcr "ft'kr, wliich muy be of Interest to some üt("old inhabitants: "i Marble died in Decrflcld, Livingston „".■"".June 26, aged 76. He was a parr'Put iu tlie war of 1813. He landed In "fjmit ia November, 1830, locatcd R0 acres land wiihin sy miles of 4nu Arbor, '"ch Uien contained hut threo lojj houses. lived H) years in the towu of Ann Ar' cleared two 80 acre farms of heavy sin r' so ' Q'1 ad moved to Decrfleld in l8, wlu-re lie has sinte resided. ■ Chicago publitihing flnn generously "ttrs s a new history oí tbc late Germán r- a good onc, no doubt- if we wlll convert iuto au editorial criticism a printed ""leulogistic slip sent ns. We prefer to 'irt examine books berore DOUolng thcm ltor'ally (?) even whuu stived the labor of Pteparina tho noticei. "A. Nfw York flrm or líiar.nfacturers so '2Rcst8 that we advanèe the cause of wation by iving its school a free notice. cau'texactly soc U.


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