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Malarious Fevera yicld at oucfe to tbe inrluence of Bnrr's Agüe Medicine. Uu din -ton. Leavins the Eagt and arriving at Chicago or Inuinapolis, how shall we reach the West f The )ct Line is ackoowledgcd to he the C. B. A Q , oiucd tog ther with the li. & M. Railroad by the ron Bridge at Durliugton, anJ cahed ihe Iiurlinguu Kante. The m.ilu line of the Route running to Omahn, (vuets with the great Paclffc HaiiU, a.EK.1 funus io daj the leadinx ronte to .California, The Miüdl Brancb, fDterln Nebraeka at l'lattsmouth, passes through Lincoln, the State Capital aad will thisyear be llni-hcd to Fort Kearnoy, funning the ■thortcst route across the Continent by over 1 n uik-8. Aiiinhnr branch of the B M, divcrglns at Red Oak, fallí into a line running down the Missouri through st. Joc to Kansas City, aad nl Kausrti. t'assengers by thls route to Kansas, see 111 nois, Soiith. Iciwiv, aud Missouri, aud, by a 6liLh.t divergDCO, eau see Nebraaku ntso . Lover of flne vlows should remember the Burlington Route, forltstowne " high-leaming from afar1' - iu tree-fringed streams - lts rough bluffs und quarrica- lts corn-oceans stretchiug over the praii ies further thiu eye can röftch. Land buyers will be sure to remember it, for they have frieRds tmong the two thotisand wh have al. ready boughl f.irnin from S. Harris, tht' Laad Conunisaianer of üio 1. S; :,i. ] R at Burlington, Iowti,or uiivuv.; t!;o four thoueand home-steaders and pro emptors wlio last ycar flled tl. iu. the Liocoln land office, where " UdcIc S&m is riïi enoui;h to give us all a. fatm," Chiils and Fevcr nre proniptly curcd by Barr's. Agiu Medicine. Onl)' a v imii-f of tliowc Foint I.are Shawl left, at 10, $7.50, S5.5O, at tbe HilliiilTJ Store. 5toi"e than oue hundred thousund persons anmiiilly (Jie in tHU country from CoUNUUiiktai, wfeich i bt the child of Cutürrt. $500 rc-wnrd i oüercd ly the proprietor of Dr. Sae's Cixtarrh ltcmeily for n ome of Catarrh which he cannot cure. Solíl bj" drugist;, or send sixty cents to Dr. U. V. Tiercé, 133 Se-nectt street, Buffalo, N. Y., and get it by mail. Dou'tget . windled by men calliiig themselves Dr. Sage ; Dr. Fiercc is the o:ily min BOW living thut Uas the right nud can pi"o.ivu the gQiiuine and original Dr. Kage's Cntarrh Ktmely, nd bi pj-iviite l. S. Government Stnmp in upan the outsid wrntner of every packugQ of the genuino. Those Parker Sugar ('ured Ilums at Sluwson & Son's are choice eatinj? this hot weather, whon the odor Qf the tiest kept und clt.'anliest butcht'l-'i stall is iiot vuiy Icidjitinxr. You ran f i ml the lurirrx! a&sortmcut of Hoop SKirls and cor&ets at tlic lo - est prices, at tltc Ne' 'lillini r) Store 17 Soutli 3Iain Street. Bnrr's Ague Medicine contains ncithcr quinine or iraeuic. Uoiinty io Soldlers Thopc who enIUted in ISSi oa tho Heat ca)l öfPrideut Liucolu, and who werc honorftbly discharjred jcfoi'cthc expiration of ihc term of thcir eulistupnt. ure cutilled to $100 cach, as bonuty. Aüdsoldiers enlifsting unrtcr act of July 4tli, 1S04 areto be allowed the unpaid iustalments ofbounty f they wore lUseharged by expiraiiun of service Hieabove classes shauld makc upplicatiuu to the unclcrgifriied. March'24th,lST0, IWtt JOHN N. GOTT, Botinty and Claim Am, Buy BtuVii -Vgue Medicine as a preventive or asa curtj. Sccftïu! Hand and l#v Orans And MelodeonsTorsuíe very ohcap at lrof . Mills' raupicroom, No.43 Main Street. (Over IlnllA Rob ueoii's.l 127Ctf ALVINWILSKY. havo, iu order to close out our reiii:iiiií2iir Ntoc-k of i'iu'iisuls. reducid tliein to coKt ÏIW Hüliury Ktortí, 4T S. nialn Stt Soldiers of 1S12, who 6rvecl eixty davö. are cutltled io PenstoOi and vhonld apply Immedtately to Johu N. Gott, lïounty and Pension vj;tut, Aun Arbor }ixl 4M4t IVut's Agiic Medicine is pleasant to toto, is sure, effective. OM ËTHINé NËW AT 50 Main Street ! LOUIS MVA LZ, GROCER&CONFECTIONER IIAS A FUr.I, STOCK l5 HJS UtfE, AND WIUi PKOMITLY SRKVE THE PUBLIC WITII 8U0ARS, TEAS. COPFKES SPICES, SYRUP3, CANLJ.:s, ETC. Parties Supplicd WJTH CAKES OF ALL KINDS AT SHORT NOTICE, OF TUK itEtt QUAUTY, ND AT THE. MOST UBERW, 'J'IiKMS. BEFORE fURCHASING. HBO inO FINE PHÜTOGRAPHS, QO TQ SAM, B. REVENAUGH, N. 30 Iuvi! Street. SEGOisriD .a.:r.:r.i-v"-A.Ij -0PjNEWSUMMERDRYGOODS -ATisl j -2 2S7 a. :e, n?s ■ We have just reccived NEW DRLSS GOODS ! IN BLACK, COLOREO A;n JAPANESE SILKS, Frcnch Organdíes anti Lawns, white and colorcd, Piquas, Percales ancl Linons, Parasols, Ribbons and Lace?, IIooji Skirls and Corscts, Oloves and Ilosiery, Lines ftiuoask ai.i! Ion,!;, AND A Finx LINE OP DOÏESTIC GOODS! The ïoods hare all been bought by Mr. J. W.Maynard, IFOiR. CASH I Anfl they will bc sold nt a smal 1 ndvaDcc ft om Coet. J. H, MAYNARD. 1324m2 DIRËCTORy" -OF- ANN .A. ït J3 O R, FOR 1871, With a Complete Portrait ot the City, an Accurate Census, Statistical Tables, &.c. &.c. TUF. UNDERSIQNED havinshad an extensiva experience in the coro.pilat.ion and pubücation of City and Connty Directorios, in. tbï ftixiother States, av.d Uaviug beeu hoUeitvd by a nnmber of ilir prominent citizens t Issne a work of tlns kind, ícela haft; in promiHing complete fatisfaction The wori will cöntatn a cmpleie portrait of the city, petting forth it advantajze? ns u commercial nnU mauiifacturiii"; town ; also etatisticul tibies showiDg the nunileroi ilrms enpnired in every dejtart-. ment of manufactni-e and trade ; the agrégate anDaal ■;ile8 oi the same ; tile nninher of ((Hing and busioetí h; 'm the city, ad In irt every kind orcharactjr of inforinatiun that the cltizen or trannt muy desire ; sketches of the schools, ehurclieeí, benevolent societie? The city poesewes roany ndvantn;e8 which, if they wen yenerally ; known, wonld attract settlers from all paris of the connlry. It ia onr desigu to pub'ish a work for general dlstrtbntlOD thronfihout the United States. it wonld be eup&rftaous to herenrgethe neci'-ity of advertisinf; a city.or toiuenti'H ttve Advanlacs , that real estáte "wners and bnslnc-s raen derivo fr4im tlns ithod of advorttöng a city. The work will be delívered to subscribir? in the monTh of July It Is to be boped that business men will duly considor and appreciatc the advantasda of adverti8ing their bnsiness in t bis bonk. It will be found iu store?, office, hotels and all public places where the carda must ïueot the eye of scyres tl piircUa8ers evcry daj. Te -ma of Advertising. One Puye „,...,,, $2'' 00 Half ' 16 00 Pouith" SOI Capital Names 50 Pricc of books to 8iibacribcrs,$3 00; to uou-subscribers, $3 50. iai'Al ' JAMES M THOM . AÑTED. A jood honsc and lotcoutaiui'ir all the neceparj conveiiiencee of a Lood riome, in Ann -Arhor, Micli., forwhtdl I wilt oxchange une of llke deseription, on verji Uberai tcrms. in the city of Freeport.IU. My house and lot are nicely situaled, are worth i 4,ooü. J also have twelve acres of nice farming or garaeoinffland JoIniDK city limita wortU '00 pfiï acre, all "f which 1 wtah to exchauijc for pr"perty in Aun Arbor tr a larm iu Wnsluenaw Cuiuity. Am jirepaivd to pay or uko the difference in cash. A grreal bargain will be given. Address and learn par(lCDtarit I,EWIS COLBY, 1820m8' Krecport, 111. StT&Tt Subacrlbers to Petera I I IJ It Musical Monthly are eetVil A img thelr Mnsic for Tese _. thau two cents a pi6C0. I S 1 TbOM who hnvr not seeu I this Musical Uagac ue at I ibonld aend 80 cents fr a I samplecopy. Thfl mastc i Enl I y Haya. Thomas, KInt ; I I kel, Persley. ancl other w V# popular wrltara. Two back numbers lor A New School 4'iceuts. Four back mini. . Püskin!. Price, S1 (?f CCnt81 S"b" 7.5Oier il' zeil. Oontahiei .linTIU ov,t two hundred newand: I Ijl I ' V benntlful sniiKi, duets, il,.,1 j 'Jjl J by Wil) S. U.iys, H ster, Thomas, etc. Bverjj I TT1 fl Uiu is new, fresh, (luil X I sparkllnp;. uw] .vw, , f specimen pages sent Tree lljïl I ,1 ! ample coplea malled free Ei S t of pontana tè teacher ter KJ ■ ■' -■'iil Liberal terms foriiilrodiiction. Wpr(h c,( Mv.sic. fqr 3. AOrtress, J. L. TETKUS, BM liroadwH), '. Y. Teacher seudiuï in their orders for $'.0 worth o music can claim : iycars subscrintion (o Pctesj Musical Monthly. 182ÍK pKQPLE'S PRUG 8T0itr-. R, W, ELLIS & CO, ■A.JSTJST ABüOK f ATEST STYLES! BEST GOODS ! GRÜATE8T YARIETY AND LOWEST PRICESÜ S. SONDHEIM HAS JUST RWÜBKïP FKOII THE E.A.ST, WITH THE LARQEST AND BESTSELECTËDSTOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOQLS t.i:U'S FlKSUn tiOOOS, CHILDREX AAD YOLTHS' CLOTA IXÜ TRÜNKS, VALISES, SATCHKLS, &C, &C, &Q.; THAT HAS EVER BEEN mtoi'GnT TO THI8 CITY, WHICII Hl WILL SELL Oheaper than the öbeapest for Cash. ALSO A PINTE ASSORTMENT OF CASSIMEIÜ&Sy CO A TIN GS, and YESTINGS, WIIrOH HE WILI, MAKE UP TO ORDER IN: THE' BEST STYLE, AND WARRANTEO A FIÏ OR NO SALE: "POR SA], E OR TO RENT. A Oentcel Resitlcnce 1 '., nillo ft úhi tlie Court House square In Ami Arbor, logcther wtth 6 acres of orchard bwlQK abolse frailé! tec iatnre, reil WAteredi yurden shrubhory all of fust. quiility Sirimtion, henltliy nuil hwalttl'ul. To pirtfes wi-l'iini the beneflta of oir Elaeitional Institutions, tlils propertj is vury dc-inible. l'rk-f numerata ftnd nonm-noditln Enouirc of J32SW-Í.' JOUH N. OOTT.Anu Arbor. ■pOR SALE. A ONE HORSE TOP BüGGY Nearly new. InQuirG:U ie office of N. Vf. CIIKI'VER. Ann Arbor, May SOtU, 18H. 1324-tl. TOR SAl?. ThÉ m Vrsifni'd oiréis for pule luir rcsirlence in tbe vlliaee of saline : twolinre lata, deslrabrji lo caled, wlih ft pood lioiiee. barn, %yat(v, ti i t vtc. TeiBIB made easy. Mre. CORIKTUA KEEN. Saline. June 14th, 1ST}. lSWria GotoR.W.EIiJJIF& CO'f for 3triGtly PurO Drugs and Medicipep ,Paints,Oile,&c. 1 -- This It'-nifdy does imt simp'v reilsv fora Short tin n' . imt it produces períeci md i;-i mancr.1 i the wOrstcuscs i.!r N:i-i. '■ " pij smo loward ñr ;t oaie thst ï cartnoi cure ' old in liie lu-.uV' ftud nt.-ïvrlri] 1 i:.-,!.jiííh' r cuivd with a few appUcatlons. If yu have -i tlïCftrgeft mthen b, offenebre or oiherwii plpg np of the ïiosc :U tinici. pnitifil lOffl ol the tenue ui kiii'-ii taei ■■ or b weak.fcel duil, havemla l1' pressure in ïh yon roay r-T aaenred iliat yon h: iininially . without mu)lfosting hftiCpi t)1 Etvtnptom , tcnniiiüto Conumpti cml in tiie rftve. Ño dlíeaíe i s. ecin&Y)ñ mof deceptivo or loa au'dorstood by pkyficiffós. i wil '■ïiil my pftmpblei on Cl tr ." 8ftsfes Catftrrh Renety ie SOLÍ) B Y MOST D.HÏTfi lL PAliTS eb' TUK W'OKLD Priefi$0 oc,te -Beutbviniil p tpaM on orript of 0 '■■■;. ar fonr pa Ijïps for twti ïoUiy. l'' I ' lluUrlVH-; :iiu] w .) ! li V . F. P-i . printte Stamn whfch b n p'osltïve pnftranenuiutte80, i ápun tha optelde wr.-ipi'cr, RftBeiftber thnt 1 prl ato S;am;. i.v-U'.in Uv Uu UnUed Btatee ropïng my Tuedicin.??. hoe m porl riái rtítvao nni r Idn . and the worde l' s, Ceitifiicalc uJ Gnuti eugr&ved npor. it. and nfed qi bc mi-: ;';;■ n . In vlKlo(i by tnivolers, ana oí 'eentiñp thnüBelvesau Or. S.-iL'f : I a mí l 'm o ni y mftD nov llvlngthat hnethe kttowtfdic nnd tig} i ture the ftentitn !■ aiarrb Rcmcíy anl I never iravil fe -"sell this mcieme K V. i I!' BCE K. i . 183 Séneca su,-, i , paffnio, N. Y. ÑGINEANI BOILER FOR SALTi]. Tiio snbxrrlber oflbra Ibr rale ohenp a P Tiir.slnnj; Machine Kiiiine ud Boiler. Ca. at the l"p 't in tliS Alm Albor. .Tuno -7, 1ST1 . IHl'Stf PET !! BHUITEHS. Go to R. W. ELLIS & CO'e far choico Wines and Liquoi '"or MerliVf! "Purposes. - i WEW G O O i RECEIVED finleyTlewis i cai.t. t.'te ATfn-v'"v OF tUE riv ÖP TUE CITY ATSD ÜOUNTRY IOl' AJSD WhU. AS.-dkT. 11 ÍN ,hi: i. . boots -visrr? eHo. Which Ihoy Iiow li.' i ■ v. ■]! made tkraagb;ai thi Thegvl whlcli ve nOcr it-w nhú u.-li imm the I - "1LtGHT A.WO HEAYY WORK, l OH MEN, VTOWES ASaCHILBKE, Wc h.ivc tho o,PTiii: CELÉBRATE ftl.F BOOTS i: D SI JAME8 M. BXJRT O N. Y. (TI Y. EVEKY vaSR BOTH IN STOCK AND W( RK, Also , Kl 5 -O'S. L.VniKSIÍNK:e . cry particular, Hiid eeïl it ai low Uviroii i'riccüj uu tíu fcawc üuuuS'


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Michigan Argus