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BUSINESS DIRECTORY, nnVI' ' I'KL, ProsccutiiiK Attorney. At E "mi Árbol Tiu-sday ai.J Friday of each week. Office in Court House. '81' ACK 4 8CHBU. Dealers in Dry Goods. Groceries,Crockery.Stc. Ho. 64 -outta Main _____ . MOKKIS II ALK, 71. O., ltesi.iilice mid Office No 8. cornet Willlinu and 'lhoinio I Streets. gagoUr offloe honra i to 3r.. M ICIIAEL HTOWBAtI Rooier and Water Prooi, Feit and Dompoattfon Gravel Biu's pul on t.) order and warrauled. Besideuce on jtíereuii Street, Aun Albor, ___ rTW. EI.I.1S 'O., UniiKii-sts aur1 Dealers K In l'i.iiiti, Oils, etc Nu. S South Main Street, Ao Arbor. ___ J. X. Si:ssioN, Altorney and Couueltor . ai Uw, Real rM:.te and Inaarance Agent C'onrevinciuj; and Colleclton ol I Inims prompt!} at teiicl.d lu on liberal ternis. Offlco In DonueHye' Block. npstairs, Hurón slreet, nu rbor Mich. T II . JACKSO!, Dcntlst succcsïor to C B. l Porter Office corner Maluand Hnronatreet, ier the store l K. W, Bllia ft " . Ana Arbor, ylch. .neethetlwadmhrtotercd if rcqaired. r F. BKKAKEV, M. ., Plivslclan and W . Surgeon. (iilic . al reddeno corner of Hutouauil Dlïlslon StreeU tirst door eai of Prcaby litini Churrli Ann Arbur, .ich. EJ. JOIi:S. Dealer In Batí and Caps, f ar. 8tmw (iiiod's Gi'Uts' Fnniabing Goods, je. No T S.iuth Müiu ireel. Anu Arbor.. 'lich. OVTHEIMLAND WJHJBDOIh LUs and Fir [nninnor cenla, and dealera o Mal Baute, SSceon Huron Street. ÍW'IS C. Itlfsoo., Doalei In Hardwar, glOVH House Kcirni hiuGoodf, Tin 'A ale.&C. n i :;. Souih Main atrae. BAC1I 4: ABGI. Dealere in ' ry Goods QrociricJí, .tL &c.,No. 2Í Suutli .Maiu treet, Ami irbor. SLAWSON & SON, Grecer. Provlalon and Commtesfon Uercbauu nfl dealere in Waler Urne, Land Piaster, and Plat'-cr Paris. No. 1 ■; Last llunm Streetü SIIKÏ-:I, H'holwaie md Ketail Dealer 5, in i lotblne, ■ lotlis. Oaulmem, j, audQent'a Furulohin GO' d. Nu. ■ South Main Street. jn. WAUKKBf Dealer in Ready Made' loth ï lug.tlotba Camhnerea Vestlngis, lints. Caps, milis, Carpel Una, &c 1 ;-ouih Main street. GlI.IIHtl' A: FISKK, Bookaeltora and Statlonera tlieal Law and College Text Bo"k, jet ol ant MlecelUneona Books. Nortb .Main Met, Oregory luck, Aun Arbor. F INIEX .V LEWSSDealert In Booia, Shncs, ru, s ijipe, Ac. No. -i Eaot Hurou ttreet, MU trlior. v 11. DAVENPOKT & CU., BAKKERS, SALINE - - - MICHIGANBCY AND SELL Gcvemment Securities, Gold Drafts 00 Detroit, New Y--rk, iius ■ n, rind uilicr CHii'9 AIm receive inoncj ■ n Depuslt nmke Colltr loni, mi tltend proraptl} to all bosUwo yertainioü to Banking Mouu) 1-aned on npproved Secunïies. )?, mi,:: J. L SCHA EBERLt, Tcatlirr f M osic. Bïvci lnstradion on the PIANO, ViOLIN AND GÜITAR, t biit oiiict-, ■' Sputh Mala ttreet, CMoore' bcildiuj, tn at the rtsiut-!:c üf pupil. PIANO TUNIG, naie a spedalily nnd Batieractiim uaranleed. I324yl 'BÜCKÊ"KY. GLASSWARE & GROCERIES, J. & To ronnelly Ban in store a Urge stock f "rocker, Glatware, fliUid Vare, Cittlerj Groeene, fcc, c. all tobe íüld 4t UinlKiiaüy low prucs No 12 Easi Unrou Street, Ann Arlior ll-'8tr J. I. DOHHEXAT. JOHN G. QALL, FfiESH AND SALT MEATS, LAK0, tAtlSAGBl, K.t ., Ordur oücited and promptly filled with thebest eau n the market. 31 Kast Washington street. Ann Arbor, Sept. 16th, 1S69. lSSttf JJ ARKSËY, dLgK Manatacttircr of Oarriages, Buggies, Wagons, AN'I) SI.KKMISof every xtyle made ol the best material, aud warramed iiorse t-lii.i-iiii and Bc pirin done pruuitly and priceu reaeonable. elroit Sireet, ueap R. li üepot, Auu Arbor, Mich itiSjJ J)r7c7b. p'ortekT" de2sttist. Oïce in the SAVINGS BANK BLOCK, Ann Arbor. Ml Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFOllMElJ WITH CARE UN3URPASSED FACILITIES AND BXPBRIENCE SETTIXG AftTÏFÏGTAL TEETH, TO li[VE KACil ISlIIVIIiUAI., 'Hríío Ikc proper ik, shaptfiolor. firmtHatfi na tl er.prcisiox. 1844 jTuïyiBER yardT c. imlrF, Han a large and woll stofkot] Lnmber Yanl on ?Weri'tn street, in thevnuth part of the ltv, and lkeepconstantly od haiid au excellent variety of LUMBER, SHINGLES,LATH&C ''ith win be old a low as can bc affordcd In thl B:'tkt. íultty aud prices such that NO ONE NEED GO TO DETROITC. KRAFP. Jna Arbor, Jannary20th, 1871. 886 Q C.JENKHÏ8& {I. RANDOLPII WHITE, M. D. DENTIST8. RNEH OF MAIN AND WASHINGTON ST'S. All Operationa peifoimed in the Most Thorough and Scientific manner. ïfltrous Oxide Qas constantly oii hand, Wd admlnistered with perfect safety. ï82o-ri.


Old News
Michigan Argus