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A Chinese Death Bed

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The Chinese have many customs peculiar tü their nation, which strikt; the "outsido babarians " as being uunaturul and str&Hge. TIn: roligious tmditions are so deep-rooted and so strongly fostored by superstitiou as to givo little eneouragement to missionary laborera. The most strik! ng of these suporstitions are those pertaining to the disposition of their dynig and dead relativos. Very often the dead bodies of Chiiu so men and wonien are found in untenanted buildings in the Chinese quarter of this city, and unacquainted with their supcrstitions are prouo to set tho desertions ofdying fricnds down as acts of selfishness. This, ho wever, is not so, as the Chinese believe that if perssons die in the house that they lived in bei'oiü death their spirits will haunt the place ever aftèr, and give unpleasant evïdenée of their presenco to all who remain. In order to prevent the ïnunit'tsUitions of the restless spirit, as soon as tho doctor gives it as his opinión that a patiënt oannot survive ho is taken to another jiluco añil Uft alone to die. Yesterday a case of this kind was reported to the Coroucr. A young Chinaworaan, who had been givon ii] by lier attendiug phy sician, was cairied by her relatives to au untenanted house on Ellia Place, oLf Pacific, above Dupont. They then dressed her in the best clothing, spread a ncw matting on the floor, and laid her on it. They brought iu preserves, méate, fruits, canoies, boilod rícr, etc., lighttd soiue punks and retired, leaving her alone to await the common destróyer. During the day she died, and was found lust night. Coroner Letterman removed the body, and it is now at the morgue awaiting thu further aotion of tho relativos, who will ppobably leavo her to bo disposed of by the city, as is generally their practico in such cases. Many Chinameu - those of the wealthy classes - do not desert their dead t'riends, aud lor the furtherance of this desiro thore are scveral hospitals ñtted up, in order that those about to dio may bo removed there until they have pajd the debt of nature, af ter wliich they are buritd with all the ceremonies of the


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Michigan Argus