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A Curious Michigan Village

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Au officcr stationed at Fort Brady, '■ Michigan, givu8 iu a private letter a litilo : sketch of tho villagü of Sault Ste. Mar' e, which may interest those of our readi rs who have iittlu idea of the social aspeóte of this far-oif place. Sault Ste. Marie is situatud ou each side of the St. !Muy's river, at the entrance to Lake Superior. Tho writersays : The village on tho otlier side seems the pleasautest, probably because it is more distant; then, too, the groen trees and the river iii thé foregrountt add ï to its beauty. As a ruit', all houses inore thi n om: stoiy or a Story and ;t huif are publio buildings. The iohabitants on both sides are rnostly Indians, half broeds, and traders of the Jewish persuasión. Just outside tho reservation, or, claimed by the governnient, upon the reservation, is a convent, and it is quiie romantic to be awakeued early in tho morniug by the ringing of thebellscalling tho devout Sisters to matins. This i ;i very ordinary f ramo building, with a very largo fcoli attached, The great event ot' tlio place i.s the arrival of a boat. As soon ;w the deep sonorous whiswt is hcard, all -the t##n turns out, and Indiana, half-bieeda, and dogs run down to the doek to meet it. It is umusing to look down the solitury streef and watch the chañge. Iu a momeut all work is ab&Ildoned, and the unwaslu'i) anduiH-ivilizud appuuriu iliovcs wlui.: ,ili was quict as the grave. The dogs tiglit, and the half-breeda gabblo and make all sorts of ridiculous motions with tl-cir hiinds. The falls are just above, and are visible froui my windows. The water falls frotn twefve to iit'teeii feot within a distance of a quarter of a mile, but tho desceut is gradual over rocks and stones, and is not very imposing. It resembles tho rapids just above Niágara Falls. In the winter the mails are brought twioe a weekby dogtrainsfroni Marq eighty-flve milis distant, whioh cmneets 1j_v rail from Detroit. What-evcr ieothermal cirele Sault Bte. Marie may be iu, it is sufHoient to soul the uurcury down to twcuty-livc or thirty dogMea Delow agtO, whero it remains uil winter. - ■ - m i ►►■ - "I don't likc uioirewi belles, ma, boen uso thcy're o enden likc burglars." "Why, my son, what do you mean ! ar modem belles liko bnrglars?' "1 VOU sec, mi, th'V dcstii'V i'' inc:-[ loöli rij pow&bf." "I vish you hád boeïi Kv." laifl bti Tiroliin toa (Üikgy old uut, provorbj f, lnr meanness. 'Why so '(". vBocause,' jgaid he, "you woulii have eaten all the applo; astead of diyuliiijr it."


Old News
Michigan Argus