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The Publishers' Association

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A brief letter in tbo last Auors xlvised our readers that W8 - the editor - w'ere at its dato in Bay City, but inulincd X orthward. To proceud in order. THE ASSOCIATIOÏT. The attendonca wils not largo, - but thirty papers being represented, - and only tbirteen of the thirty boing olil members. , At the afternoon session a cotnmittee was appointcd to reviso certain vexing artioles of tho constitutiou, whioh committee reported in the evcning, the report being unanimously adopted. At tlio evening sossion the following officers were elocted : President - Johx N. Ijígebsoll, of the; Corunna Ameritan. First Vice-Prnsident - E. L. Wabren, of the BaT City Jourut'. Second Yice-President - L. J. Bates, of the Detroit Secretary- J. E. Soripps, of the Detroit Tribuna. Treasurer - T. 8. Api-légate, of the Adrián Times. Executive Comniittee - C. C. Sexton, of the Grand Eapids Tinten ; Gcorgo M. Dewey, of the Hastings Ilanner ; George Willard, of the Battle Creok Journal. Three lady representativos of the pross werc clected to membership: Mis. E. W Jenny, of the Plint Democrat ; Miss Etta E. Crane, of the Kulamazoo News; and Miss C. 13. Allison, of the Cassopolia Democrat. Grand Eapids was fixed as the place of holding the next annual meeting, at which the Executive Committee was directed to set apart eight hours for business ; tho bill of Messrs. Stone & Smith, of the Kalamazoo Tdsffrapht for printing proceodings, address and pocm of last year was allowed ; and then iollowcd the address and poem of tho evoning. The addres9 wis dalivefed by the rotiring President of the Association, Hon. GeouöE VfILLAKl), of the Battle Creek Journal. Ilis subject was, " Journalist, ití utility, it provineo, and its requireuionts.' It was a scholarly production, and was listonad to with intorest by an appreciative audience, including bosides the Association a goodly nuuxber of Bay City ladies and gentlemen. Lts length prevents us from.giTÏug it a place in our columns. Wc must, however, givo place to the elosing. paragraphs :. Felluw journalist, onr duties are chlefly spneiuerul, and it moy sometimes Been tlmt the effecta of our iuiFiicd toil, and the re sults even of our most pains-takuig exer lion, are likewise epliemeral. The Sibyl of Cuma wrote lier prophecies aud par.igiuylie of wisdom lor the yuidance of man, upoii iba notable and iucoaxtaut leaveti wnicli covered the groanil at tlie opening of lier cive, and tlie Cllsturblug breeze daily swept over tliein, cuused her labor U appear li the aobeediñg observar eiitirely useless ; but the leaves were nol lost to those vho palieiilly rcadjtuted tlieir wiii ten surfaces and restortd the coiitiuuity of ilie oracleso: luw and kooweledge which thcy presented lor tliu Ix'neiil ol sueceeüinj; gewñllkMM. Tlie work of tlie journalist appears to be expended uponpagus thut art tqu.iliy transitory witli tlie Sihvlline leaves ; but we inay be assurecl tlmt when the luflutnce of ih 8 eplienural iii-.lnici.iuii shall Decouie collected ; wlien the inaxiin.s and waruloge, the Information and the comiséis shall be woveu opon the web ol history, thcy will be touiid to have a valué which lias not been lost upo mankind Let this reflection glve encouragcinent 13 our extrtions and stead lastness to onr re solve to meet each day's dutlcs aud responsibil kies. Il is onr high privilege that wc are cali ed to labor in au age of momentona idvancenieut. Science iias mirked a new era aud ui most brought a nevv dispenxation. Our scl'ools have become colleges and our colleges have sprung into great universi ties ; religión Is everywhere assuuiing a broader chaiity and disphiying a vvlder überality ; free instittuious are steadily gainin groaud la every pait of llie workl ; we liml oiirsolvcs the witnesses of, and the aclors in a intellectiial, social aud moral re vol ui Ion ; and muy it not fiirly be expected that journiilisin will take new intreiaentsoi correnpondlnj; rigor, will put forth renewei nctivity for the culmination of the fruiis of this tmtgnlfloent period of rational progltess, and link itself with every cffort lo promote llie substanüal in'ortsis of our race 'í Michigan has a r:ght and, we think, lias also a reason to believe that her Journal Uta will show an efficiency neltlier mail, nor rcluctantly givn. nor eouivocallv applled, in qulokeDlDg the march of toward the goal of lts grandest aspirations. When the future Shall disclOM, on our OWO continent, a population poshessing all the brnefits and advantages of the terfecled era of the future, it is our earnest hope that the turritory amid the great lakes may not be inferior to any oiher portion of the land, in Inlelllgence, in social prosperty, or political freeilom ; and it is also ainong uur most ardent anticipations that posterlry here will be willin and proud to declare that they owe nu light share of these blessings, to tho. falth fulness, the integrlty, the vigUance, the counige, tlie iiiflependcnce, the devoted aud uutiring labor of Michigan journalnm. At the closo of the addross, Miss. SexTON, of Grand Eapids, daughter of C. C. SicxTüX, of the Daily News, responded to an invitation given by the Assoeiation, and sang " Under the Roxe Buh," in a manner that commanded unbounded applause. The poet of tho evening, Will. L. Carleton, author of " Betsoy and I are Out," was then intruduced and met a hoarty welcome. Ilis poom, " l'ie Mditor's Qiiests," will be found on our first page. Tho manner of reading proved Mr. Carletox somothing of an actor as well as poot. Af ter a vote of thanks to orator, poot and Miss Sexton, to Bro. Wakren, of tho Executive Committee, and to tho citizens of Bay City, threo hundred copies of thu proco jdings, including addreas and poem, wero ordered issucd in pamphlot form - two copies to bo sent to (ach member of the Association and one to each journul not represented, tho Assooiation adjournod to meet on the steamer. THK BASQUET. IiTimediately follo%ving the adjournment carne the banquet, served in the dining hall of tho Frasor House, and tendered by tho citizens of Bay City. The tables wore wc-11 spread with substantials and luxuries, in the attack upon whiüll the " Press Gang " was aided and abetted by tho ladies of their party, besidos many prominent Bay City-zens. Af tor full justico had boon dono to the physical föttst, Hon. W. E. Bates was appointed " Toast-Master," who announced the following toasts, the sovoral gentlomon nimini responding: Welcome Gtieati - By Judge Grler ol the Tinlh Jud dal Circuit. Tlie Repuhlic - Ovr Whole Country - Response by A. L. Aidrich, of t!ie Plint Globe. 7 'he tétate, of Michigan - Hon. Geoi-ge Willard, of the li:iitle Crnok Journal. Tht Ladies- George P. Lcwis, of tho Saginawiau. Ihc Pionitr Journalitt of the Sagtnaw Vallty - U. V. Jenny, oí the Uenesee i)ctnremt. Deadfiejd - Liceheads - L. J. Bates, of tho Detroit Post. 'Ihe Prrss-S. D. Bingham, of the Lan si ug Tho latenoas of the hour induced tho " ToasUMastor " to withhold soveral propared sentiment, and the unnotifiod fïciithmipn (liiwn f'or responnen tewfu fortunute escapes. We were infottwed day that wo were one of tbimi. From tbe banquet room the part) adjoitmed to the steamer Sandusky City, was boarded about 11 ).;, o'clook, r. st.. iMïly to find that by some misuadeiatandiflg or misarrangoinent bcrths and rooms liad not been secured. Wbile tbe disHatisfled ones are arrangiug for tho night wo nust go back and " DO " BAY CITY. Tlr.s tho tnombers of the Assoeiation did in the n 't Tnoon, carriages Inving been providcil by the thoughtful and gonerous citizens, who evidently tftke just pride in what thcy have aceomplishod in a brief' eight yeara. Then tlic population nunil")'(.'il but about 800, the last census figurcd but six short of 7,000 ; then tho roadways wound uround among atunips, now there are throe milos ot' Nioholson pavf'inent, aud a street railway two mile long ; then the housos were few, scattoring, aud of Wood, now tine and elegant bloeks line the streete, built many of thern of a cream colored brick, rival - ling tho famous Milwaukoo articlo. Our space jirohibits an enumeration, but we must name the Fraser block, and the Wostovor block - approaching completion and which has no equal in the Statu out of Detroit. While we aro writing thus far, our party has reached l'ortsmouth and the new McGraw Mili, which has a capacity for cutting 100,000 feet of lumber per day. Instead of bringing up at tho MoGraw Mili, we find our way across the river to the Sage Mili, with about the samo capacity, and watch with interust the movemont, of the gang and circular aaws. Connected with the mili is an oxtengive aalt block, the exhaust stram beiug used, conducted in pipe through the vat. This is a inuch more eoomomical process of evaporation thau by kettlos and direct heat. Solar evaporation is a)so usod to someextent at several milis in the Valley. We noticed that the sawdust was gathered up by bolts aud carried from all parts ofi the mili to the ongine room where it is ised,- with what littlo waste is left after a log is cut int'J plank, inch boards, siding, pickets, and lath, - to get up steam. So Ihat nothing but the smoke is lost. One saw-inill must suffice for all. We also visited the faetory of tho " Northwestei-n Gas and Water Pipe Co." Thosc works have but recently boon put in nperation, and tho machincry is all new and in admirable working order. The company is operating under tho WyckofF patent, and controls the States oi Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan. The pipe manufaetured is used both for Water and GasAVorks, and is claiined to be superior for both purposes, costing much less. Tracing the process of manufacture : A log is drawn up from the water aud placed upuii tho boring way. Tho rinimer or hollow auger is then startcd, and a six, cight or ten inch core cut out, according to the size of the log ; this core is again and again bored out, the smallest pipo beiug of two inch boro and the last core being sold to a picket maker and split into half-round pickets. From the boring way tho largost size pipe goos to the scaling or turning way, whcro tho bored log is barked and turnïd down to its fixed sizo, au eight inch bore having a three inch shell, a six inch bore a two inch shell, etc. Then to the banding way, over which runs a rooi, and as the way mores tho pipe is spirally banded with heavy band iron which runs over the reel aud through coal tar or usphaltum cement. Thon each end is cut on the inside, a close fitting collar filling the cut when oouneutions are made. Now the pipe goes to another room, is placed nearly upright upon a steam force pump, and is pumpoJ full of heated asphaltum, the surface b-ing thorongh'.y coated and wood itself permeated. Thun to horizontal cylinders running through tho smie hetited material, and then rolled over a deposit of saw-dust, so coating the outside that it can be handled and shipped. For gas pipe it is claimed that there is less condensation and waste, for water pipe that it will stand a pressure of 500 pounds to tho square inch, and that the water passing through or standing iu it will not become itnpregnated with mineral substiinees. It is not our desigu to discuss these claims now. But we must basten. Lying bolow the bar, with freo accoss to the noble ba y, Bay City has tli9 advantage of her upriver neighbors. With trust in her future we must forego a longer notice of her business entorprisis aml hospitable people, while we seck our follow üiuursionists. TItE EXCURSIÓN". The time occupied by our digression bas givim time for our disconcerted and dissatisiiud brethren - -and not a few sisters - to berate the Steward and the boat, and fix themselves more or less conü'ortably for the night, - no sinall job for sonie forty ladiea and gentlemen. Wc didn't accept the throe feet berth which Bro. UiiaPIN, of tho Free PreM, reports assigned to us, but concluded to officiato as Steward, doubling up in tho upper berth of that officer's room, Bro. SMITU, of tho Sehoolcraft Dispatch, and Bro. Willaiïd, of the Battlo Creek Journal, taking the lower oue. Our experienee was lively for awhilo. Door opens uiil in pops a head. " Want a room, Steward." Plenty of thom, give you one soon, we reply. Another, " Can't you two doublé up and give a fellow a chance 'r " llave a friend yct to come in. " Well, this room was promiscd to us" - a partner standing bobind the questioner. Cau't help it, wc have got it. " It was promised to us, if not given to ladies." Kaow nothiüg ubout that, we were told to take it, and look it. " It was piomised to us beforo leaving port, when was it given to you 't " Oh, not until after leaving port, but we have gol it. Head is withdrawn, owner says, " we'll soe about this," and ho is seeing about it yet, perhaps. Then wo go to sleep, as much of us as the musical(y) whuel against which tho Stewards room ia baoked, will permit to sleep at once, aud Bro. WlLl.AitD comes in and oliiciatos as Stoward for another while. Others of the party oxohanged similar experiences next raorning, some cf the ladies even telling tiow thcir slumbers wero oft listurbed by invitatioijs to soavuh for lost hats, the aforesaid hats liaving been left in thcir rooras by unfortunato geiitlemcn ejected foi their accommodation. Th(! winds and the waves wore propitious, the prodictcd " rough night " was not, the waters of the sometimos boisterou Si jinaw Bay were on thcir good havior, iiiid ;ih tilo early-risiilg passengofs stepped upon dook tho steamor was entering Lako Huron, with ïawas Pöint Light in view. Landings wen! made at Tawas City, East Tawas, Ausable, Harrisville, and Alpena was reachod at 3 o'clock p. ji. The severa] towns named aro luiuber marts, and milis and logs and lumber, and tmnbet aitd log and milis, with a low buck-ground of pino forost, had, so far, ulonu privoted tho searehing oye. ALPENA ANt ttER UOSPITALITIKS. Sotnebody had whispered to the Alpenians that tho Press was pressing down upon them. And there upon tho wharf wero the Mayor, a cominittee ol'roception, a band of music, and a crowd at their backsi Beforo tho plank was run out the Steamer was boarded by boys, and each member of tho party furnished print) d slips tendering the frecdom of the city. And then wo wero processed to the Burroll IIouso, where in duo time a bounteous dittner was disclosed. Aftor a welcoining speech by Mayor Cahpen't ER a reepo&se by President Ingeresoll of the Association, and grace by tho Bov. Mr. Bahlow, tho " gtlests of tho city " did full justice to the banquet. And then oame speaking, Messrs. Willard, Rose, Poxd and Cauletox, representing tho Associatiou in the wordy combat, and Alpena being spokon for by Messrs. LookWOOD, BakloW and Cahpexteu. Mr. Loükwood told of their paved streeta (paved with sawdust), thcir progrofsivc enterprise, their magnctic well, their immense lumbor intorests, and the broad belt of swamp land lving back of them, cutting them off from "down bclow" during the season of no navigation, of the way these lands had leen turnod into wrong ohannt'ls, squanderod is the word, of their nood of a railroad to let them out of the woods, and invited the aid of tho Press. After dinner the party visitod the magnctic woll, and rode and walked around tho city. Tho well was bored for salt, fs Oüü feut dcep, is a flowing well, a poworful stream rising some 15 or 20 fect abovo tho ground. Groat medical proporties are claimed for it, and its wators ought to contain them, for they can bo scented half a niilo or less - with favorable wind, have an odor like decayed eggs, and are uot very pleasant to tho taste of tho uneducated. Wo were assured by those who had been thore, that, in both taste an 1 sinell, the waters strongly resemble those at Avon, New York. Their sulphurous smell rominded us of a story Joiix Inueusoll told of an Owosso man not noted for smoothncss of langungo. Asked by a stranger where the D. fc M. R. li. ran to, he replied : "To h - 11, and stops at Owosso, half way for rcfreshments." Ono could easily sunnise the Alpena well more than half way, but then the Alpenaites have the samo liking for it that a downeaster fisherman has for a tainted codfish. But we are digi'essing. Alpona is a great lumber point, and tho biggest raft started frjm there the day wo returned, ever sent down the Lakc. It has about 2,500 people - enterprising and goahead, a very iino school house, several attractivo looking churches, two newspapers, a steam firo ongine, which some poetical genius had reccntly written up in the Pioneer, and is chock-full of hospitality. lts first brick dwelling was h iving its roof put on, and the walls of a brick store wero in progress. It has a fine out-look upon Thundcr Bay, the breezo-s from which neutralizo the miasmas from the swamps iu her rear. The Burrell House, at which our party was fotod, is eutirely uow, in fact had not beon regularly opened. It is commodiouü and noatly i'urnished, and is kept by A. E. McClaix, hite of Bay City. A lady friend told us thut Mrs. HcCl.ux assitred her Bay City frienda that ahe would guarantoe them a good cup of cofi'co and a clean bod, if nothing inoro. The first we eau vouch for, and judging from what wo saw thisk the second will not fail. Tho Marine City, to whioh the party was to bo transfurred, several hoon behind hei time, which was improrod by some in diincing at the Burrall House, by othors insocial converso, and by othersstiïl in walking down to the bay, to look for the steamer. She oame at last, at 1 1 l'. M., when good-by was spokon, and all ombarkod, to ongage m another eontost for rooms and berths. Tliis night ueighbor Beal, of tho Courier, oöiciated as 8teward. Thnreday morning oponed cloar and beautiful. The run üp was delightful, though a head wind prevailed and the weatherwai alittlctoocold for long tarries on deok, especially for thoso geutlemeo who were toni underolothea and saiu ovcrcoats. Stopping at Crawford's Landing - the location of that supposod to bc famoua marbie quarry, llogurs' City, Duncan City - where the milis wero all idlo, for want of logs, and Shoboygan pier - out iu the lake, we soou sightod Bois Blanc Island, Kound Island, Mackinac Lsland, old Mackiuaw, and tho shoros of tho Uppur Poninsulu, with huio a steamer and there a sail vessel. All were on deck, and as we approached our doetdnation tho seemingly llat island rose from the water and its boid bluffs n ere diaaio: el. Reaohing tlio wharf about 2 1-2 p. si. a landing was soon made. Tho only two c;irriagos on tho island were soon engaged, and the score and a half .of uufortunatu turdy ones repaired to tho Mission lluuso, from which a loot raid was promptly planned upon tho interior of the island, a roquisition being made upon the opon omnibus of the hoUBQ in behalf of some of theladies, and appoiatment made for supper at (i i'. M. A trusty guide, " nativo aad to the nianner boni," couductod the party tírst to " An li Hoek," on the easteni border of tho island. This is a bridge, 120 feot abovo tho margin of the laku, spanning an arch worn or out from tho golid rack, by somo torrent sooking passage to tho wateis bolo w. A lowor arch adjoins the largor ono on tho right as the looker on faces down the declivity. As tho party approached, snoh exclamations wero heard as beautiful 1 iu iguilio.out ! wonderful! aront you glatT you are hero! this paya lor the hard tralkl Several of tho party - a lady or two iucluded - went down tho winding, procipitous pathway to the lake, and piayod, boy-like, in its pure, cold waters, but found tlio way up, liko Jordán, "a hard road to travel," and wero inclined to cry lea-uei before reaching a restiii; place. Others - v lady algo includod, the first in oight years - went ovoi' tho iiarrow bridgei a íeat which we doclined to attumpt. Frost and water and timo aro telling upon the natural bridge, and soon it will givo way. From tho "Aroh Hoek" our guido lod the way to ' Sugar Loaf Rock," half a nulo distaut. Located in a deprossed plain this mass of rock risos almost precipitoufly to the height of over 100 feet. lts sidos aro eranmed and Qsaured, and stuntod evergreens hnve flxod their tenaoious roots therein, and for lack of soil must thrivo on air. Tho ascent soomed imposeible, but tho guide assuring tho party Utat it had boen aooomplishod, and by ladies, his word was taken and no real attornpt to scale its summit made, though soveral of the party went part way up. The Frec l'ms correspondent writcs that tho ascunt wag accomplished no.xt day, and by a Detroit lady of the party, tho ■vun' mk', we presiime, who crossed "Arch li(:k " bridge. This rock may havo boon ent into i fot )re'nt shapo by onc of thoso glaoiera whioh Trof. Wimhei.i, tells ubout, or When the idland was upheaved this rook nag have gotteo a Jittle extra uphoaving. We are no geologist and can't say. From " Sugar Loaf " the gilido rscortcd us by winding paths and up steép de clivities to the sito of old Fort Holraos, trom whioh the whole island, tho surroundiiig inlands, and tho maiu land on eithei sido can bo ovor-lookod or lookcd upon. On a clear day it is Baid vessels may be Been entering the Saulc ltiver, 40 milos distant. Tho nunmit of tho island is about 300 feet above the levol of Uu litko. Fiom old Port Holmes Wo Wended our way to tho present fort, but after tnoh a toast on natural gights, bariaoks and einbrasuros and oannon and soldiors had no attruvtiuns, and as soon aa ïuay be the party passod out of its walls, along the v Uage stroct, and agaiu to the Mission House. And here supper was served, not only servod but caten, and ealoll with sueh a snst is to prove the oators had been given good appetites by thcir tramp over hiü and through valloy, and to compliment the MfMtfM f the Mission. Espooiully must we notice the whitefi-sh, takon irumediately bofore cooking trom the deep, eleár, oold waters of the lake, and cookod - well, whito-iish vero never cookod botter. Judging by the quantity disposed of somo of tho party will novoroaro again to look a white-tish in the face, for fear of being twitted of jormandizing. We retnepibei the rorprisod landlord who fed a party of Methodist ministers, and ex.claiiued at thoir execution : " O, Lord-er, how these gos];h;rs do oat ! ' And 80, no doubt, thought Mr. Fhaxks and bis ! good lady, to whoso genorous provisión wo cominead all visitors to llackinae. We know no botter place to halt at for rest and refreshments. With puro, bracing air, sailing, rowing, fishing, sightseeing, and Fiianks' lardar to draw upon, - givon good coinpany, - nothiug will bo wantod to fill out a vacation. Supper over, the party aroceeded to the doolt of tho steam yacht " Grace Dorinor," teodend by Hon. C. B. Fenton, for a cruise around the islaud, a trip of about 9 ï.iili.'s. As tho littlc steamer got under way the setting s-in was gilding t!io landscape, and making brilliant the starspangled banner lloating over tho fort. Whilo " swinging around the cirelo," tho party got a lino view of tho " Arch licwk," the British Landing - at the time of capturing the island from the French, " Chimneyi liock" - a natural fire-plaoo and chimney, the "Maiden's Loap " - a bold, towering, precipitous rock, from which, Indien legend says, a beautiful maidort cast herself down to ttreTe&t falling into the hand of the liostile tribe who had slain her lover, the " Devil's Kitchen" - a cave with a gushing spring to which tho Indians rosortod to have thoir fortunes c st. by fciking Utree drinks at day-lreak and throwing the water over tho left shoulder, and other beautiful SCOIK'S. Arriving at thp " Gi-ace Dormor's' landing tlïe party gave three cheers for Messrs. Fk.ntox and Fiianks embarkod on the Marine City, aud soon the Mdi'kinac Island besso sinking into the waters of the liiUe. Of the trip down we havo nothing to noto. Som.o whiled away the hours of tho ovening with a dance, some ]i!:i yrcl that littlo game that ' Ah Sin " didu't onderstand, while others lookod on and talked. At AJpena another chango of boats was made, and considerable inirth excited by tho Steward porsistontly rofusing to understand that tho ladies aw;ompanyiiig geiitluinen wure not in all instanoea tfiéir wives - whatevor the future may make thom. Bay City was reachod about 1 o'cl.ock A. M., Haturday, whero the stoamer lay until 4 A. M. and then steamed up the rivor to East Sagiuaw, giving us a fine view of tho miua along the valiey. A largo number of the party droppod off at Bay City, good-by having beon said before ratirine for tho night, others loft at Saginaw, and others :vt the BOToral stations along the railroad homeward. Homo was reachad at & l'. M., hoving enjoycd a full wook of reoreation and plaasore. May wo moet tíit? same itllow craftsmen and friends on a similar cruise on Lake Michigan next year, with muro of the " Pross-Gang." - We can not t-loso this irticle, - already too long, and yot ouiitting inany thingt we il':sirod to noto, ospccially the romance of the expedition, tlupements, captures, escapes, ifcc, - without giving place to the foilowing resolution adopted at a final business moeting of the Association held on the Sandusky City on Friday evening : Resolved, That this Association tender its hcurty thanks for courtesios extended by the citizons of Bay City aud Alpena ; to the Hon. C. B. Penton and to E. A Franke, of the Mission House, Mackinac, to Deoson A Da venport, of tho Fraser House, Bay City, to A. K. MoClain, of tho Burrell House, Alpena, and to tho ofKeers of the steamers City of Sandusky and Marine City, for personal kiudnesses. - Wo must also tender our personal thanks for favors and courtesies " all nlong short," ""d cspeoially to Ií. L. Vai;i:i:, Chairmun of the Bxeoutive Committoo, whaso indefatigablo oxertions ni:ule tho excursión a success.


Old News
Michigan Argus