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- "The Government" is still at Long Branch. - Princo Napoleon ha been ordered to leave France. - George Francis Train? ís olatherskiting in Irelund. - Long Branch is now styled' the brovi-t nutional capital. - Georgo C. Batos has volunteered to defénd Vanderpool. - Admiral Porter remains at Washington : because he is sick. - Pleasanton doasn't find his berth at Washington vory ploasant. - The Dotroit Oommon Council have enjoined the new Boavd of Public Works. - " The Amhorst Six," a new boat club, have unexpuctodly beaten tho long victorious Harvard boys. - For want of Ku-Klux ouf.rages the Radical journals are af ter Jeff. Davis and an unknown woman. - Butler (Dr. D. V.) roally wnnta to be Governor of Alassuchusetts. He can bo spared from Congress. - Solar heat is now spoken of as a new motive powor. Whisky can beat the saina in getting up steam. - There was an explosión in the Washington arsenal on the 22d inst. Loss esthnated at $100,001). - Mrs. Jay Cooke, wife of tho distinguished Philadelphia banker and financier, died on Kriday last. - The Detroit Tribune, having read the statement of Gen. McQuade, withdraws its Bttack upon Gov. Hoffman. - Indian Coraraisioner Parker - himself a " big injun " - bas resigned. Says the late law of Congress cuts his cornerg. - Grand jurios have boon abolished in Wisoonsin, and Judgo Miller don't like it. Tho evils he deplores did not result in Michigan. - The President and Cabinet have united in persuading Secrotary Fish not . to resign, or as report has it to withdraw his resignation. - M. ïhiers says that " the true policy of Franco ia peace and organization." - The very reason that Franco vrill not pursue such a policy. - Senator Trumbull is named for President, with Gor. Walker, of Va., for his Vice. The ïadical Hepublicans won't go any snch ticket as tbat. - The Nation says : " Worse tilines might happen than the eleetion of Mr Adains to the Governorsliip of Massitcliusetts ; " which issaying a good deal for the Nation, - A delegation of Germán, Dutch and Austrian bankers is rcported en route to tbis country : to examine into the prospects and financial condition of the Northern Pacific Raüroad. - At Ironton, Ohio, the widow of a man who died of delirium tremcns has obtaincd a judgment for $5,000 against the inan who sold him the liquor. That's whoro the new Michigan law will pinch. - Mrs. Stanton and Miss Anthony, now in California, have disgusted welldisposed editors and uther peoples, by espousing the cause of Mrs. Fair, in both an unreasonable and umvomanlyjnanner. - In Ediuburgh, Scotlan'l, there are 19,000 more témales than males, and in Glasirow an excess of 16,000. The opposite of the saying, " there was never a jack without a jill " is not true in those cities. - " Perr}r's Victory " has one snrviving witness, Dr. Joscph Davidson, of Petersburg, Indiana, who was aasistant stirgeon at that baltic. He ought to hold a nwss convention on the coming lOth of September. - We find this item in the " About "Woniun " column of the N. Y. World : " It is oxpectcd that bot ween two and thrcc hundivd women will attend the ncxt ten of tho Michigan Univcrsity." Unground ed expectations. - Cornull Uuiversity is reported advei tisiiiR in England for Bateante to fill he professorial chairs. Tliat's an exarupl for business and professional men wh turn up their noss at any suggostion to ntake their wants known. - Gen. Hancock has heen put in noin iiiation for President, by the vLsitors n Rockbridge Aluin Springs, Va., composec of ladies and gentlemen from all parts o the country, " Small oaks from littl acorns grow " wroto the poet. - Mrs. Stanton says that jails and pris ons should be surroundud by parks anc gardens, as are asylums - tho inm.ites to have free range, and that bands ot' musi should bo S(üt to play in the jail squar instead of tho parks froquonted by tli rich. - " E irn whiit you spend " heads pnr.igraph in a newspaper now before us It' gome young men wc have in our mind' eye don't spond inoio than they scem to earn, the establishments around whicl they Lounge trom rosy mum to dewy ev must drive a poor trade. We have reerived the J!y number o 1ÍAND, McN.u.i.y & Co"s. nes!ern Railira, Quid, This neatly íí't ton p uide to 111 iravc'tr glves correct l!me tables of all th railways lu tue West, and in aikliüoi sketches tlic strong points of the Bevers cities, villngcs and to.vns long them. Tliere is also a table showlng the diflW'eiice of time betwom loading cities, and iivuks iii.licntiug wUrtt tilB the sevcnl roails run by. This il'ature Is a valuable one. Publisliers will scml copies on rtceipt of 25 ceuts Washington Irving ouce alluded to a man of superior pomposity as " a graai mini, and, in Iris own estiraation, ■ man ut gcefrt weight, AVhen bo goes to the West, hc thinKs tho East tips up." Eev. Peter Cartwright, the vetoran pioneer preachor, is drawing nipfh to the close of his oarthly pilgrimago. Ho is now confined to his room in Pleasant Plains, ne.'ir Springfield, Illinois. His strength is rapi:lly failing, and it is feared he cannot live muny months. diarios Dyke, Engincer on Rabert Fulton's ftrst stoaoier to Albany, died Monduy, nged 83 yenrs. Mr. Dyke engineered the first stcamcr down the O!iio and Mi.ssissippi river to New Orlouns. Mrs. Alcxaudcr Hamilton nieco of President Mouroe, died on Friday night at her rusidoiico at Xew Brunswick, Ñ J. lier husband, who smvivcs her, is a son of' Gen. Alexander Hauiiltou. From official returns wade at tlie Bureau of Statistici it appeaia ttat during the (jUMitcr "Uiting the 3Oth of June, 1871, thiüc uirivi'd at the port of Boston from foreign oountriea 11,440 passengers, of whom l). 1 12 ware iminigvoats - 0,032 líalos and 4,410 females. The Comptrollor óf Public Parks of New York states that the cost of the land of Central Park is $C.ti;,.,Sl. Expendiam ibr tho improvonient of the Park 'rom May lst, 183Í), to January, 1871, were 16,430,733.


Old News
Michigan Argus