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NN ARD01Í SAVÍNGS BAKr Aíf ARBOR, Mlfclf. tkri.sí H.í.HF,D w rwsrrs i t COLI.ECTIONS M4DE AT ALC ACCJtÜMBT, UNITED STATES BONDS, GOLD, SíttEU. rJADA ÜONEY. AND Ooff, POSS BOtrOUT AND 8OLD. Drfls in-T'onTIe York, Chicago, and Det. and Bill. ..f Exchaime drattn VEht n ' he princrpa! rftie of Jturupo. inoisrE-sr L, 0.33 ON FIRST.CLAS-1 SECÜRÍÍIES. All kind of legitímate Banking Basta trnlcte ACCOUNTS SOLICITUD Ifj Sheriff's Rale, STATE OV mcaiOAN, Coui.ty of Wa.hten„ .. By virtuo of ,i Writ of ecutin„ Ss,m) „ „ "" "J irier tíie acal of tht, dMUt CíAirt fot the ??.? Waahtenaw, Stilte of Mirlaran, SÜSjS Jf" J.' and to .rae direrted and dolf vere.1. Knin,t 1,1 JM" nn.1 clinttd., landa and toncmciiU of AhLy n?1 defenditnt therein nnmed, I dld on the -i j1 July.A.D isn.fortl,, i:lnt of 2oU. .aV.'í'.rf evy umn aUtba interest Uhley Minor hos in tí , ,' lowinff deacriUnl mi .s( ate. to-wit : Lotl iff 3 ', " wpftngthatpaTOl descri!el follow 1 "I1,"3' atthe wattaimí oornat of aaid lot No. lis thcící jf 00 tert, thenm north 20 feet, thmee t 1 m' lhenoutbM fuet to the place of bfKinn'„ 'S tuda Mbng altaated in the city ypBi!„„Vi ?2tT"S expo-c f.,r aols at publie uueüon tu hiiílif-st ii,?i at tho jaatH doof of the Coart Housci he c fí'Ü Aun Arlior, ou the twelfth day of fenU-nilir ' t 1871. at II o-clock a. m. of said dar A-lwmtKT' 1. Uatcd July Í3th, 1871 1332 i, TMTKOÍ WEBB, Sluri, Sheriff Sale. ' OTATE OF MICHKfAX, Coimty of Wah(en„ ,. O Hy v.rtuc of a writ of execution ianud ut oí L1 oadn the KI.l of the Cirmiit Conrt fot tnl, "biw, State of Michfcan, 4ated th, iSfí April, 18,1, nd tome díreclol and deliycel HLf the good. and chattel., landa and teMmeat,',?;! h. hclmible. defondant thercin luimod, I did mí Síh dy ,.f M;,v. A. D Uil, r..rtl.ewñtofKÍ chattei, tevy „pon aB tho btCTCat John S .A bu mthe followingdeücribed tract or pnnil „r A Uwtod m the towiwhip of Lodi. eounty of vLS dhw, State of MJcWgiui, Mng tho orthWl ,,5 ot northweat qunrter, at d noithwestquarterof Ï wuUic-Hst qunrtcr of nol thpait qnnrtcr of J. , twenty-nme, town three south flve east. contZ, ninetyHve eres of land, bc the samo more Ó7? which premisos I símil exposc for sale at publie aueiï totbefugheat bidder ot the south door „f thfTJSJ House, inthccitrrf AnnArW, on the lith d„H ■ttsss&íar1 io "ciMk ■ ■ -4 ,,,., , KTBON WEBB, Bheriif, " Br Jobtin roKBHi. Vnder-Slirit Shi'iiff's Salo. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coi.Dty of . 0 I?r mtue of a writ of oxecution issued out of td under the cal of the Circuit OouH for the mmbi V a-shtenaw. Biste of Michigan, dated .lunt 8 tl D. 1S71, anl to mo diiTotod ant deliveied, afraiiut' tka goods and dratteb, land and tatementi ol Aart! Miuili and Charles ü. onklin, delendan1 tlt-i-ta named, 1 did, on the lOth day of .luly, l;i M(k, ■want of goodi nnd chattols, levy moa 11 the m„. est tliat Anthony Sim'th has in the following de-mbtd real estáte, to-wit : Tho undivided one-liulf ii ik, DOTth part of the southwert quarter ol section tnt. teen, in town-hip four south of range six tast. 1 :i picee of lnntl on the -outh sido of the ïnill-pondon the north pnrt of the above desenbed quarter sectius Mng the premises herctofore diodtd by (onHiiij Miophcnl to Krastua LelSaron, brarina rlutc April SM 1SM. Also all the interest Charles H. Conklin U. b the followint,' deseribed reul estato, to-wit J.ots No. 1 and i in aoction 4 in the villnpe of !J,iliDe, conntiof Waahteniiw, State of Michi;nn, nceordinj.' to the'ncorlel plat thcreol', bcfrinaiiiK on the soutli line of the Chir-JRO rond twelie feet west from the non heut toner of aid lot onc, tl-.cnce northi-rly parallel wühtl nut line of Mid lot one sixty feet 'henee easterly iornliel with said Chicago road twenty feet, ttanee nortberty paraDe) with the aid cat line of the Chircornj to the place of befrinninsr, wliich pn mi ■ I hall f jjh for xale at public auution to tle hitroot hiddaitttt south door ot the Court House in the oily üf Ann A Ijor, on the ISth day oí Septembci next, at 12 ocfcik nowi erf s.iid dy. Bated Jaly ïftï, IS7I. MYEON' "WEBB, Shiri. 1332 Ky Jortin ÏOUBE3, U'niler-Sherit. Sbcriff's Sale. .. TATE OF inCHIGAN, County of Vnahfcn. lïy virtup of writ of execution. iiHl ootofai under the seal of theCneuit Couit fw the county o[ Wnshtcmuv, State of Michigan, d:tted tbc t.n:. lirst day of March, 171, and to me dirrated anddriii. cied, against the goods and riiatt. Ls, lands anJteMIBentB of Lonia K. Huchoz, defetulant tluTt'in numeil, 1 did, on the third day ui June. A. D. lh;i,lortk want of poods and chattels, levy upon tbow mris of loti 1 and 2 l)-in est oí IJotioit stieet, iu block fou nurth of Hurun street and riB)re !G) six, accoriins lo the recordad plat of the Mltge (now cily! o( Ann Arbor, exevp in;,' the northeiat .nier, nlHo'cxwptinr the north six kI.s of the TOrt seven tods of ja J lot two, s:uil nal et.te byirm situ;itel in Uw o y ni Ann Avtor, i:ounty of Wjishtenaw, State of Michifcim; which prem Lies I ahnll exposé for safe tpats anotfon, tothe bigh(t bidder, :it the ooi dov if the Cwrrt lrxi.-e, In t!)i city of Ann Ai+or. sa tiie Iwvutj-flfth iajr eC Jury is; i, at tcu o'dodfa the fórenoiniof Baid day. Dated, June3d, 1871. MTBON AVEBB, Sherit 13M By Jortix FoiiuER, Unaur FLeriE Theitbuve sala ia aljourncJ to August ürst at tl same time of dny xorl DatedJuly 25h, IS7I. MYKON WKBB. Sheriff. By Jor.ri.v FoBBEB, Under SheniF. Koal Estáte For Sulo. STATE OF MICHIiiAX, Coontj oí (7ubtoanr,a In thi matter of tJie estáte of Jacob llxjlirlt.dttioiwndJ Noties ia hexebj giren, that in Banoaiutaï afi wüer limnted to tfio ondeiadEniid, adeunistntiw A himit '.'ii nith the vïll annexed of soit} dectaMxl, hy the Uon. Judfeof Probak' for the cwmty tj WC. tvnaw, on the twenty-lifthdny of Juljr,' A. I). MT1, there will be old at public rendue, lo the hi?)iwt tólder, :it the dweBing hooae on the premis beieiaiftif di'scribed, in the county ot' laáhtenaw iu uidStil on Wedneeday. the thiHeettth day of Ooirtoüwf A. IX 1871, at ie o'clock in the aftel MMN) tt thnt fT ibjeet to all oucumbrariees by mortgage ot otfaerm igting at tlu; titne of the do.ith of aaid dcumdl.tfcf foUowing doserlbed real estáte, to-wit : The est klf oi the uutheast tiuartcr of section ten in lownslup aoDtk ot i nQOB toor enst, Do&faining eijjlitj i more or . And also all th;tt part ei the smtthrwi quartef of the aouthweet puarter of Mctioo thn Mtne township and range, lyinj; .soitlh of the ontlelof ('olumuia l.afee, (except that part formcrly hiM t Jiibit Arnibrnst}, coatuiuing eipitt acres of land. boiindel on the Bouth by a diteh aud on the wwt by a powl of water. Dated July 25th, A. I). 1871. JACOB BAÜER, AdministraiOT 1332 tk Intuís non with the will nnnexri. STATE OF MICHIGAN- TS Fourth Juditul i il puit - In Chancery : yuit pending in the Circuit Court, for the wuntyof Waahtniaw. ir. C innoerf, whereiu Ellen I.. ItoydociM 0 Mnpliiinant and Wi liani A. lioydon is J-tt'H'UDt,ftl Ann Arboi-, county aud State ttforcsaid. tliis 1-th daf 01 l..!y, i. 0. 1871. Ou nad&Og and iilin'' due proef by nffidavit &m the ulove named defendant, william A. Boydon, iw iilts bl llianeh (.'ounty, in the irtate of Slichitn, that a ulnrna pouU not he Burrod tinon bini by CCtUQn of J:is abaencG fiom hls plnreof reiiti'-ncc:(n notfon af .ïolm N. Gott, olicitor for roitplain111'il is ordered that aM d. i adant, Wflliam A. la.lí. cause his amwOTanoe to be enttred in sa!d Ktwe itbffl three months fiom the dte of this wder ; aml in of his appearanee beeanse bil ananrav to the am-pikiiants billof complaint, to bcnlerf.nud n copy tl;cn.-ofto lic crved on complrtinant'ssolieitor within t wcntytfnr ofter the service of a copy of s;id lill and lotiw tliis order : aud in default theri-of that th; snid nll taken a&etinfessed by t'le s lid def.'ndaut. Anditis tiirlher onlored thnt vitkiu twmtrdin the said complainant oanae this order to be puWiw" in the Michtthin Arpas, a nowspa)er pubiislied in oity of AnnArbor, in anjd county. and that tbc m jMililii-ation be c.mtinued in ttaid paper oncti in fw weuk lor six uccessive wona'll. B. KAHA.V, Circuit Court Commiseioner, Wasliteuaw Countr, Miehjaitn. Jobn Ki tioTT, Solicitor for Complainant. 6wl3W ATÜAH W.CHEEVEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW ! Office with E, W. Margil, Kftat sideof Cort Ho VOIl RENT A DKSIRABLE STORE! And CELLAR. Also one Fine Front Room o" their New Store, No. IS Main St., from August lli 1871. Kiiqnire of IMO-tf G.W HAYS, Sfl-_ rOK SALET Tho nudcriiïned offers for snle her reiidence " thciUs;! of Saliue : two laree lot, desirablj i"" canil, wiih a go d house, barn, water, fruit.1 .e.m.,. coltINTnA 0REaí. Saline. .Iunel4th. 1ST1 1S!'I4 jLIl GLOYES. l have 20 doten of the CELEBUATRD EMPRES8 KID GLüVESÜ Iu the most exquisite ehadc, for one doll' P"'r 13-tf J H. MATKAKO_ INGINE ANP BOILER EOR SALE' The BUbsoriber for isla chenp a Prt"'! Tlircshiog Machine Kniiii.c luid Boiler. Cau ! t Ui dep tin this city. -"" AlfeJ"" 2T PETER BITOLg. CTOB SALli A good fiiraily Horo, with Hupgy and BlIM Inquut!ï{.T..iu:N-xi.rr 13ilw2 UnlTcrattj Buil"' otïcëT" i:i„.rubv forbid y penon (.tin? my 'g2 ,„„nt, without my oanwat, M U dclt o ■"- 1 ulier tliis dnto I will nol T;iy. Dted, Am. Arbor July 2OtK 1S.I. --ojgjT,


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Michigan Argus