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Burlington. Lcavlar; the East and arrivinfc t Chicago orludianapolis, how shtill we reach the West? The best Line is ackuowledcd to ne the C B. Q , juluedtog ther with the B. & M Railroad by the Irou Bridge al BarJington, ftni calted the lïurliugton Roiite. The malu Une of the Route running to Omaha, counects with the greit Pacific Roadt, and forms to dat ttie lezuling r -ute to California, The MidHii H ranch, eo lering Vtra8ka ut flattinmu h, piases throuh LlOOOlB, the State Capital aad will thls ycar bc finihud to Fort Kearnc), frming ihc hortast route acrosa the Contlucnt by over loo nlls. A. nother b ranch of the B M, divergius at Red Oak, f;i]i-. iuii a line runniD? down the Miuuri 1 1 1 r ■ t j ■_' 1 1 St. Joe to Kungas City, and all Kansas. Paseeugers by this route to Kansas, ee Illinoit?, -South Iowa, and Missouri, and, by a alight divcrL■n ■:■, cao see Nebraska also Lover-- of ftoe views ghonld remember the BurIfagtoa Kmite, for ÍU townf " high-2learaiu; irom aftr1'- It tree-fringed strearas- its nugh bluffs aud quartics- lts coro-oceans etretching over the prairie furthor thin rye can reach. Land buyera will be sure to remember It, for they have frieMds among the two thonsund wh have alrcaov boaght farme from Geo. S. Harris, the hni C.nimissi nu-r of the B. & M. R. R at Burlington Iowa.or atnjng the four thoutjand home-steaderB and pre emptors v;o lastyear fiied cliuis in the Lluculn land ofñce, where Uncle Sam is rich cnough to glve ua all a farm," Only a texv more of tliosc Polnt Laco Shawls Icfl, at $10, S7.50, S5.5O, at tltc tï i 1 1 in.i Store. More 1 ti.-iii one hundred thousnnd persons annuall die in this oountry from Consamption, wlüch is but tbfl child of Cutarrh. $500 reward ia oflfered by the propnci.or of Dr. Sag-e's Cntarrh Remedy for a case o Catarrh which he cannot cure. Sold by druggists, or send sixty cento to Dr. R. V. Pierce, 133 Séneca stroef Duffalo, X. Y., and get it by mail. Don't get swin dled by men cliing themsclves Dr. Sage ; Dr. Pierce is the only man uow living that has the riirht hik cun prepare the genuino and original Dr. Öage'a Cu tarrh Itemody, and hiö private U. S. Governmen Ötamp i upon the outside wrappcr of every packag of the genuine. Tlione Parker Sugar Cured Hams nt SlawHon & Son's are choiee cuting this hot weather, when th oüor oi" the best kept and cleanliest butcher's stall Li not. vtry tempting. Vou can find tito largest assortinen of Hoop sïtirts and cornet at tbc ku est pril is, at the Jflillincry Store 47 Sou tl Main Street. Bounly to Soldiere. Those wh culisted in 18Si on the flrst cali of Pree dent Liucoln, and wtio were honoralJy lischarge( bcforethe expiration of the term of their enüst ment. are cntiilcd to $100 ench, a bountyAndüoldiörs euUntin undcr act oJ July 4th, 186 areto be allowed the uupaid iuatalments ofbount lf they wcre didcharged by expiration of servic Theabove clasnesshould make applicatiou to th Qnd'.-rBlm-ri. March _Mtb,U70, l'iJ-ti JOHN N. QOTT, Bounty and Claim Aeut We have, in order to close out onr re maining stock of Parasol, reduced tlicm to t os.. New Ml in-r) Store, 47 s. Main st Soldier of 1S12, who perved sixty davs. are en tltlecl to l'ension, and ahould npply immediatcly to John N. Gott, Bounty and Pension Agent, Ann Arbor, Mich. r ATEST STYLES! BEST GOODS ! OREATEST VARIETY AND LOWEST PRECES ! ! S. SONDHEIM HAS JtSt tUTURKED FROM THB E A S T , WIÏH TUÈ LARQEST AND BEST SËLECTËD STOCK OP1 SPRI G AND SUMMER GCODS (,l:M-S Kt K.MSHIX; OODS, CIIILDREX AND YOITIIS' GLOTHIXG TRUNKS, VALISËS, SATCHEL8, &c, kc.f &c ., THAT HAS ËVfiR T5IÍFN DR0Ü6HTTO THI8 CITÏ, WUICU HE WILL 8ELL Cheaper than the Oheapest for Cash. ALSO A FINE A8SÜRTMENT OP CASSIMEIiES, CO ATI NOS, and VESTINGS, WHICH HE WILL MAKE UP TO OKDHR IS THEBEST STYLE, AND WARJIANTED A PIT ORNO 8ALE1 TXTKAORDINARY 1NDUCEMENT3 TO PURcnA SERS OP DRY GOODS ALSO CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. THE FARMERS' STORE ! WIU now offer Thlrty Ttumssnd Do'lars worth srifiMO and summbk DRY GOODS! AND GROCERIES! AT REDÜOED PHÏOES! FOK TUIRTY DAYS BEFO RE HOVING INTO THEIR NEW STORE ! No. 28 Soutli Main Street, now beiu; flttetl up next doortu Wines & Wordca's G. W. HAYS, Supt. Ann Arbor, July lOUi 1871. 1330-ml IMJJLDERtí ATTENTION, SANFORD & CARPENTER MACHINISTS Are prepnred to do all kind of LATHE SCREW CUTTING, PLANING FOWEB I'l IIIX., BRIDGE AND BUILDING BOLTS ALSO STEAM AND GAS FITTING IN ALL ALt. IT3 niONCIIKS. AGENTS FOP. STKAM & GAS FITTERS GOODS COCKS, VALVES, WIIISTLES, &C. ALSO Model Making of overy variety Bapement of Courior Offlce. Tor. Main and Cather Ine StrcctK. AXN AÜBOR. 1390-m3 LUTTEU WANTED. I am :i;.'.iu prepared to take uil CHOICE BÜTÏER Made In the t'onnty, for O ASIT or goods 1822 tf J.H. MAYNAIÏD "PBY8ICÍAHS PRESCBIPT1OIÍÍ 4CCCRATELY AND ' CARBFULLY PREPAPED I R.W.ELL1SACO.,DRUOGIS18.


Old News
Michigan Argus