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The Scientific Value Of Cheese Factories

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X'rf'trc, a London Journal, saya that the Aiiniiraii System t' oheeae faetones was established ncarly twcnty years ago, and in its present eondition of maturitV it ret:iïns all the esseritial features whirh wer (■li:iiiicttiist.ic of its infaney. The test of twenfy years' experienoe i" a country . whore' appamnt improvements are oagerly subtnitted to a fair trial is imiply suffioient to prove the success of the system. Rcccntly question of its adaptability to Ënglish dairy districts bas acquired considerable proiniinnce in agrioultoral oiroles, ana is now passing froïn tlic slago of discussion to tluit of experiment. The two great uaerits whibh aro clainied for it are economy in the labor of profluction md superiority of cpiality in the produee. It is evident that if a dozen farmers convey theil milk to one building (a factory) to bo made bïto oheese or butter, fiiwer hands aire requiredto perforta the woric than il' the pro coss were carricd on ;it i dozen diffèrenl places by us inany sets of poople. The iactory can be furnished with botter labor-saving macliiin'vy than the farm dairy, and the foriner establishïtteïit requii-es no iuoi'0 supervisión than the latter The process of cheese-making, also, occupies practically the samo length ot' t i me, whethsi the quantity of milk under .nent be largo or small, so that two or three persons whose enfirgies are concentrated at one place will produce as great an economie result as a dozen or more who are necessarily employed at as many different points, eacli ono going through the same routine indcpundently of eaeh other. The superiority in tho quality of the manufactured artiele may be moro difíicult oí' oxplanation, for the best fa nudairies produee as good cheeso as any factory. The reason wliy the estalishmciit of faetones has improved the average ïuake of oheese is because fewer first ■ rate choese maken are required onder the factory system. But when Mr. Jesse Williams established the first factory Uvt'iity years ago, the great bulk of American oheese was exUvmvly poor, and ïor many years it was almöst unsalable in the English market. At the present day ; on the contrary, it can compete on even terms with all but the vory ehoieest Eng lish makes, notwithstandine that it has to undorgo tho ordeal of a long Bea vnyage. The factory system, thorefore, has not only improved tho average quality of American cheosn, but it has very considerably raised the standard cf tho choicest brands.


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