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" BUSINESS DIRECTORY. oace „ Conrt Honse. . rTiViï 'i 8CHOTUK Dealer In Drj Dood. M 'LL, CrucUerv ie. Nu. M SOUth Mam (ir.ct. ._ M' OHlUS IIALi:, H. I., Ui-si U-.i nd Öfticc S 8 corner WUIlMM :u.d . liompso Streste. Bcsuir office huur 1 lü 3 M. vm t" ,-,,"., : .... to order ,.,„1 warrautea. Bealdence uu JSSreïn Strekt, Ai; Arbor. R. lnP.Lto.OUs,olc No.i Suuth Muln jtroct. Au Arbor. r tt.-A. KSSIOW6, Attorncy and lounscllor J. { Uw. Keal SrtaMand Inraraooe Agent Con,,ríMio- Md Cullettlou of illm promptly at Sd W on liberal lerm.. Offlco ... Doijnellya' Blk Baron mreet, ... ■'■rlwr. MkU WH. JACKSO.X, Ucntlst HWOBWOJ to C. B. . i'ort.-r CMBcccoruerMalDand. arouatrecU, ,ferthe"wre Sr R. w E11I-4 „' o. Ai.n Arbor, WF. 1IRF.AKGV, M. ., Pliysidan and . sin . Ofllc .al corner ot Hu ■mjiidDrïlalonatreel Brit eau orPrertytrrii.i CbarrU Anu Arbor, : Ich. ________ ïTXlroïfiVSON, "Mier in Hatt and , raps, K. furs. Str ..w Co'.ds Gen' FiwulibiBg Qooda, te. Nu ISootli Muía weel. %nn Arbor, teh. ÓñTHERI'AHD & WHEDOK, Ute and Aírenla, and dealerain Boni BsMte. Mtoon garoa Street. . Tirwis f. ïïiSIM, DiMiler In Herd-waro, Ls"" Houm Ki.n.i hlug Qooda, TJi Ware.&c. 'o. 3' s.iutli Main rtreet. Teil & AK1., Dealen In PryQoodn QoBwiic.o tc.,Nü 2e South Mak Hreet.AnB Arbor. _I-AWSN Se SO, Orocem, Provifioi. and SlSrainliBion Merchau'tt aurt diater. la Wnier Ulte.Uod Plaater, :.nd Plaaler I'iir.s. Nu. 1 B-at Uuronslrect. ei 'iO'VDIII'ITl, SFbolesale and Relall Dealer S. in tteady Made lothlng, Llotha. Cainn-r-s. telimViïdGent' PumiabKü 8o. .1. So Sonth U.-iiii Street. _____-- - _ WAUNEBi Dealer In Ready MadeCJoth'!". lo,h Caallmeres Veatlngs, Ható. Caps, fraak, karpet Bags, Sx ïl foutb Main strect. 1 ii, „ M-dical Law aiïd Collese PestBonta, "h -oï "rrt MWwllam-o,.. Booka. No. B Nol tl. Mal.) Itreet. Grogorj ISi.tck. Ann Arbor. Fl(.;v V I,ïJVIS,I)-:i]crinTtiof., Quiten, S .ppc-rs, &c No. ï Kast llunni i-trtet, '. MOA II W CHKEVEK, iïTORNEY AT LAW ! QffMwIÜi E.W. Morgen, Enet sidr orCourt Hooce fqure. 1331 nr H. DAVBNPOBT & CU., 0ANKER8, SALINE - - - MICHIGANBUY AN SELL Government Securities, Gold Coin, Drafts onDi-troit, Xrw York, Boston, and othr-r Cilies Ali receive money "n Dcposit m:.ko Collec'lona, ■iid micud prompt)} to all Imsine-s pertaiuiug to Banking iionS) Waiicd on npprovcd Sccuritics. 13 SuiS F. SCHAEBEBLt, Teacher o f Music. Gïvee iDitruclion on the PIANO, V10LIN Ar4D GülTAR, ithls office, No. 57 South Main Bttvet, C.Moorc's Laildinpj, or at the recldeace of the papil. PIANO TUiMAG, ode a spcclalit y and satisfactiou guarnntred. 13i4yl MfiOCKEBY. GLASSWARE & GROCERIES, J. & Donnelly Hnveln store alarge stock of Crncker, OlaMWare, nitedWafe.O.tlerjF Grotene, &c, ie. all tobe rold at nuh';iillv low prices. No. 12 Ka'sl Ilnrim Stront. Aun Arbor ttMtf J. & I'. DONNM.1YÏ. JOHN G. QALL, DEALER I3NT FRESHANDSALTMEATS, LABO, iHIISAGBS, Etc OrdcrtiKOliritcd nnd promptly filled with thebest menta in tht! market. 31 K:it Wtishintoji slrcct. Ann Arbor, Sept. 16th, 1S69. 1235tf N.AliK8i' ül Manutactnrerof Oarriages. Buggies, Wagons, AMD SLEIOUS of every ntyle of the beet ■naterial, aod warraoted. norse thoclng and Ke Sairiug done prom,Hy and pricea reasonable. slrjlt Street, nar H. H Depot, Aun Arbot, Midi JjR. U. K. PORTER, DEWTIST. OSseiotheSAVINGSBANKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. ill Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFOIIMKl) H'ITH CARE. (JNSURPASSED FACILIT1ES AND EXPBRIENCE SETTING ARtTÍÍCÍAL TEETU, TO ÜIVE EACH INDIVIDUAL, 'iur of the proper Mixt., fihapr.tcolnrt jirmnesnond na tl ezpretaion, 1244 O C. JENKINS & H. RANDOLPII WHITE, M. D. DENTIRT8. CORNER OF MAIN AND ■WASHINGTON ST'S. All Operations peifoimed in the Mosl Thorougli and Scientific marnier. Nitrous Oxido Gas constantiy on hand, id ad m 'miste red witli perfect safety. ISiOyl. EY8IClANy"PBÊSl;RIPTIO51S iOCCRATELÏ AND CAHEFULLY PSEPAPED BT 8. W.BLLJB é OO.,DRÏÏGQI818.


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