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It Was A Favorite Amusement Of The

It Was A Favorite Amusement Of The image
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KiiTlicul journala during tho Prcsirtenhul oampaign oí' lrt58 to out iown the si.e of he national debi. One way of doing this vas to deduot tho bond iísnod to the uvcrul Puoific raiload ooiporaticais, which the public wcro askod ti believc wero to be assumod and pfcid by thosc corporations, and notby t!ie Government. ïhia amusement is still indulged in by ;ÜC ÖÖOrextny vi tnw jLieaHurj, tmu weiwn quote from his dabt stut'sment issued April Ist : " The following is a statement of bond jgued to Pacitic railroad oompaniea, interest payable in lawiul iiioncsy : Principal oaUtanding 104,618,833 00 LnUTL'.it aocruodt uoi yet imid i;,;t-;. lntortsl vM bï thv thdM Stütca ... #12,HJ2,475 00 luLficst repaid by tlic Inuiwixjitivtion of mails 3,0GS,8U5 00" It will bo Bcon that tho ïailroad oouipaniea do not koop up tho interest on the bonds loaned them, that f12,692,479 intereSt has already been paid by the Governinent, that it is holden for the furllur tam ot' $Ü, 323,0!) l accrued or ovenluo interest, and that Xhe uorapanies havo paid on these sums, aggregating over f 19,000,000, on!y a iruction over $3,000,000, leaving tham in arrears on . interest account exuctly 916,961,704 If these niilroad co:iipanies run behind on interest like that, will thny over bc likely to raise tlie principal ï And is it not a boyish subtorfugo to porsist in deducting sueh amount from the national debt Y In the Hliiso of Lords, on Monday, tho Quecu and lier Ministers vere taken severely to tiisk. Tho Duke of RicilMOXD " moved a vote of censure of the Queen's niiss.ige abolisliing tho purchaeQ system in Iho arniy as unworthy of Ministerial reeort." Tho Marquis of Salisbury also saw in tho message an attack upon tho freedom of trade, and thought " the Lords ought to rosen t tüia outrag", for if unrebulvud it will rsmain a standing menaco to the authority of tho House." Lord Romilly thongbt the actionoftho governiucnjt iinprecedented ; Earl Derby fivorcd the motion to censure ; and Lord (" Aiuxs, a!so, siiiled in on tho same side. Tlio royal edict was defended by Earl Granyii. i.i:, the Duke of Argylo - fother to tlie Queen's son-in-law, Lord Pexzaxce, and Lord Nortiibrook. The mot tion to censure was then defeated by a inajority of eighty, and the " noblo Lords'' of the opposition were again taught tha the royal mándate is law, whieh thoy hac never been known to dispute when no exereised in favor of reform. The edic in question strikes at what the youngo sons of tho titlod arristocracy have considorod a vested right, and hereafter commissions ara to be tho roward of merit iiiul not purchasable. That's where tho sho3 pinches. Mr. Jorepii FiiENcn, of Detroit, formerly a inember of the firm of Babks, Fhexcii & WAT, publishcrs of thc Trilunc, and for sixtcen years cashier aud book-kenper of the Tribune establishment, left his homo on Tuesday of last week in a manner to excito anxiety. On Sunday afternoon his body was found in the cast biaaoh of Sydenham creek, a bianch of Bear creok which empties into the St. Clair opposito Algonac. There wure stones in liis pocket, rendering suicide euitam. His accounts and books wero all right, iiiid his course is attributed to temporary insanity, probably incited by the suicide of Col. Barxs - a lonfj-time assooiate and intímate friend. It is a?so reported that ho was one of the suroties of Col. BatíKS as Pension Agent. Mr. FnENCH ras boxn in England in 1807, and came to this State in 183U, imincdiately aftor his mairiagc. His wife survives hlm. ELECTIOHS are to take place iu several States this ycar, as follows : In Kentueky, on Monday noxt, August Ttli. ' In California and Vurmont, on Tuosday, September öth. In Mainc, on Monday, September llth. In Ohio and Pennsylvauia, on Tuesday, Octobcr lOth. In Louisiana, on Monday, November 6th. In Maryland, Massacliusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, and Wisconsin, on Tuesday, November 7th. In Georgia, on Tuesday, November llth. Governors aro to be elccted in California, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maino, Maryland, MassaohuaotU, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. In the other States named, State officers only. Oen sympalhius go out to our cotemporaries of tlio Jackson Patriot and Citii:cn. ïhcy Lave soverally been prosocuted for libéis slleged to have been perpotrated apon ono Lewis,' " an infant," and dainages claimed from eaob in tho sura of 0,000. Next timo Lewis is a bad boy and gets arrested they must nol toll of it. - Bro. Maxx, of tho Marshall Expounder, has been suud for libpl by 1 S Hewjsit, upoil whose methods ot' doing business he hud permitlcd tho agont 01 ■:n insusanos oempany to roflcct in his columns. Messrs. HOLDEI? md ])i-: :i aro procoodod against with him, and $10,ÜOO olaimed. Fork over yoni quota, Chat, only $3,333 33 1-3, and save time and :i)';noy. A B.ui.itOAi) fever is reportad at Traverse City, - tho tirst atiftok. The Grand Rápida and Indiana lailroad is aunouneed to be eomplcted to Clam Lako by Deoeinber Ut Tbis pointis, by scction linos, 50 milos distant from Traverse City, nud a branoh Une i proposod. Gon. Cass, of l'ittslmrl], guáranteos to find partios to iron nnd opérate tho lino if those intcrcsted alotig it, will grade, bridge and tie it. He estimates that the ordinary pauge - 4 feet, 8 1-2 inchos - will cost $2ftO,O()O, and tho naiTow or ö feet ru:igo, $Hi",000, a differcnoe of only 91,666 per milc. This is not such a showing in favor of the narrow gaugc as enthusiasts havo claimed. A Xew Yokic tclegrnm of thc 30th ult, says : " Thc steamer Pear], sailing ycstcrday, tcok $150,000 topay President ILvez, of San Domingo, the Kccond moiety of the lease of Sardana, and, also, tooi arras for tho Domisiosn üovernrnent." whioh oertainly looks as if thc President has a to prrpotuate and enforre tigainst . ill of (he people as definitely expressed by Congress. Baez ia to boforoilily kept in power so that he inay be in positioú to sell his country.


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Michigan Argus