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- John Slidell, of " Masón and Slidell " 'ame, is dead. - The Vanderpool tri:il is aet down ]■ August 8th. Women are f o beadmiited to the Jniversity of Vennont. Tlve Ijit(;rn:illlovenuo rccoipt-s for July are put at 114,236,007. - Marsh Giddings, of Kalamazoo, hus ,.■.! appointed Govornor of New Mexioo. Gi'n. Btttlor s.iys ho don't know any ch worj ns fail in tho gnbcinatoiial cauv,. - The TreBident' villa at Long Brauch oost $25,000. Xhü itomiaor don't say who jiiid tur it. The Coiigressional Ku-Klux invostijating comnüttee has udjournud to September 2Oth. - Liquor-sellors in several towns iu th State ure being bl'OUgït to griuf uuder the new law. Long Branch has other attraetions besides the President and the races : Sunday iacrod concerts. - ïlie President has conoluded not to go to California. Long Branch has greator attractions : thu races. - Fclix B. Brunot, of Pittsburgh, hns boen uppoiuted Couimissioner of Indian Allairs, tice Parker, resigned. Xhi: public dííbt, as per statement of August lst, is $2,345,285,605, bearing interest aggregating $-29,051,280. - By a vote of 54 to 6 Dr. Dollinger, the exoommnnioated, has been eleeted Rector of the Univeisity of Mnnich. - -Prince Arthur bas been voted by Parliament an allcwance ofLl",000 an nually. It pays to be a " prince " in Eng ] .in rV Princr Arthur, upon whom $75,000 a year havo been settlwl by tho British Parliament, lias just turnea his twenty-first birthday. - " Cari Benson " charges Charles Boade with plagiarían n bisnow rinning-through-the-press novul, " The Terrible Teiuptation." Minister Sehenck is bcating ox-Tilinistcr Johnson out of sight as a speech-inaker. Why don't the Radical j mmulists howl a little about it? - Justin McCarthy writes of Jenny lánd, whom lie heard in a recent concert, that her voice is complctely wrecked, or something vory liko it. - ïwo men - Alexandcr Lovelot anil Edward. Bogardus - went over Niágara Falle in a bont on Friday night last. It was not a suceessf ul feat. Prof. Peters, of Ilamilton College, has discovered anothcr asteroid. Ho is now two ahead of Prof. Watson, who will have to look to his laurcls. - Heary Clay Bcan, of Iowa, bascóme out flat-footed against the "new departuro." Tho very reason all well-intentioned Democrats ought to endorso it. - Tho Kew Hampshire Democratie State Committce have, by resolution, commendtid Gov. lloffman for his order guaranteeing protection to tho Orange parade. - That vexod question, " What Next ? " has been answered at the List, and by a 'l'.x;is paper, which nominates Grant tor President and Greeley for Vico President. - One hundred bales of sük were shipped from New York to Europe on Saturday last, having an-ived from Japan by the overland route, in 42 days. Cïuick time. A Cincinnati judge has docided that no license fee is required for a freo concert, either on Sunday or any othcr day. The first victory for the anti-Sunday law party. - An elcction is to be held in Bay City, August 14th, to voto upon a proposition to mise $118,000 to construct Holly Water Works. The -water is to bo brought from the bay. - $3,000,000 of illegnllly collectad internal revenue cotton tare tax have been Ordered refunded by the Commissioner of Internal Kcvonue. Who is to pay all these refunded taxes ? - A three feot gauge - half the pipers persist in spelling this word guaffe - r;iilroad company bas been chartered by the Conneoticut Legi.slature, to run from West Hartford to Unionville. - Charles Francis Adams has been ten dered the position of Axbitrator on the part of the United States, under tho tii:;ity of Washington. The Board moet at Genova, Switzerland. Tho " Grand Union Fair " of the Northern Michigan Agricultural uni TWor-ViaiiifRl Sorriütv nnd the State l'omo logical Society is to be held at Grand Rapids, Sept 12th- 15th. - A oompaay of United States "regulars" has been orderwl from Norfolk to North Carolina : to look nfter a coming local clection. Is North Carolina a freo Stato or a military provinoe ? Licut. Fred. Grant, educated at West Point, has concluded not " to go for to be " a soldier, but has resigned his commission and ontored tho service of the North Pacific Railroad Company, as a civil engineer. - Gen. Sherman has gladdened the hoarts of the " trooly loil, " and restored himself to radical favor, byapproving the Ku-Klux legislation and declaring in fa vor of tho re-election of Grant. A litrgi1 price to pay. - Contracts have been let for grading, bridging and tieing the ntw railrood from Marshall, south to a junction with the Coldwatex and Allegan road at Girard, and north to Olivet. The Pennsylviinin Central ia expeoted to iron and run the road. - The Bay City Cfironiclt BO.JS thnt Rev. J. H. Burnham is about to sover his oonnoction with the M. E. Chureh to assume tho postorate of in indvpendtnt ohurch now building fur him at Saginaw City. The Methodist jacket is to straight to hold him lougcr. Russcll Guerney h:is boon appointed Commissioncr of the British (overumeni lor tho settlemont of tho Alabaioa claims, and wil] siiil lor Washington soon. Jurtge F'razcr, of Indiana, has boon appointod the United States Coinmissioner. Tliird man not vet nanied. - Hon. Froderick Watts, of Carliale, Pa., lias been oppointccl Coiuiuissioncr of Agricultura, mm Capron, resignad to go to Japan. Mr. Watts is vepuled both a practical and scientific agrioulturist, ad those who know him cousider the appointmcut a good one. - Wo have BOmewhero and at some time hcard"an old rliymo runniiig in this wisc : 11 Tho ! intr of Frunce witU twioo ten thousaml incn, iluivl,l(l np Iht liill and thaa mrched down .-i-ruin. " A feat, however, in no way to bu comarod with tho frequent marches of Presdent Grant froni Long Branch to Washngton and back again. - Miss Tonnie C. (Tennessee] Claflin ïas nonrinated henelf as a candidato for ongress from tlio 8th New ïork district. As tlio olection does not, tukc place until ïovember, 187:, gheis evidently a bcliovr in the injunction : " T:ike time by the orotop." WD, it botter bu thut old folow, Tiinc's fciretop than souio younger uan's '■ hav." - A good story is told of tho " Huoklberry Railroad " running bctweun Avon, N. Y., aud Mt. Monis. A jjassourer roocntly took tho train at Avon fui' Ut. Morris, forgetting a Talnabk dog, )ut when ho reaohed liis jonrney's und tho icad'a end found his dog on tho platform, coolly waiting his arrival. Tho road raust be a rival to tlic " Bald'insville Koad " Artemus Ward tokl about. Applyíng for a " pass" tho Supofmtendftnt told din " this road passes no one, not even íditorg." After profound meditation, Arfeinus replied, " I seo, tliisroad is too slow to pa3 even a lama man." The Western OatheUc - published at Detroit and Chigago - doesn't tuke inucli stock in tho recent New York riot. It defends tho right of Orangomon to the MUB6 i)rivileges conceded to others, cmidi-iiins tho action of the Pólice Gummis Edonera and Kupt. Ejslso, and approves t!io proolatnation of üov. Hoitman. Conceming tliojlrst duty of Catliolics ij oitizens, it says: A telegram from New York, dated Sund:iy last, says : thatayoung man named Edward GafFney, a member of tlie 9th regiment of militia, oommittod suicide 011 that ilay. The causo of this dusperatt, act, tlie tolegropb state, was that Gaffnej was a deroted Cotholio, and thc ' conflict between his duty to hi.s regiment and to his religión," in tho riot of Wednesday, " so preved apon his mind that be came demented and out his throat. ' Thi.s is simple nonsenae. Tho yotmg man must have been demented long ago, ifhe supposed that there was any conflict between his duty t.o his regiment and to his religión. His religión plainly teachog hin and all othcrs to be law-abiding and puaceablu citizens of thomselves, and ti do all in thcir power to help the uuthoritios enforce tho law. His duty to his religión and to his regiment wer the same, namely : to tuin out with his regi ment, and at the connuand of his ofificer to shoot down every rioter that presontec liimself as ho would a mad dog. It is the fitst duty ,of every citizen of the United States - be he Cntholie or Protestant - to obcy the luw and preserve the pencc.