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A German Back-fire

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UlHCUTNATI, Aug. 2. A large mass meeting of Gennane wus held to-night in Greenwood Hall, called to givo expression to the views ot liio Germán part of tlie population who ure opppaed to the present movemeut to repeul the Sunday laws. ïhe hall WM donsely orowded. Many were compellcd tn stand, und many went away tor want of room. Much enthnñmm was manitested. Speeches were made in Germán by prominent Germana and minitfb vs. ltusolutions were read both in Germán and liuglish, und eaeh loudly applauded. The resolutions adopted doolare tnat they are decidedly opposed to the repeal of the present benetieent Sunday luws; that the; regard the prcservation of the Sa bath as a da-y oí, as now guaranteed to u3 by law, us absolutuly neoessary to tlio mural an.l physical well-being oí thc peoplo, and that the laboror can only, in any evettt, be sure ot' a day ot' í'cst when such day is set apart by law ; that tho principie of equal rights, to which the opponents oí the Sunday lawappeal, doeint rehuirá that eaoh individual should have thu privilogo at bis option to disturb tho other in tlio (.■ ot' Sabbath rest and tuiet ; 011 tho contrary tüat thij principio dema:ids tliat a Ciristiun puuUO Bh ui havo í'ull xrotcction against all uuneoossary nuisu and disordei whereby S.ibbath quiot and the services of roligiou may uu disturbed ; that tlio agiUition dcsigned to aooompllsh the repeal ot' tho Sunday laws La nuí ni harmony witli Gorman idoa.i and OUStOms, as in all p.irtá of Germany there are Sunday laws, some of whick are vi ry stringent ; that tlio. o Otermcma who dosire to lay viol tai ham s ou tho Sunday laws do not represent the Uermun uieimnt ; on tlie coatrary, thousands of the Uoruiau spoaking feliow citizons, an;l among them many chiirch íueinbers, desire to see theso lawa maintiiiiu.d ; that the cliar;e of fanaticism caiinot be applied to the frisada of tho Sunday lavr, and that thoy tepel tho presumption of the .Sunday law oppoinnts when they claim to be truo oxponenta and reprosentatives of Germán views; that they will not give tlieir voto foi any candidaie Lor uny public office who has declared in favur of the repeal of tlio Sunday lasvs ; that they wüi t'oim a permanent organizatáon for tho purpose of coopurating witii tkeil Auurican boru féllow-citizons in thia and all other questios having rofereuce to public momia ; and reoomuionding that a copy of the resolutions to be sont to th) moinbers of t.'n; Couimon (Joiuie 1.


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