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CO31ET111ÑG KüW AT 50 Main Street I jorris walz, GROCER & CONFECTIONER HAS A LL STOCK IN UIS LIME, AND WILL PROMl'TLY SERVE THK PUBLIC WITH SUGARS, TEAS, CO FFEES SPICES, SYRUI S, CANDI SS, ETC. Farties Supplied WITH CAKES OF ALL KINDS AT SHORT NOTICE, OP THE BEST QUAIITY, AND AT THE MOSTLIBERiL TERMS. CALL -A.3STID SEE HIlSC BEFORE PURCHASlNa. 1330 mO. A NN ARBOR SAVÍNGS BANK. ANN' ARBOR, MICH. IXTERËST ALLrtWED 0 DEPOSITS ! ! COLLECTIONS MIDE AT ALL ACCE=SIBLE TOINTSUNITED STATES BONOS, GOLD, SILVER, CANADA MOHBT, AND COUrONSBOUGHT AND SOLD. Draftfi ' JFPieíon Tíew York Chicago, and Detroit, and Bills f lix.-hiiiiL'o drawn at u'ht on all the principal citiea of Enrupe. IMT O ÏST E "5T LOANED ON FIRST-CLASi SECURITIES. All kinds of legitímate Banking Business transacted ACCOUNTS SOLICITED 132tf. "dïeëctoey - OP- ANN AR BO ïL, POR 871, With a Complete Portrait ot the City, an Accurate Census, Statistical Tables, &c. &c. TUF, UNDKKSIONED.havin!; had an exteneive exparlence In the complUtlon and pabllentlon ofCiiynnil Conntv üirectories in this and ot"hor States, and baving been soltcited by a nomber of I ti promlDent cilizeiiB to igiH; a work of tlr.8 kind, Ici'Ih afcin promleing completo saUtfactlon The work III coulaln a cúmplete ïiortrait of the city, setting furth its advantagea as a comnerclal und m:imfacturin',' towo : alsostatistical tablea ahowing the ïïtirabprof firms engatred in every departinitnt of manufacture and trade ; the aggregate annual al:8 ot t lic Bame ; the nuinber of dwi-lling and bnainen hoasea In the city, and tn fat every bind orcharoctir oí Information that tliecltizen or ctranirer mav desiri : ki'tches of the schools, cborchos, benevolent socicties The city popseasc? man; ïdvantagee which, II thcy were Kriirrally known, would attract settlers from all parts of the country, It ia onr deiifrn to pubMrh a work for 2eucr::l dblributfon tlirourhoiit the United Statea. It voold be superfluoua to herc n'gethe ncce-ity of advertlsiny acity.or tomenti 'U the dTantasea that real estáte ownQM and bustno 8 men derivo froni tnis othon 01 advcrusiriL a cuy. The work will bodellTered to eubpcribcrs ík the month of July itlB to bfl hopt'd thut business men 11 diily consirler nnd approciate the advantagea of advurtlskig their business in this bo k. It will be limncl in store?, offleea. hotels and nll public where the carda must meet the cye of scores ol purehascru every day, Te-ms of Advertising. One Page $2' on Half 15 00 Kou tin " 8 00 .Capiiul Namei 50 Prlce of books to eubscribcrs,$ " CO; to non-sub scribers, $3 50. 9Ltf JAMES M THOMAS. SAJ. lí. REVENAUGH Ccple Old AMBHOTYPES & DAGLERREOTYPES IN FIEST CLASS STYLE TO ANY DESIRED SIZE. W'ANTJED. A good house and lotcontaining all the necfi?anry convünieucee of a iroort home, iu Ann Arhor,Mlcb.i lor whK li I wil] OXCDASge one of likt duscriptlon, on ver liburtil utiiih, in the city of Freeport. III. My house and lot r nice!y gitnated, are worlh $4.( 0. I hIso hiivt; twelve acreg (jf nioe fHrming or gardeninglanri lolnlDg city limita wortb i'-00 per incre, 11 "f whlCD 1 wish to xch.iu};e lor prupurty In Ann Arbor or a larrn in Wafthtcnnw Coanty. Am prrpnred to pay or tak the diffcronce in cash. A ureat bargnïn Will bc given. Addrcss and leuru particulura, LEWIS COI.F.Y, lSGOmS Preeport, TH. OR RENT A DESiRABLE STORE ! And CELLAR. ANo nnc Fin" Front Doom over tlieir New Sloro. Ho. IS Muin St., from Anglist lst, 1S71. Enquire of 1330-tf G. W. HAYS, Rnpt. TÖlt SALE. The nnleríiLrnefl offern for sale her ree'dence in the villagii of Saline : two )arge lot, des:rably locaicd, wiih a good house, Imrn. w iut, fruii. .t ■:. Teims maJc eaty. CORINTHA GRFEN. saline. Jnnc 1-ilh. 1S71 lHOmS TTID QLOVES. I have 20 dozen of tho CELEBRATED EMPRES8 K1D GL0VE8 ! ! In the most exquisito ehadee, for one dollar a P"r' 1522-tf J. H. MAYNABD. TpOlt SALH A good fumily Horno, with Huggy and IIarnc38. iMijniie of Jl. D. BENNETT, 1331 w2 Univereity building. pOTICE. I'hereby forbid any porson trustinar rey wife on my íiocount, without my oonsent, for all ocbts so oontraoted alter this date Í will not pay. Oated, Anu Arlwr July 20tu. 1871. 133hv2 Silo. W. CROPSEY. Fineet Assortmont of Toilet Goeds in the City, by Ï" ATÉSÍ STYLES! BE3TGOOD8! GHEATESt VAHIETY AID LOWEST PRICESÜ S. SONDHEIM HAS JV3T RE.TÜBNED FKOH THE B-A-STi WITH THE LARQEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOOCS tET'S Fl'KMSHIXr. OOMS, CHILDREN AND YOUTUS' GLOTHIXG TRUNKS, VALISES, SAÏCHELS, &c, &o., &c, TIIAT HAS EVER BEEN BROUOIIT TOTHIS J.C1TÏ, W1IICH HE WILL SELL Oheaper than the Cheapest for Cash. ALSO AiPINE ASSORTMENT OF CASS1MERE3, CO A TIN OS, ani YES TIK OS, WHICH HE WILL MAKK UP TO ORDER f lV THEnBEST STYLE, IanU warranted a fit orno sale: PXTRAORDINARY 1NDUCEMENTS TOPUROHASERSOF DEYGOODS ALS O CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, THE FARMEES' SÏORE ! WIH now offer Thirty Thonmod Do'Inrs worth SPRING and SÜMMEK DRY GOODS! AND GROCERIES! AT REDUOED PRICES! FOK TfflRTY DAYS BEFOflE MOVING INTO ÏHEIR NEW STOHE ! No. 28 South Main Street, now belng fltted up next door to Winjs & Worden's G. W. HAYS, Supt. Ann Arbor, July lOth 1871. 1330-ml DUILDEKS ATTENTION, SANFORD&CARPENTER MACHINISTS Are preparcd to do all kindi of LATHE SCREW CUTTING, PLANING, I'OVi I It FINCIIIXG, BRIDGE AND EU1LDING BCLT3! A1SO STEAM AND GAS IITTING IN ALL ALL 1T3BKVNCIIKS. AGENTS FOE STEAM & GAS FITTERS GOODS COCKS, VALVES, WHISTLES, &C. ALSO Model Making of every variety Basement of Conrlcr Office, Cor. Main rad Catherine StreeU. ANN AUBOR. J33Om3 nUÏTEll WANTED. I ana agatn prepured to tnko all CHOICE BÜTTER Made in the County, for CASH or good 1S22 tf J. MAYNAKD lilYSlCIAÏV PBESlÜlPTiOXS VOOURATELV AN1 CAREFULLY PREPABED BT I }ï. W. KLUS & C0.,DRUaGIS2S. VTEW GOODS RECEIVED finleyTlewis i CALI, THE ATTENTION OV THE PEorLE OP 1HE CITY AND COUNTRY TO i'HKIÜ EXTENSIVE AND WEI.L AS.-OHTKD STOCK OF SKASONABLE GOODS I IBBLIMB OP BOOTS -A.3STID SÜOES, Which thcy now hnvein ?t"re.and to which con stnnt additions will bi; made throughont the season' The fjoode which we otTur are ncw aml fresh from the F?ctoiy, and lu all cases wlll be fouud as repreaeuted. MVKRY DESCRjrriOX OF LIGHT ANB HEAVY WORK, FOU MEN, TVOME AND CHILDRE. We have the EXCLUSIVE SALE OF TUE CELEBRATED f .H.F BOOTS ,1M) SHOKS, JYTmle by JAMES M. BUET, OF N. Y. CITY. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED EOTH IN STOCK AND WORK, Also the F.YCI.l'SIVF. KALE of REYKOLD'S BRO'S. LADIES FIXE SHOES OF EVERT STYLE The abovo work la far snpcrlor to any heratntoro KVKi: offored in tl. is clt , and we giunintee It in every particular, nnd sell it at TK. lt:R CENÍ, below l-troil !riros, on h'' rrro roos Sjl - ■ y Bob crtoir to Peters I I !i I -r Musical Moii.uli ni .ciJ ISi X Uag their Uaitc forless thau two cent- a piece. T fl Tlioso who havo ot wen I this Musical Magax ne ■ shu.iUl eend :0 cents f r [, ! i imiilccopy. The musici _ _ -y I I 'v lliya. Thomas, KliiT;1 ; ' 8 3 ,.■!, Peretcy, )n! . thcr li U ■ V-ï Ipoi nlar wriure. I Two back niimbor lor A New School Book, bi 4"oenU. Fonr back nom. ,. _ r. , "era foi '5 conts. buoH. a. Ptoxiia. PrU.8ertberefWt íT.50 per d' zpii. Oonlnina . ■ lirif i over two hnndred now aod I Kil Si beaiiiiful aoDffB, rlutts. etc. Bi 11. 1 1 by Will S llays. Web" jl ster, Thomas, etc. Bverj I " j hing ii new, frefh. and X J % pnrktini;. Contents an'l iw f i t ■ poclniiMi iai.'r ent free i tl il il SHmplB coplea mailed fre-c 193(1 1 1 II I of m-!age to teachersfor lWUilllW 65 cents. Liberal terme forintroductloD. Worth of Jlisic for S3. Adrlreis, J. 1. PETERS, 599 Broaöway, '. T. Tiniherssenrtine it' their oriiors for i'.nwortho mnsic can clflim a years subscriptior to PcteJ Musical Monfnly. 13;5tf Go toR.W.ELLÜ? & CO'e for choice Wines and Liquorf , for Medical Purposes . I _ CLOMBTHlIfG AT LAST! AT 24 Main Street. The undersigned, having located at thi placi has just opcned as FINE and SELECT an asortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & FANCY VfiSTlNüS, A's can be found west of New York City, which ho is prepared to make up into the most STYLISH GARMENTS, AT THE SÏÏORTÈST COTICÉ, At La.VEÑT POSSIBtE PÏ1ICE. ALSO A LINE OP GTENTS' FURNISHING GOOBS Cali on JAS. BOYD and he trilt GIVE YOTJ FITB JAMES BOYD, ïsistf 2 Jlnin Strééi. yHKN ÏOU WANt FINE PHÜTOGRAPHS, GO TO SAM. B. REVENAÚGH, Ko. 30 mtron Stret. GotoR.W.(LLLIF& CO'f for striotly Pnrf Drugí ana MediciüOt .Pairf OíIf&c. f ' T"ï " "' " 7


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Michigan Argus