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How A Woman Went Gambling

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Strange tlungs happen at watering places. All sorts of charactcrs are there gathered, and nottiie leasi numeróos is the gambling. A Long Branch correspondent has this story of how a woman weaned her husband from the fasciiiution of the tiger : " A husbaud was in the habit of visiting Chamberlain's cottage, wliic.h ia the resort of a grcat many faehionable gentlemen. The wife heard in some wiv thathe was fairly enchanted by the game and was a heavy loser. Woman's curiosity was exercised to see the game hertelf, and by some dovice to euro him of his passion. She broaehed the matter to her brother, but lic; could inggest 110 way. She mado a confidant of a lady friend, who proposed that they should visit the house and oonfront the husband at the table. For a week and more the subject sv:is gravely eonsidered, when it was resolved that thcy should disguise themsrlvis in gentlemen'e oiothee. How to do that was the next thing. The lady's bxother wa8-.obliged to leayoinaday or two for Fhiladéipliia on business. He left, and having the !ey to his room, the ladies soon found the wardrobe desired. DisgnisiJd ;is two t'avlü(in;ililc youiif; men, they entered Chamberlain's splendid saloon about ten o'olock in tlic evening. Fortunately forthem, quite a crowd of persons were surrounding the tables. Tho lady took a position so as to look her husband tull in the face. Throwing down a ten dollar bill, she said, " Ten dolla the red." The bnsband, whose mind was so intent on the game, had not been atd by the new corners until he heard the voice. W'hoñ he raited bis head ho saw his wife. With wonderfnl self-composore he settled his aooount and left the house. The lady won her fivst turn, and following the exarople of her husband, left, as she caine iu, with her companion, unnoticed. She joined her husband, ior he was in waitingfor her outside. I have only to say that he was deeply mortificd, and promised to turn over a new leaf. Woman's curiosity, you seo, has dono somo good."


Old News
Michigan Argus