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The State Public School

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At the last bosbíoü vi' itto Legieli a law wasonactod " to establiuh a Stato Public School for depeadeirt and noglectud children." The law providee for the appointuient of throo cominission-' ers, who, with the Ooveruor as an exoficio member of the board, ave authorized to select a site, accept thu samo as a gift, or parchase it at oot to exceed $2,000, and ereot suit&ble buildings theroon. For the ereetion of Bttob buildings 915,000 were appropriated, eolleotablo on the tax-röQ tbr 1871, and 15,000 on the tax-mll ior 1872. The commissioners are also BOnstituted a boanl oJ' oontrol of the school until the end of the nest srsion of the Logislaturc subsequent to the completion and opeuinjj of the school, alter which three members of such boai'd are to be appointed for the terms of two, four, and six years, with a single member every two yeara thcreafter. In this board is vested the government of the BChool, or perhaps we should say, tluj making of its lava and eetablishing its ï-egiilations, the appointment of superintendent, uxatron, teachers, and emplujes, with the power to üx their salaries. The ibllowing important sections of the law we quote in full : Sec. 11. Ihere Bhall bo roceivcd as pupils in snch School those children that are over four aad nader sixteen ye;irs of age, tli;it ure in suitablo conditiou ot body and niind to rocoive instruction, who axö naglected and dependent, esy tliaso who nro now maiatained in the oonnty poor-houses, thoae wlio h iye been ab.tndoned by their párente, or are orphaos, or whosu paredts have been i:oiivicted ot crime. Tiie said board, ot control slia.ll have power to receive any otaild under the agë of tour years or over sixtcen years of re, and may reject any botwoen the ages ot live and sixteen yoars of ago wbom thoy may for any causa deom iniyii' per inmates of such School. No pupil shall be retaiued in s;iil School aftur ai'ïiviiig ;it the age of sixteen years, milcos by consent of said board of control. Sec. 12. The children in such School sh.ill be ïniintained and edueated in the branches osuaUy taught iu common schools, and shall have proper physical and moral training. Sec. 13. It is deelared to be the object of this act to próvido for such chiklren only temporary homos until homes eau be procurad tor them in families, It shall be the dut-y of snch board of control to use all diligonoe to próvido suitublo places in good families for all such pupila tis have received an eleinentary education ; 1 any other pupiU ui ly be placed in good families on condition that their educatioa shall be provided for in the public schools of the town or city where tlicy may resille. The said board of control are hereby made the legal guardians of all the children who may become inniates of said School, with authority to bind out imj' child to a pursuit or tradc during ininority, under a contract insuring tho child kind and proper treatment and a fair elementary education. Sec. 14. That whenover thero shall bo suflBcicut room for the reception of the olassof children described in this act, in such State Public School, no such children shall hereaiter be mainttined in couniy poor-houses. That in receiving such cliildren into such School, prefftrence shnll be given fint to dependen t and indigent orphans or half orphans of deceased soliliers and sailors of this State. Sec. 15. It shall be the duty of the supeiïntendents of the poor of each county, and the authority is also granted to the supervisor of any town or ward, to forward to such School, at the expense of the county to which such children belong, Buoh children in any poor-house, or any others tlmt are npgUcted ani dependent, belonging to such county, which ohildren shall beadmitted tosuoh School on the certiÜ3ate3 of tho superintendents of the poor, or on that of any supervisor, showinji that snch chiidren are entitled to admittanoe. Under this act Govemor Balduin has just appointed as commissionors : Iloa. J. J. Baglky, of Dotroit; Hon. N. G. IsnELL, of Lansing ; and Ilon. Chí8. E. Mickley, of Adrián. These men may be the fittost in the State, but it is to be regrettcd that the Governor could not look beyoad his party and have appointed one Democrat. Sooner or later there will be tronble brewing at and around all our highor educational and charitablo institutlons if they are to be run as mero political machines or attachm( nt:3. Educational boards should not be all of one party, and Gov. Baldwix should have inaugurated a liberal policy and established a correct precedent at the very outset of this "ïstate Public School." - Gov. Bai.dwin has also appointed Ilon. C. I. Walker, of Dotroit ; Hon. Wm. B. Williams, of Allegan ; and Hon. IIenry W. Lokd, of Pontiac, commissioners of the chaiitable, penal, pauper, and reformatory institutions of the State. On this coinmission he has placed a Democrat. At the last session of Congross an act was paesed providing for a celobration at Pniladelpbia, July 4th, 1876, of tho centennial annivevsary of the Doclaration of Independenco : Provided, in tho language of Common Councils and Boards of Supervisors, it can be celebrated without expense to the natiooaj treasury. This act authorized the President to appoint a commissioner from each State, on tho nominatiou of tho Governor thereof. Góvernor Baldwin has nominated fov such appointment, Ilon. Jahes Bikne?, of Buy City, with Col. C. B. Grant, of this city, as altérnate. This is a recognition of the political orthodoxy of Mr. Bxbxbt, concerning which there has been so much disputo in the Sagiaaw Valley. The New York Ecening Pont allegos - through a Washington " special " - that me asures havo been taken to assess all clerks from Ohio, serving in the several departments, in aid of tho carapaign now progressing in that State ; and, further, that ' D. C. Cox, of the Interior Department, a member of the Civil Service Commis3Íon, was appointed to receivo money ia that department." That is civil re 'orín with a vengeance. Neae ManeiUei tiiL'y uinnfucture in a factor ■ paper from hop v.nes. The paper is very white., strong, shíl and flexï iu , and ■ laid to Ou muuh likcd in Sonthcrn Trance. At tuk last seseion of the Legislatuve a law is enocted authorizing the Qovernor to appoint a oonunissioner to draít general lavra for tho incorpora tion of' cilios and villages, as oontemplated Ia the ionstitutiop, and the appointment of Hoo. Anbbzw Howbll is aimouncnd A liiw oí' the nature pi'oposod is now found on the statuto boo-ks ander which villages ma be incorporttted, yet tho woi-k is tbrown upon the Legislature. We think it will puzzlo Coimnissioner IIowixl to droft bilis which, passeJ into 1&W8 bv ilir Legialature, will out off special legislatio&i Baob Inoipient city or town ivill be fully convinced that it has wunU of its own which diilur from tlioso of its vljoining or distant noighbor, and so long as a general law can uot prohibit special legislation it will be asked and obtniued : unless tho general law shall pormit a city to make its own charter and ñle tho samo with the Secretary of State, as do railroad and other corporations, which would be a dangerous experiment. - Gov. B. has appointed Judge UrsoN, of Coldwatcr, commissioner to examino the recompilation of tho laws no' being made by Judgo Dhwi;y, nee Howell proviously appointod. Tho associate commissioaer ia ex-Senator Koon, of Hillsdalo. The refusal of Chaules Trantis Adams to accept the position of arbitrator at Geueva, under tho" Treaty of Washington," has caused the revival of a littlo story eonrerning Mr. A. md tíae election of 1SG8. That story was aud is, that, Mr. Adams, after going to the polla with a carefuüy prepared bnllot, found to his groat chagrin that he had deposited a grocer's bill instead. Making tho " accident " knowu to the tion board, the bill was withdrawn and Mr. A allowed to correct or, in parliamontary pbrase, " chango bis ■vote." ('Lhat may the way of doing things Ln Massachusette ifnotin Michigan.) Nut to make a sccond mifitake, the story has it that Mr. Adams voted an open ballot, and that tho Kadieal board was thon áisgusted by learning that while he swalluwed aud voted the Gbant electoral tiekot, the rest of the the ticket from Governor down was Democratie. Putting this and his deelinntion to aecopt an appoiutmont from President Graxt together, and it is not a stretch of prosumption to assume that he has long ago repeirted withdrawiug the grocor's bill. He evidently doos not propose to endorse the President bis vote helped to elect by accepting office luider hiin. The Democratie majority in Kentuoky, at the election held on Monday last, is not yet fignred tip, but will probably be in the vicinity of 25,000 ; botter than a largar one. The following are the oiEoers elect : Governor - Preston 1. Leslie. Lie'it. Governor - John G. Carlisle. General - Jonn Eodinan. A 'ijlitor - D. Howarc Smith. Treaxnrer - Jaracs W. Tate. Superintendent of Public Iustruction-lh A. M. Henderaon. Iieyixter of Landx - J. Alezander Grnnt. Tbe Lcgislatxire is largely Democratie, and will lavo to cleot a United States Senator to succeed Ilon. OarbETT Davis. We trust that nny " Bourbon " applicai.t will he given a back seat. Tue Washington Chronkle says that rebel soldicrs are preferred, in appointments, to UnLoa soldiers. lts own words, after citing a particular case, alleged to have occurred in the Postoffice Department, are 3 "We are foreed to tho belief that there is a set of men in the depnrtments who unifornily work ngüinst disabled soldiers and aainst all activo Republicans. We believe that bctween a Confedérate soldier and a wounded Union soldier who passes an equally good exaraination, tho chances aro in somo bureaus three to one in favor of the Confedérate." Ulysses S. Graxt is President, and hk appointees are Cabinet offloers and heads of "bureaus." Who is hit by the"loil" Chronkle f


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