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- The Dubuquo TtUgraph, II -publican, ivants revenue reform n elected t the [owft Li .' I i' ure, so that the Settotor cljoted to suoCeed II trian ".sHall w a rere aue reformer, nrhatever ho migbt othiiwiss as a political economist, or 113 a hurck member." We sccond tho motioa, Lt being about time for Iowa to smath hi r radical idols uud return to her first love. - The Louisville Oourier-Journal having fired this " Roliuid " at A. II. Stephen, "The littlo man has gained oine jwunds since he was last weighed, and must have had ono af his e'Utoriala in his pocket," the " littlo man " sends back this " Olivor " : " If the Journal editor should put one of his editaríais ia his pocket, hc'd go i Ii :e a billooQ." Try again. - The B.iy City C roniele advises large nominating con e ions. lt says : " All our Michigan nomiii&ting conventiotis are too smtill. They fail to repfeseni thp will of the masses, and r pn sent noboc'y but a few olKce-seekers, to whom pruv Í3RS have been made for Simple servi e." In whioh there is mro truth poetry. - Jinlcius has it that INIísíí f h ndler "the beautiful MicMgaft Senator's daughter, ' is 8Oon to bo nianied to Congressnmn líale, of Maine, conditioned on' the young coujle residinfr with the old folks at Detroit. What of it ? Why, nothinp-, exoept Ui t wo nevor t'oforo hoard " üld Zack " called beaut.'ful. - Senators, Rep eë ntatives, and distinguished politicians are dancing dance upoii " th Government at the brevet capital - Long Branoh - looking after local patronage. Does " the Govvemin'jnt' gut tim betvreen the races, to ttttend to tliem, is the question for discussion. - Saturday night, July lóth., the walls of tho M. E. Church at Virginia City, Xoala, feil, complete] y wrocking a $75,000 building. It is attributcd to inju ik 9 from a precoding earthquake, to an explosión - the supposed work of evildisposed persons, to being struck by lightniug, etc. - Jame? Crutchall - a British si' resident at Washington - has filed the first claim against the United States under the treaty of Washington. His car factory in that city was seized by tlie Government and used for military purposes, breaking up a large business. E. B. Ward's " man Friday " - one G. B. Stebbins- comes valiantly to the defense of liis employor against those pestilent editors who severoly criticised hú conduct on the recent North Pacific Railroad Excursión. - P. S. Gilmore has interviewed the President at Long Branch, and procurcd from hiin an autograph letter conrnonding him and his " International Musical Jubileo" to the representativas of the Government abroad. - iluyor Hall and Controller Conncl'y, of New Yok, havo invited the Chambur of Commerce to appoint a committce 1o investígate the finaneuil affairs of the city in view of the charges of enorruous frauds - Miss Swisshelm - evcrybody knows who Miss Swisshelm is - thus proclaims the success of woman snffrage : " Goa and I are a majoiity against a thousand sueh worlds as this." Bat how without the If - Wlien Johnsi u want d St.inton to resigu, Gr, u" advised him to " stxk." And now tha t Grant wants Pleasanton to resign ho follows the Grant advice and Stantos exiimple : stübt. - ïhe investigation into the reeen explosión of tho boiler of the Westüld has not yet terminated, bui wc may safely si y that the boilor was unfit and the en gineer incoinpctcnt. - " Will Congress go into the Bailmad Business?" iisks the Mcw York E: P,.t. Whieh dependa on how miny members have their pookota with fat capons (cjupous) 1 no 1. - The N. Y Eoening Posiasks: "Cannot the revünue reformen in Oaio fiud bétter c mdklates th ui Mr. Perry ? " " Be oux pliin answer this : " Xot in tho l!ep iblioan party. - Kugeuie h-as written a " private " lotter - whieh somchow is published in the N. Y. Ilerald - chiirgins; Gon. Trochu with bú'iaying both the lli public and the Empire. A"diiootory" census has just been taken in Chicago, whiuh niükcs the population of that city 334,270. " Dectory " ernsuses are not uxactly the things to bet on. - Bills amounting to $19,038, for r;freshments furnisbi-d tho troops on tho 12th of July, wora proseuted to the Supervisors of ÍTew York on Monday. - In tho U. S. Court at Salt Like, n Monday. a Hormon polygaiaist was held to bail on a cha'ge of adultevy made by his first wife. The dance is open. - The women at Salt Lake having giv en signs f becoraing rufractory, Xlonnon eider are proselyting in this Stato for fomalo converts. Secretary Fish has boon interviewed and says ho has no idoa of rosigning. - " Few oLce-holdors die and none rosign," runs an old saw. An English oourt has decided that a lobster is not log.Uly a wild animal. The same court would probably hold it "a doniestio ÊowL" At Teire Haute, Intl., a 10 b..rrol oil well has been struck, at the depth of 1,616 ftet. ïhcre is yot hope for the Main streot boro. - And now comes another Fish-y story, to wit : that George Williani Curtis is to supersede Hamilton Fish as Secretary of State. - A recent census gives Vienna 300,125 nvüus and Ö07.3S9 feinales, or a tot;;l populution of 607,514, exclusive of guldiors. Victima of miüplaced ennfidonoe : thoso Republicanswhoexpecteda Republicau victory in Kentucky on last 3Jonday. - Charles Francia Adams declines to serve as Arbitrator at Geneva, uuder the late trenty of Washington. Contradicted. Senator Pomeroy, of Kansas, decliired in favor of the re-elect:on of Graat, and says his re-nominatLon is assm ei. Wbuarain steils in Michigm he i:ctilled üthlef; inV illst'eet, aflmncier; anl in M s ssippi, a Ku-Klux. OnTuosd.y no tt tlio centennial anniversary of Sir W.tltcr Soot 's birth is to bj vory generally celebrated. Pleusaiitoa having doclined to resign, tho President has suspcalod him under the tunure-of-offico lavr. Xhe Frea Press snys that wort on tho Detroit lliver Tuunel is to ...e iuamed iataly coimnenced. - Cassius M Clay has declared for : Howce Greeley for President. - Tlio Republicana claim tlio oloction in Montana, on Monday last, of thcir oandidate for delégate, W. II. Cluggctt. - The Vanderpool tria] has beenoontiaued to Monday next, and 100 extra jurympn oídered summoned. - Tlio Louisiana Radicáis aro haring a love.y time. Soo proccoJings of Üieir convtintiou. - Califoi'nía pears are iiow arriving at Naw Yoi'k, only sovtai dayt from Saoramcnto. - J. M. Stanley ín atSfaoHüao, sketohing for a historical picture. - ltisPuris, Ky., and not Paris, France, Andrew Johnson is going to. - Maino has an ovur-stock of iu-o.


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Michigan Argus