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Compulsory Education

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The folio wing law was cnactod at the last session of um Michigan Legislatura, aud is now in foroe : SeCKION 1. The Peoplc of the State oj MickxQn enaet, That every porent, guardián or other pemQ in the State ot' Aliehigan, h iving control and charge of any ohild or ehüdruu between the agos ot eight and fburteen nua shall berequired to scnd any such ehüd or childreu to a public scni :ol tor a period ot' at least l' weeks iii oach school ye&r, oommenoing on the fint Bionday of Soptomber, at least six weeks shall bo consueutive, unlo-ss sucli child or ohildren are excused f rom such ntttudaucü by the Board Oí tho School District in which such paxeatg or guardiaus resido, tip ju beiug shown to tliuir satisfactiou that his bodily or mental condition has been such as to prevent his attendanoe at school or ay.plication. to study tor the period required, or that such child or children are taught in a private school, or at home, in such branches as are usually tuught in priuiary schools, or liuvo alreudy acqnired tlie o iliuaiy branches of learning taught iu the puolic schools: Provided-, In caee the school shall not bo taught foi' three montlii during theyear, within two miles by tho nearest travoled rod of the residenoe of any person within tho school distiiathe shall not bo Hablo to tho jjrovisious of this act. BÍBO. 2. It shall be the duty of the director of every school district, and President of every school B.ard within tho átate, to cause to be postea, three notice of this law in the most public plaoes in .such district, or pubiished in one newspaper in the township tor three weeks, during the mont'i ot August in each year, the expenso of such publication to bo paid out of the funds oí' said distsiot. Sec. ;. In casu any parent, guardián or other porson shall faü to comply with the provuaooe ot' this act, said parent, guardián or other Dorson shall be Hablo to a tino of iiot leas th.ui $5 ur more than $10 tur the first offenae, nor lesa than $10 or moro than $20 for the socond and ever? subsoqujnt ofi ose ; said fine shall be collectod bv the director of said district in the name" of the district, in au aotioq of debt or on the case, and when collected shall be p;:d f' t%1 ' assessor of the district in which the defo ï roeided whou thoolfciiM w ■- cu..i.iutt(d, and by hitn .loeountrd for the sania as moaey raisud for school purposes. Sru. 4. It sh iU bo the duty of the dieoto ■ or president to prosocuto any o"'uuae occuring under this act, and any director or president neglectiug to prosecute for such iino within 10 daya álter a vritten notice has been served on him by any taz pavor in said distriot, onleu the persen so complained of sh:ill be exoused hy the TV ♦riet BtM, i'i 11 bo liablo to it u not B than $23 or more th:ui f50, wbich -a-' be ,. iwjJ for and in the n unt' of the assc s or ot' said district, and the üne when cji'ejt:d shull bu paid to thn asaenor, to be nouoaatodfor as in sect oa thruo of this act. Tha Scientiff Amainan givos the follow. in" teits of gooil petroleum : 1, The ool. .. i,„„ i , . white or light yelloiv, with blue roflootions; olear yoilow indica s Lu,iMiHjcï pritication, or adultera i n with inferior oil. 'ï- The odor should bc fiint, and not disagrecable. 3. The t aieeific gravity of CO &.;. Fahrenheit oiilit not feo bo below 0:793, sor abo. o 1.804. i. Whea mixed with in equal volume of sulpimric aoid of the dengity t 1.63, tho color ought not tw boconie larker, luit, on the eontary, liglitor. A petroleum iatiiii a uil of thi bo o mditions, mJ posseasea tho proper AmMüs point, may bo set down na u puro and safe urticlc.


Old News
Michigan Argus