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V 4 A xN T E D I 303 Rales Prime 1S69 H-ips. 200 Bales ood 1S70 H l l. R. UATUT 8 UT. lllt and Hun renler, 13J4w3 De.ioit, Mich. piJEAÏ UXION EXPOSIÏION AT GRAND RAPID, Sept 12, 13, 14 and 15, 1871. TWO FAIRS IN ONE. Tbc 3or(kern Tlic:il,'in Aritultural and mechanica! Society, AND THE State Pomologicil Society, T'nife in makinj? tho nbove a ïhk! demonsUation of the pro .lucUons of Uiolugan lnliaUy. AiliniB'ion 2ÍO.. cliiHren Uc. Kxbihitors arp exP'C'el fojoin theHocioty. Ytiu-ly membörship tiekete $!. Lifo Mi-mbenhip tickets Í10. HRNRY 8. CLUBB, Grand HiiTCn, SccreUry. C. TT. GRILKtS, Crand ltupils. President. - EUflrood anl stearaboat faroa at eicumon ratoa. Frcight mostly freo. 1334w2 ..EOPLE'S ÜKUG STOxvx,! R. W. ELLIS &, CO. TUST KEGEIVKD? FINLEY LEWIS iiavc recelved a argo aud well.geiec. Slock of New Fall Goods! BOUGHT POR CASH, All of which mtrrt be 30W iusirle Of i diiy-i to make toon for or Sxeom C stook. We can sliow our customcrs t!. Best Kip Boot ever bronglit to tliis market, both for „., ;ncl buys. CALF BOOTS CF ALL GRADES. We have the exclusive snle of J. M g,. flne band-made rork- conceded to bc ' best work to in the murket. Our stock of LADIES' AND MISSES' W0 IS COMPLKTK. t3T We hive the exclusive sile of ik, Que of E C Bcut. of New Yort 2 lieynoldi) Bros., ot Utica. We jiuarin; cutiré giitUfactton on th's vrork. Estatf 0f Alpheus Woostw. TATE: OF MICHIGAN, County of Wa,l,tm, . At a ession of the Trobate (-'ourl for theComt v 17asKtennw, holiion at the l'robule t ffioe, iñ V of Aun AilKjr. o WwiiuwUy, the uiiith ilut o) ."' gust, fn tfie year ono thausnnd eiylit hun'divj j 8event -one. " ' " at, Iliir-.m J. Beatas, Judge of I'rotate In tiie mattei uf tbe ntote of Alphtus w,. dccciiBcd. Un remiing ami ftlinff tlie potition.iJtiljTtriBJ j Natnm Wooster. pniying thaf son suitablf U majr Ik; uppointtd admiiiiatrator of theauteo(3 oeeeasMF. Tliereupon H m onlcred, tftat Mond.iT, tkf (m foreiioon, be assijuied for thebeminpof and th;it the horre at law f srwWltfn,ud jsJJ W pcrwm-f mi[ estáte, are lequiríd (0 - peur ai a wasio oí" seid Court, tbcB te be bolde the Probate Offioe, in the City of Ann Atbor 'm show oaus;. if aiiy tlierc bc, why the prater !'l nor Ijc uTuntüil : And it "is font ordered, fchai ;jtid petitioner #ive no'ice to thcpíTc, iiiterwted in.sfkl estato, of t):r j.. mu. i,.;. ,í - : . tion, and lix hearing thereof, by cauing n coty ofS ordes t be rmttihed in th Michigan Arpu$, a kJ pair príntcrl nd cúrculatiug iñ saiü county tbs, iuoceeetve week prtrvïcu.s trs-;íd day of liwirine (A trnecopy.) UlUA"f I B 1334 JuJgtof Probiit Estáte of BlaTceslees - minors, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of W At tt íKíHsiun oí the Probate ( ourt foi t Waahtenaw, holden ut the Probate Offl of Anii Ajbifar, n Wednosdy, the ninth dny oíi, in the wie thoasnnd eiglt Lnndirf ïy sevonty-oiïe. Ut llirnni J. Benkps, Jndfw nf PnUth Iu the matter of the estáte of Harriet M. Blík and Julios lïlakosl e, minord. rliiiL' and HUng thepeti ion, duly venida Aüli Blakouee. Onaxdian. pmyin?thnt aheanb i to MtU cert.iin real estáte beíoujrinj to -u minora. Thanopon It lsordered,that Thnxaday, dayof Beptenaber next, at tea o'olock iñ tl beas3igïwl förtlie faeoriBff ofwiid petition. snd tic I the r:ext. of kin of wam minors, and P ffvona tnterestad in uÜt estáte, are reiairel t appear at a Masion of saifl r'.(iirt., then to be InUi ai tbe Probóte Oífire, in the City of Ann Ario, : show causo, if any th re be, why the pr] titiooex ahoald nofc h grónted : And it fmttf erdüred, that aaid petiticmei ffive notíoe to theiwírf kin of safe) ïiuimis, and all other perstm ! esfcd in tttí estáte, oL tho ptalwcy of uid p liftn, Hnl tho hearing therpf)f. hy taadaf a fiojjy nfjj ordn to x pnbliahed in tho Michigan .1. 1 Rttsd and BbrooJating InaaÜ 'nnnty, tbs ■ ( e veeki jírevious to wii'l ilny of henriiir (A true jy.) 3Ü&AM .r. BE.AKF?. 1328 Jadife of Probile. Estáte of Charle Stuck. CTATK OP MICHIGAN, County of ■ ' A' a aoaskm of tie Probate .'ourt fot ti Cocmy Of Wa.shtonaw, holden at the l'robnt OtEff, intbe City of Ann Arbor, ou Baturday, the tirffl(jr-rad day Of July, in the year one thöusand SjU Lqmj-Í vi I se vent y-ono. Prea rot lliram J. Beokfla, Jiidír of Ti-obMt. In tJie matter of the Estáte of Charlo Stad, deseased. Onreadhigand filinthc petition. duly wifoU liuuirih Stuok, pravinii that lier dower in' the wl tata whowof sid dtioeused died seized may beaatpri to her. Thereupon it is ordcredt That Bfondaf, the fonri day of Keptembe next, nt ten o'clot:k in the fowiioa. be üvigned fat tho b-arinp of wtiil petititm, irf that the boira t Uor of sivid deeeaaed, and all ctw peraona interasb 1 in sui 1 ostato, are requïndtomt ai b n i Court, tlien totw holden, ittfc Probate Offlee, in tin ' ity ol Ann ArNir, awiita oauae. if any there be, why the prayerofthepaWM ahoald not bogrant ñ : A od it is fiathcionimti.tU said petitioner i?ivo uotice to the irsous iïiteres!i 3 aaid estáte, of the pendency of said potiTion, and tí; :, by canaing a copy of thi ■ 1 In the Michigan Argiit. n newbpsper primrf and oirculrttiuir in asid oonnty, tliroe succEsmfii previous ro s ml day of henrinar. (A true cop.y.J UÍKAM J. BBAIHl 1331 Jvulytïof hobili. Estato of Samuel Dentón. CTATE OF MICHKiAN. CXiuiity of WasbtaMf, O At a aoaaíon of the Probate Court fbi oí Waahtanav, ïtolden at the Probttte OttL. af Ann Arbor, on Vedneday, the sceonl dtyw Anglist, in the year oae thoiuaud eight hundndi B raty-ouo. Present) Hiram J. Beakes, Judgc of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Samuel Pettofloooasoft i 'nwy W, Root, Kxeoutor of the last wfll teatament of sïd deceaseil, comes into Court aodnp1 ïxjftents that he is now prepareU to render his fi account as sueh Bzeeinor. ipon it is onlered, that ílondny, tíw.ft1' day ut' üMntembfx next, at ten o'clock ín t io.enoon, be sasigned tbr cxaminiiig and iD in : such account, and that the leñatees, deróK hcdra at hiwof aaiid deoeaaed, and all other penowiu eed in aaid eatnte, atv required to apponrat" of said Court, than to be solden at toe l'iubiteOWi in the City oí Aun Albor, in a;ííí ( 'ouitty, id sto attostj ïf aoy there be, why the said acooanrowM" besllówed: And it U turtherordered.tlu atorgive Donoe to the persons in tate, 01 the pondaney uf mílI account awi tl'if!5j by oaosing aoopy ol' this onïertobe pull in the Michiqan Armu, 1 nawspapvr print tad 01 11 na i.i Bttld 1 'ounty, tbtedauocessive vwekx p:U to saxl day of hearing. (A true copy.) HIRAM J. BEAKES. 1334 JudgeofProWEötiite of Laura Osborne. TATKOF MIOIilQ N,CoantyofWfhttlM t :i eslon of tlic Probate l'ourt for tkeC of 'Vahtenaw. holden nï the 01 City o I Ana Arbor on Wed sdav the iiiijj o( ajigaal iu the year oue luousuiid eight W aud seventy-one . Present. J. Bcake.". Jndge of rrohitt Iu the matter ol ihe estáte u Lra O"1 Dcwnpfl ti t I unco 11 Pl-.ilüpa (iuarrtisn of eiM et "" uio ' u-irt aiid repreeen s that h nu frtfO1 to rem'er -lis Qual ;icc 'Utit as fiich OttarJi8 ,, Therrnpon HL ordereil. tbnl TuedT, ■■" day ol September Dext, at ten o'clork InU' duod, huiissi-ned lor exumli ini anii llo! icconnt, and that the w si of kiD "J inC'miot'Mit, aDti rtll olher perron iltftíf' ed in said estine, are feqmred to nl'l'f" ';. 'siuii ui -i.-iid Oourl theu to be. hohlt-n i' ■ Prubale Office, in thoCity ol Ann Arbor, In i-iv.mly. nrni shoWCAOeo if auy thcfcbe. .WV. saldHCCoontshouldootbenllowed : Aud it.lf , tlier rriered, that BBld Qaardlau give "w' the perMins rntentated iu 011U cst.ite. ol tlte ïv danöi i ald ccooiit, and (be harts 'jjjírj causfjaga copj ol thieorl'rtobepttlilisbrt' i i newapüper prinltd 8D1 ' j hitiiiL in said Coanty. three ancceMfr" previoae to aid day oi henrínír f A irurcnpj.) UIRAM J CEARF:';, 133Hd .ladLeolPr Estáte of Briggs - minors. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washlew' 0 At a s&wion of the ProbaM Court tor tta of Waahtenaw, holden at tbs l'robatc Omce. 1 i y of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the !?UJJ of Augiuft, in thtí year ono thousand eignt ■ :-tvi-nty-one. Prosen!, Hiiiiin J. Beatos, Jndge of I'rotr"teilT.ift ■ in ittór of th in C'LE Maty U l'ti.'K, WiUivn i'.. Brigg, l'uiuiai-' and Jobn L. iiriírírs, minors. Chaunix-y II. Milieu, Ouardinn siiil tmftjjj into i'ourt and loiwisanlw tbat he is mw wr o randei hia linal account as snch i'1111111 Ihereupon itisordered, that Mnndaj', f'Zf, lay of Baptemboi n!, al tea o'dook in theroy Igned for examimnK and allowiig uuunt, .v'l 'hat the nt-xt of kin of SJl"í, 'Sí nul all olher perrons ïnterested ir. - ire requii"od to apixMir at a aession ol said t tíl]K !',_' o be holden at the Probate Office, in tlie,V im Arbor, in saii eouuty, aud show Ciluw'],j:,, here be, why the said account sliould uot . iai itis fuxthar oidored, tbat .lil (l .; i lotice to the persons ínterestul in sid n i Jio pendency of saitl account, and tM 7 beroof, hy eau?ing a copy of tbi& ""'"„tü ii ! .:; in the Mtthigan Argtu, a newsparo'-a nd circuiuting in paid eounty, thrco suieeii.-i irevious to eaid day of , ,rve f IVE GEESE FEATHiSRS PIBST QTJ.A.LIT'S', üoeioitijonttaucl aod for alcby BACEfr AB& -- GotoR.W.ELLIS&CO'jj for strictly Pure Drugs 8 Medicines ,PaintB,Oils,&c


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