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A Forward Movement

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We ure s'a(' t0 uc ble to itnnounce to our readers a '■fbrward moveinent" iu railroad clrcles. At a recent meeting of ihe Board uf Director it was determlDed to Imutedlately put au agent in tiie Held, to work up the slock estiinated as yut vrnt" ed and uecessary, anti also to obtain tlie ri;lit of way. To Jo tuis work Mr. L. D. Bcucn, of tliis city, has been employed, who cnteri'd upen liis labjrsou Wetlnes l.-i.v Cñovring Mr. Bukch well we can say that tlie Directora have made a good selection. lic lias foryeara heen ennjjed u tlie rail road Held, liavlag been employed to work np llie Air Line and other roails, and doing liis work to the aatislaction of tlie COTporations employlllg bllD. 11e knows tlie ropes, can o .uto a nuigbborliood and preMUIt the poinla lliat. will teil, and can 06 fotlate auderstaodlngly lor the -right o; way. We cominead UI in to the rettldents alon the line, amarina; ihein ihat f tln-y ive hun a bearty aml gcutirous welcoine, n material atd as well as tvords, thetr tupes l-ng dulerred will soon be realized. We in iy, also, aidl nuodier item ot in ormaiion iuil cattug the Directora iow mean business ; ilmt I Uiat uu exlerienced and successiul contr ctor, witt vhom uegotlatloas lmve ooineiline been peiiilinir, is expccuvi to put in Mis uppearmee wiihni a few il tys, go ovtr th line, ainl opier i ucw sarve; il lie cleenis It nocissarv. Tliisdoue the Moe wlll be Itamedl a ilv ücttuil aiul tile WOik put umler con t.act, provldeil Jlr. Bobch does uot m ke a tallara ín tlie wurk uigueil to him, and we dj uut bellev ilut lie ill ia 1.


Old News
Michigan Argus