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Burlington. Leavlng tfra Eartt and firriving at Chicago or IndlanapiilK how hall vo reach the West f The bei-t Line is aokoowled)cd to bc thcC. B. & Q.. juiiied tog. ther vl!i the U. t M. Riilrond by llif Iron Bridge at Bsrllqgton, au i called ihc liurliiigi'.n Bo ai'. The matn üncof the Rontc rönulng to Oinahr., cannecta with tho arj.i PaciSc Ko.ids, and f.irm todajlho loadtag route to Cnlllornia, The Middlo B.-anch ODtering EMnaaln t PlattoMmtb, piaa throngh Lineóla, the State Capital, ad wfil Ihla year be flaif lied to Fort Kcnrnej, f'.rmhi ■ li.iBhörtost route acroe9 the Ccmtlneut by over 100 miles. Anoiher branch of Ihs3. M., diverglng at Red Oak, fnllsiuto a lino ruuuloir down the Missouri hroagh ft. loc to Kausas Citjr. and all Kansas. lJaseeugpru by (hls route to Kansns, see Illnoid, ouih Ion', and Missouri, anj, by a ellght di7ereenco, can aee Nt brasfca iilso . of flae views staould remember the Bnrtagton Koute. for lts towns " high-glearaln!,' from afir'1- u Lfeo-flrlllged strearua - lts rpu-h iiluliv and iu:irries - lts com-oceaus atrotchlug over tbe praires further Ui-in t-ye cao reach. Land bajen til be sure to remomber it, for they ítivtí friohds amoug the two thousnnd who have alreauybou-l:i from Geo-S. Uarris, the Land Jo.nmissi juer of the I!. & M. R. K nt Burlington, Iuwa.or atnon the Tour thouaaud home-stcaders and ;jre empiora wbo laat jear flleJ cllm8 In the Lineal i l .nú ofllcc, where " Uncle Sam 1 rlch snongb to glTe wt IJ a Carta," a few more of thosc Folnt Lace Shnirú Itil, at 8 10, 7.Ó0, &6.ÜO, at the RlUUnery store. Hora thiin uut hundreJ thousand pcisons nnnually in thiscuimtry trom Consumption, which is but ho cliild of Catarrli. $500 reward is offered by the propriator of Dr. Sago'a Catarrli Bcmedy for a case of Caturrh which he cannot cure. fciold by druggisU, or send sixty cents to Dr. K. V. Pierco, 133 Séneca street, iuffulo, N. Y., and got it by mail. Don't get swin[led by men calling theniselves Dr. Sage ; Dr. Pierce s tho only man now living that has the right and cun prepare the gonuine and original Dr. Sage's Caarrh titmojy, nnd liis privftte LT. S. Government Stamp is upoa the outaide wrapper of every package of t ie genuine. Those Parker Sugar Cu'red at Slawson & Son's are choice e.aing Ihis hot weather, when the odor of the bcit kept and cleanliest butclier's utall is not. verj' tempiinff. Vou eau f ind tlio larest assortment oï Hoop Skirts and concta at the loivesi pi-Hes, at tlic IVew BElUlnorjr Store 47 Soul li flaln Street. Bounty lo Soidicis. Those who enllstcd in 1851 on the flrst cali of Prosdeiit Liucoiu.aud who were honorably discharjjod efurethe expiration of the term of their enlistmcot, are entitlcd to $100 each, ss bounty. Andsoldicrseulistiiii; uuder act ol .íuly 4tU, 1SIH re to be allowed the unpjiid instalments of bouuty 7 they were discharged by eipiration ol service Theabove claaaesshould make applicatlon to the ndereigned. MarchL'4th,lS70, IMttf JOHN N. QOTT, Bounty and Claim Aeut. Wc Iiavr, iu order to close out our re ntiiniu stuck of Parasols, rcduced 2icm to comí. IVew n.lliiicr) Store, 4T S. -lliiiii St. Soldiere of 1812, who served sixty dftvfl, are en Itlod to l'ension, and nhoold apply immediately to ohn N. Gott, Bounty and Pension Agent, Ann : bor, Ulchi Serond Hand and cw Organa 1 Mt;lodeonp forsalo very cheap at Vrof. Mills' muslcroom, No.43 MflinStreët. (Over IIullARub lnson"!.) l6tf ALVINWILSET.


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