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f ATEÖT STYLES! Ij BEST GOODS ! OHEATEST VARilETY AND LOWEST PRICESÜ S. SONDHEIM HAS JUST RLTUKNEI) FRüM WITH THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OZF SPRING AND SUMMER GOOCS nava fih.ishc goods, CIIILDREX AXD YÖIW CLOTMNG TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCII.ELS, &c, &o., &c. THAT RAS EVER BEEN BROUGHT TO THIS' .CITY, WHICH HK WILL SELL Oheaper than the Cheapsst for Cash. ALSO ALPINE ASSORTMENT OF CASS1MERES, COAT1NGS, and VESTINGS, WHICH HE WILL MAKE UP TO ORDER LV THEBEST STYLE, AND WARRANTED A PIT ORJNO SALE DIRECTORY - OP- A. IS" IV ARBO Ifc, FOR 1871, With a Complete Portrait ot the City, an Accurate Census, Statistical Tables, &.c. &.c. Tinï ITXDERSIRNED.havlD had an exteneive expericnce in the c:m;)il:ition and p-iblication of City and Connty Directories in this aud uiher Statt-s, aud havinfi been -olicited hy a ntimber of the prominent ciLiztíus lo itssue a worfc of this kind, lels safe in proini!ing comptetc patiffact!un Thi work will contaiu a c mplete portrait of the city, setting íTth its advamagea lis a conimcrcial aiid mannraotiuiiií; lown ; altio statistical l.'tbleá Phow tog the uuraberof firme engau'ed in every ciepartment of maoufactu'-e and nade; the ggrrgair animal -Alc ot tlie same ; tho nuinber of dw Hing ana business houses in tue city, au1 in fa t every kind orcharact r of information ihat the citizun or iranüer muv decir. ; sketches of the wihools churcho, benevolent eocieties The city poysest-ï; raauy advautagrs which if they euerally known, woulii attracl Mttlera frum all parte of thö country. It ip our design to pulï'iph a work for general 1I-mitution throuphout the Culied States. It would be upeiÜuoua to here q ge the net-e ity of adverti.-iing a city.or to menti -u the idvanLapef ihat rcnl e.state uwners anrl buslnc-s men derive fl'om this ■ ethod of advertising a city. Thf w(rk wilt he deiivered to subícribrrs in the month of Jaly It Í9 to oo hoped that budineas men will duly conslder and appreclaie the advantagd of adrerüslng their business io thipbo k. It wil] be loiind In store?, offices, hotels and all public where the card must meet the eye tf scores 01 purohasers every day, Te ïns of Advertising. One Page $9' 00 Half ' 15 00 Fourth " 8 00 Capital Nnmes 50 Priceof books to eub;cribers,$l CO; to non-subscribers, $3 50. 189Stf JAMES M. ÏHOMA8. S H.1 f Subscrlbers to Peters (II !L Musical Monthly are netV. V tlag their Visie for less than two cents a piece. T JB Those who have not seen 1 rhis Miirical Majjaz ne ■ shiiuld seud 30 cents f r a il I I famplecopy. The musici nnl I 'iy Hays. Thomas, KtnH f ' I I kei, POrsley, and .ther JjU'JLU poi ular wrltira. Two back numbera tor A New School Book, bj 4Hcents. Four back imm. n s PcBKiNa Prlce Ders f0' 7 8ub' il. . J KBKiNs. I ríe. , BlTi,ers Ket S7.60 per d' zen. f'nnimnnl , ..,„, over two hundred ncw and T I IJ' I ' W benntiful eongs, duets, etc. Ij H} 1 by Wlll S llays. H ster, Thomn, etc. Every I ■ j hing Í4 ncw, fresh, and J. I % ■parkHog. Cuntentí and ,,. . . ■"L pedmen pages ent free III k I i I % Sample optes mailrd fm 11,1 't I I I of postage to teachers for IJXJH IJ 1 1 KJ '5 cents. Liberal terms f'iinlroduetlon. Worth ofMusicfor S3. Address, J. L. PETERS, 599 Rroadway, '. Y. Teachers sendinir n their orders for $.0wortho muslc can claim a yeara snbsciiption to PetCfj Musical Monthly. i;;.1 tl SAAI. li. REVENAUG11 Coplea Oíd AMB30T1PES & DAGLERREOTYPES IN FIEST CLASS STYLE TO ANY DESIRED SIZB. Il Go toR.W.TXT & CO'f I for choice Wines and Liquorr for Módica! Purposos . nUILDERd ATTENT10N, SANFORD &CARPENTER MACHIlSriSTS Are prepsred to do all kind of LA.THE SCREW CL'TTING, PLANlNG, POWER Pl'NCniftG, BRIDGE AND BUILDING BCLT3! ALSO STEAM AND GAS FITTING IN ALL ALL ITS BK NCHKS. AGEN'TS FOP. STEAM & GAS PITTJERS GOODS COCKS, VALVE3, WHISTLES, &C. ALSO Model Making of every varieiy Basement of Conrler Office, Cor. Muln anl Catherine StreeU. ANN AUBOR. 13S0-mS A NN ARBOR SAVÍNQS BATIK. AKN ARBOR Midi. ISTEiïEST ALLOWE 0 DEPOS1TS ! ! COLLECTIOJÏS iUDB AT ALL ACCB SIBLE POINTSUNITED STATES BONDS, OOLD, SILVER, CANADA ItONBT, A'D COUPONS BOUGHT ANDSOLP. Draft6 ifFrrfon New York, Chlcaeo. and Detroit, aud Bills i f Exchanire drnwn at leht on all the principal ciliug ui Kurupe. LOANED ON' FIRST-CLAS- SECÜRITIBS. AU ld mis of legitímate Bankrng Business trtirs.icted ACCOUNTS SOLICITE!) 1332tf. JSJOTIOE. Broke into Iho ïncl'ïnre of thf snbscrlber on or bont the 3. th day of Miy 8fl, one Spotted Mare Kouy, with white Oice aud shod all around, abont tftn or l.welvc years of aj;ü. Tlfto owaer is reouestrd lo prove properiy, pay charges nnd uke said maru away. JCOB WKïiBER. Lodi, July, 8Ut18Tl 133 w6 „ - ' - ■ ■ "" p '"- ! POR RENT A ÜKS1RABLË STORE ! And fELl.AR. Also one Fin Front Hoorn over thcir New Store, N"o. is M.iin t.. from Angoel lst, 1-71 l-'nquire of 1330-tf G. W. IIAYS Bopt. i "Finest 4ssovtment of Toilc I Goois ir i"he Citv.v Q MBTIlIJNU AT LAST! AT 24 Main Street. The nndersigned. having located at thls 'place, has just opened as FINE and sELEtï an assurtment A ClüTBS, CASSíMKRES i fmcy mm, Aa caTi be found west of Kew York City, which he is prepared to make up into the most STYLISH GARMENTS, AT THE SHORTEST N0T1CE, MEI POS5IBLE PRÏCE, ALSO A LINE OF (ÍENTS' FXJRNISHIXG GOODS. Caü on JAS. BOTD and he wül G1VE YOÜ FITS JAIVSES BOYD, 13lStf 21 Main Street. nUTTER WAJNTED. I am again preparad to take all CHOICE BÜTTER Hade In the ('onntv, for CAPII orRoort 13-2 tf J.H. 5UYNARD I HTIHIAftt1 PRESMPTIÖ1ÜS BV S V BLLlt) t VO.


Old News
Michigan Argus