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cönsümption; lts Cure and lts Preventive. BY J. H. SCHENCK, M.D. Hany human botng ba passed fxwny rorwhpse rierttn tberewaa no other renson thnn tho m iMiuwnaitd Indlaputably proven mcanaoi ooft. '1 uoae !!■:. r an i deurtofamtl] and Frtenda ure ale iplnn tbc ! droauilèssBluinbcrlnto which, liadthey caloilyadoptod DU. JO8BFH. n. BCHKWOK'S M.UIM.E TUEAT.ÏIEXT, and nrnilcd thcmsolves of Ms wondorfully cfÏÏcacious nipfltetnt'.. thoy wonUl Dot havo fallen. Di 3chenok has in lila own cose pro ved that wherevsr Buffiötont vitaiity remalns, thnt vltnllty, by hts : medicines and hli dii-öcttuna Uielr ujv, i tiitcki;n■ ad Into hciiiihfui Ttjtor, In thls statement Is nothlng preMimptuons. To the f uithof the Inralld U mado no representation i tlutt Is not a lliouaiiil timos substnntlated by living and visible wurfcs. The tbeory oí tho cure by Dr. Schcnck's medicino! i- ; simple as It íh untnilintí. ii phtlosophy requlrw do argument. It la seU-aMtlft ; infti self-con ( The Sea-weed Tonta and Mandmke Pilla ure the flrst two weapons witti wiiieh the citadel of the ma Kir la sssatled. Two tiiinin of the oases of oonsumptlon orttclnate In dyapepstft and n fonotlonally dlsordered hv.-r. Witli tbta condltlon tin bronchlal tubes " sympathlse" wim tho stom ach. They reepond to tïie morbtflcactlonoi tho M ver. Hre then ■ imesthe oulml nating resu't. and the setting in, wiiti uil iu üistraaslog Byraptoms, of CONSU9IPTION. The Nfftnrlriiko PIIImato componed of oncjofjratnrfj'i nobleat (flits tho Pudonhilhim Pelttitum. They i'hBess all the blood-aearching, alterativo propeiiiea ui oaiomel, iut, uniiUu calomeli tbjiy "LBAVB NO STING BEIIÏND." Tho work of curo i noir ïirKinning. Tlie vitlntPd nnd muooua deposll i In tho bowela and in tho ulinienturv oanul aro ejeoted. The llTOT, likt; ft OlOOÜ, is wound up. lt aronsea rroio Ita torptdtty. Btomita rest sivclv. nnd tho puticnt begin to fee! tlmi lic isguttin, ut loMi A SI Ï'PIA' OF GOOD DLOOD. Th Pa-wocd T'nic. in oonjmictfon U the Pilis, permoataa and aaslniliates wlili Ute food. Cbyliflcatlon is dow proBrreasinflj without Ha prevlona tortures. Uigejiti'Hi beoomea patnloR8,and the (Mire is soen to be ju hand. Tboro la no nx re ttatuleiicO nu cxucorUation of tho Btornaoh. An iippetlte seta In. N'iw comea the greatest Blood Partfler over vt irivn byan In lal teni fatlier í ■ Buflbrtog man. 8cneDcka PulmonicSympcora ■ In toperfonn its functionsand to busten and c noplete ibe core, it entera at. once upon itework. Nature mui not bo eheated. n collecta iitui rlpens the lm pat red and dlaeaaed portions oí the lungs. Inth prepares tbem fo? : ■■ it ion, un Mu !1 ï'; tïme the matad; is ranoalshtttt, tho ratten throne thitt U. ooouplcd II renoTHtetl and made new, and the pattent, In all tha dlgnlty of resalned vigor, tps iuitu to enjoy tüe uiuuliuu'-i or woman nood tluit was GIVEN I.'P AS LOST. Thoseoond thlng ts, tho patiënt mntiitaylnfl warm ro 'in untll t ; . : i wol ; it is nlmtt. Imposslble to proTent takin - tho tungs are dlsoaned, bol II must bo preventod or u curo can nt beeflbetod. Fresh afr an l r din ï ont, - üpeclally In this aootloo "f the conntry, ii tho full and winter BCflson, ara H wrong. Physician who reconmend thatooarae Ioho tïielr pailentH, if thelr lmtrs are bndly dlaeased and yet, bécunso thoy ;iri In Mío h use they must net slt 'Tiict; ïlioy must wülk nbimt tlio ninm na nuich nnd :i- fust us tho stroriirili wlll t-:ir. to trUip tipM(j clrcnlal Ion "f blood. The pntionts untsf keep in pm! spirits te dotermtned to gotwall. Thla lias h graal deal t do n itïi tli: appettto, and Is tlic great ioint to gain. 'j'o deADfilr "f cnro iftor snoli evidence of its posibtnty in tiirt worst oases, ftud moral ooitalnty in uil ( Miers, is nlnful. Dr. P(-h rv-k's p mono) statement to the Kiiruliy of bis own cure was i:i these moilcst worda : ■ Many yeora aro I was In the last stnpos of conBQtnption; oonfln d t roy ba, and nt one time niv nhysIcUiafl tlioughi tbaf l ooaid not live u woek ; Uien. libe a drownlng mnn cutchtng at straws, I heardol nnd obtalnod the prcparntlons wliifh I now offer tr tin pabilo, :i:nl thoy made a perfect ouie of me. II ■ 1 to mo tliat I cutiM feel tbom ponoinite 1115 whole sysfc. TIn". Boon rlpened the m;ttor in m langA, and Iwnold spit up more toan a pint of ofleii' ,-i v" yell w matter every roorolnc f t a lonjr timp. As 30011 na that bogan t" Bubside. myooogb, fever palns. ;in'l 11 i 'X it Bwenla :;il begnn t Iwive me, aini tnj te became so greal thnl it ;im with tiitrtciiltvtluii ] ooUld líi'ij' ' ■' much. I sonngai'iiuj th, nnd have grown In flesh ever since. "1 w;is wcighed Bhortly ftftor my reooTery, added the Docto . " ' oh looking liko n mere tkeleton my welght wa only ven pounds; my prcS' entwelgntlstwohandrod and twenty-flTe(22öponnd! and foryeara I havo enjoyeol uninterniptcd ncalth." Dr. Sclieiick has dlsc intuiuod hla professional vlslti to Ñew-York vn Boston. Ho or nis son. Dr. J. H Sohenck, Jr., e-t UI continue to see pnlients nt, thefi Iffl ■ No. 15 North Btzth BtH'ot, Pliiliifleli'hin.ovcrj SatunlaT fwwn 9 A.M. to 3 p.f. Thoco wh wlnh i thopingb. ezamlnailon wlth tho Rwntrometcr will b ciinrffoil ?.. Tno Ui'spirumett r declares tho exnc condition of tlio Junprs, and jmtienta can rcutfily nan wbetberthe ore curable orn t. The directfons fr taking the medioïnes nrn ndnptot to theintelngenoe o.wn ora chíH. Folio w these dircf tlons, and kind Nature wlll do tíioreít. txrr ptinjr tfln in some cases the Mandrake I'ills are to te tuken it ïnoreitsed dose; tbc thrce medidnos roed no othe: nooompantments tlian the rniploíntructions thntnc ooropany tbem: First créate appetlte. of rctuminj healtb, nunper the must welootne Bymptom. Wbei itC'imej, as it will come, lot the dosiiairinr utonce bt of goiKl clieer. Good blood ;it once follows, the coi?l loosons, the nicht sweflt ts abateol. In a jOirt timi both of theso morbid symptnma aro pone forever. Dr. Bohenok'a medicines aro constantly kopt in ton; of thousand of families. As a laxativo or pvirntive tho Mandrake Pilis ure :i standard prcparatlon ; whili the Iuïmonifl Svnip, as e cure of conIi and ci'Ms "may bo i-enardod as a propliylactcric uguinstconsuuip Bon in anv f its i'orms. ' Prlue or the Piitimnilc Syrup nnd Pon-woon Tonk fl..Va bottlo. or 7.50 a half dozen. Mandrake Pilla 20 cents a box. For ealc by all üruecista and dealers. 35 Ijake Street, Chicago, Ill. "Wiioleeale -Aents. FAINTS PRINTS PAINTS Oils Ofte Oils Varnish Varnish Varnish Brushes Erushes Bruhes kflfTBRAL PAIIXTS, &c. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST AND CALL ON R. W. ELLIS & CO., I3EFORE PüRCHASING, SB A FALSEKKPORT! THAT A. A. TERRY IIASGONEOUrOF THADE HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A LARGE AND CO.M PLETE STOCK OP HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, AND AT l'KICES TO KUIT THE TIMfid. ALSO AFULLLINEOF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS! DONT PURQHASE YOUR SPRING ANDSÜMMER OUTFIïS DKTIL YOU GIVE HIM -A. C-IjX,. 15 South Main St., Aun Aiboi. 5AMTB7REVENAUGH, PHOTOGRAPHER I RETOUCHES ALL HLS NE ATIVES BEFORE PRINTING, SO THAT FRECKLESJIOÏIISANDTAN Do not show in any of his Picturos. No Extra Charges. Finest á.s8ortment of Toilet Goods in the City, hy Ti . ' ■ ■ S SÏBÏ fj.Ö 1 S . 3 fe feS S H " 1 o h ,r hl .s i ■ ï r P fljl B III :h i s g ín H fl s OS IL fH ,fij = IU 4 ÍM ï .,01 W M L (285 P 1 5 ■uk W S .1 4 Mas CAM. li RfcVENAL'ÜH KEKPS ON HAND A. LARGE STOCK OF OVAL AND SQUARE BLACK WALNUT AXD GJLT FRAMES ! OF ALL SIZES CHEAP. No.30 HURON ET. lyEVV GOUDS -A.T WM. WAGER'S A Large and Choice títock o riilAli AiU mlMMv G-OODS7 1SCLUI1NG OLOTHS, CASSIMEREB, VESTINGS, &C. LATE8T STYLES 1ND BEST QÜAL1TÍES WHICH BI ILI." MANUFACTURE on terms to suit. Also a full line of READY-MADE 0LOTH1NG AND Gents' FUENISHIM6 Goods. BEST ST"S-Xa3E3, Alio L ADIÉ ■ianciíi F.NTS MOROCCO SATCHELS No. 31 South Mala Street- Est alde. CALL AND SEE THEM. UII.MAJI WAGiVJEK. Ann Arbor,Mny,18Tl. T UMBER YAED. 0. KRATF, Irlas a larpe nml wel] ítooksj Liimhor Tardón i;IT(T!" 'ii Streel, Is the fonth pari of the Hv. nncl vil] keepconstnntly on liand an uxccllcnl variety of LUMBER,SHINGLES,LATH&C whicli will be flold ae íow aa can be afforded iu thi? nDirket. Qualitj' nud priccs snch that NO ONE NEED GO T0 DETROITC. KDAFF. Ann Arbor, January20th,lSTl. 986 ' IVE GEESE FEATHjíRS PIH8T aTT-A.X.IT-5T , 'nntantiyou huuil sndforaalebj BACESf ABEL Üctwit 4mtfecmeirfs. VTICilHiA IIAt iUNÏ.il IMII'OT. G. S. WORMER & SON, Dealen la all kinds of Woml Sclron "Worltinss Maölilnpry. O, 101 and ü'3 .TcfiVrson Ave, Detroit, Mich. C11IÏ1ISTA V niEHIING, ' : -ïliltN 8TJEAH jsa: a. -r b jl, e works. Manufacturera of Mnrljlf and Marbtelsed Manties, Cablnet and Plnmbers' stok, Momum-Titul nnd vnn'try Work "f evcry description on linnd. Also dealers in Orates Cor. Monroe Ave. and , Detroit, Mleh P. Ohriit. Gra. F. Mkui.ino. TAIHES KALL JR. CO., l Dealers in CARPKTS A1NI) DRY G00D8 I 8T Womlwarri Ave , cor. Lnrned St. N. B. We have nu immense etock and will peil CodR I-'W enonirh to mrike it au Dbject for thoc in ini'Tinr to boy nf ik. CAKPKTS.we mnke a specialty. p EO. S. FROST & CO. VJ Chas. Noble. Go, s. Frist. C. W. Noble. l'INIO .AND FARMIiTG UJ2T1DS _ FOB SM.K In'every part of tbis State and the United States DETROIT. i Bi, SwaU'eifc Co., INDUSTRIAL AGBNCT! For BTipplylng every de.icrlptln of induntry 7ürXTXX LABOR Office wilh GROROE S. FROST & no., netroit, Jllchlaan. TAJ1US JIOXKS, f EstiblUhed 18640 Deal r n all kind? of AND &UPPUB8, Al o Agent Cor llaïi' lntoiif Shingie JH cLcliiue 20 A.twater atleet tSaflt. etw66D Bates aiid Rac1 Iph streetfli Detroit Mích. f nÍT WHAT ÏFÏT SHOVLD FAU,? X) In the briirht Lexicon of yonth, which fate esfirves f r his young mauhood, thcre is no such word :iy fuil. Randa'l'a Ciicasian Cream Wasli Wfip npvcr known t fall t" rnif-vr Frcklo, Plmp!i-, M'itli 1 itchcH, Tan, &c. . íf ní-tl fts ut dlrec Ifns. íind píTscviTíT1 In. Tt yot:r drugi{!lst ha mt got it, teil hhn to fond for it." J. J. RtNDALL. PropriPtnr, FiuherBlock, Detroit PI NE AND FABISÜfG LANDS.- We offtT Tor mie 25.00 TM of Vnluahle Plne nnd Fíirminjí Landt OH Time, nt Prices rfin-'ing from ñfS to fBlO FVr Aoip iï 8S3 aorrs of these rine Lands arp lorn'ed on the WÍcpoiirÍii Iiiver. 9,620 acres on Watera leftdfng to Cbeboygat) or DnncAn Mifh R4 ncres on the Angras Kïver. S, 00erMOH Thnnfler Bay wnterp. lendingto Alpena. 860 acre on the TÍtlbawasM Fivpr. 2.200 aerea in Öladwin 'o..Mlch. rr Fansi andTimber. 1 27.' acres Choice Mfnoral And Hard Tlmber Lande n par Ontoníifon. ' (HW) acres Prairie Ininl in Nebras, ki neartheUnfoo Paciüc lïsilroad 000 acres good Kirming Land In Grattot coanty i" to L9 per 'ïcr'. $w Many oí" the e Landt are won h the prlce wE aak forthem foi Parmine parpoaec after the Tim berla ent. For ful] duecription, pnce and terms, aend for Circular. D. PRESTOL & CO., Kanker?. Detroit Mich. R. & W. T. LINN, Miiimfacturere of (round Coílí c s Splcrs, üfiistard, etc , clc. And Wholesale Dealere in TEAS ANDGRüvERS' SUNDRIES ! ! 120 J-ffersoji Avenue, Detioit. TOHN COPLAND, and w WhtilfiiJitly dealer in a large vaviety of Crackers, Snaps Aud Biscuits. Ordrra toHclted and üllcd at lowcs' markel irice Send lor t'rïre List ltcel Oven Steam Bakery, corner Kandoluh anc Woodbridfe trcti v, Detroit. 1 ;: 1 ut i. piercc & co., WHOLESALE 35 'Woodvïrard Avenue, DRTBO1T, - - - iMicïn&Ar. HUGH JOHNSON, ilanufacturer of and dcalerin CaKKIaüKs. BUOQIK8 AND si.KKlllS I A jiae Aaaorlme&l f'f the latest stylt-8 of home-made und Badlern Carrias;cs, Inclndlng nsiuw. ('lar1 NOJ :tud Familv CasRIAUes front the ctrlebrated factory of .1 Mott m o. Bridgeport, onn., conBtantlj on hand and farnigjied fco order. No. M to i1 LarnedSI west cor. Casa St. Detroit Caiíiasí VI sumí act r. JOHN PATTON &SON. Aro offi:rin; thu largest aud best aseorlmeut ol CARHIAGLÏS & BUGG.LS iNTniï At. Qreatly Rednccd Pricc. All work mnde under car owq enpervlsiOD, and Po lï Wabbatrd, Kactory and Warer ome coruor Wuotlbridge aod Brush 3treet8,DetroIl. For 1'lire.liiiiü:. &u nty: V oxl Mtücina 'iU'r. rSreaiiiitiii lAxxl ibr Cattle, &BO. ü. K. KU.U, Muuulacturer. 191 ATWATER STREKT, DETROIT. C'i DOKLT Bi. mtUTlIEK, J Impnrtois and Dealere In FA1STÍJY GOODS ! Toys, Yankee Kotions, llosiery, Laces and Trimniings, AND MANUPACTUnERS OP CIHI.MRN'S CAIliÜAGW, BASKETS AND Sleighs, No SOaud Woodward Wc. .Detroit. Transplant Now.-Pmit and OrnameDim Tri-e.-, .- l j r 1 1 ! h Roses, Grapa vini-s, and all the -mail fruits Green Bonte and Bedding Planta, D ahitas, OladlolD. inbe Rone Haduria Viiif, &c shoold I; planteo nficr the middle of May. Skeis of the best varletlen- Field Vegetable and Klower, nll new, A - tl la Is the lm year of our eced trade, wu bave no oldec d;' on hand A vcry ;ir"e stock of ihe above. at moderate ra tes, Addrts, V. 11, ADAIK. D.'iroit. TOUS W. iQPHUETT, t) WHOUM1IA BXALIR ER ROCKINGHAM & Ohio STONE WARE GLASS AND STONr: PRDIT JAKS. Send for Pricu List. 64ifc 0O "Wooclbritl-ie Stroet "West, DETROIT MICH. CSfHl l.r.MJI 1Ï,H. l!illi,ir Table Hnn factarer. wlth Dixwni Paleni Steel Wlre C']ihion.. s lüO and 102 Raudolph Street, etvoit, Mich. B ranch: si Joaepn, Mo. I ;Iío mnofactnre Plgeonholei JenDy Lind and Baicatell tahlcB-anddo Tl knuln of alterlng and re pairlns Keep always on hand Second haod Tablea and all poodR appertalnlnff to rtilliards. Bowling Ping and Bii'.l for sul,; Uso all kinds of trlraming ilopc. SAM. B. HEVENAUGII PHÖTGGRAPHSR, ■VIAKES ALL KJJSDS Ol PICTURES FROM 1HE SMALLEST LOCKET TO1THE lifesiz; e , AND FINISHESrnEM IN INDIA INK-1 OIL, E3FL IN A SÜPPERIOIÏ MANNER. ia:;-:y. Na. so iiiro stbeet. Goto R. W. ELLIS & CO's for 3trictly Pure Drugs and Medicine? .Painte .Oile,&c. FARMERS ! I dt'RÏre now to mturn my hearty thnnk forthe liberal patronage of khe Pannen of Washtnaw mul AtyoiDmg Coantiee whohaveforeo man; the past extended to me their triule. and fttaps and truel satis factor; muf profitnble to boljï partics. ï hope i rocela n fnir snare of thelr patr noxe In the future My efforU wllï be houevlly directud toward the Interests of my Customers, s wïl nsinvouii. And agnïn my alm will bft. n"t to keep iip cheap roods ae po-sihli. but a god hm canbefoond and at as Low Ratea m thequnlity of mj oo"de oen be afforded. I will not undertase t compete In pricee with Inferior troodi. I will uot impflfr the qtinlUy of my impirments In order t re duce the price Tbc parchase of cheap goodsof ny kind provM an nnprofitnhle Investment, 8 many have fouud to ihètr co?t. I shnll kiep a Fl LL STOCK OF FAliMIXG TOOLS on hand, thfit fa frcnerally found ín market. I atn the Aiithorizvd agent ftr thu fwllowlng THRESHÍNG MACHINES (cnuiiic Iluffalu I'ifis, Buflitlo. N.Y. "!i liitTiin Svcc)st!ik's. BattleOreek. NirliolN & siiilurii"s Vibrator, B.Creck. Geiser .Iji ïiinc, Radae,VIa, AL8O The Chnmplon Reaper & Ilower, Self Rnkr. Tiic kii lv S.If-ü.iki.-iï Rcipcr, Coaibii'.cd. The Rh i)} THo-HhfciKl BMrer. U'ood's Hachinc, Combiaed üh Sc!f-Rakc. JACKSON WAGONS, Buckeye and Shortsville Grain Drills Fairbank's Scales, all sizes. THE GENUINE CURTÍS AND DODGE FLOWS, Mimufacturcd at Kalaoifinoo. I haveiooated myneir at the old and well-knowE Apple l'.-i'kiiiL' House of D Fíennlnj:. on Detroit opposlte Biichoz1 Block ff h ere I fhul) be appy t" meet as mnnj' of my old cnptomers, and u many cew onee aa may picase to come. I have secured the permanent services of Samuel Mc' luren, ot my old shop hauds, who pcrrectly uuder-tuude :b epairin q All kiiide nf Ajrricultnral Tool, and will oe on hanrt enrly in the moriiiiis and late at night, wbeD ucesary to accommodate . M. ROGERS. AnnArbor April lst 18T1. The "Bar" not being a MoLkey ISN'T ONE OF DARWIN'S PROGENITOES ! BUT WHAT OP TliAT AS LONG AS E. J. JOHNSON ! HAS A FULL STOCK OP HATS & CAPS ! FOK SPRING AND SÜMMEE ! ! Hls STYLKS -A.E.E THS :L.A.TESTII1S GOUDS THE 13 K S T ! AND IIISPRICES THE ds best blï: m. ja. mïzms ram Also :i full liue ol Gents' Pornishlng fïnofls Cali mil examine liisOHIPS, PALH3, BTBAW3, i'ANAMAS, and LEGUOUNS, belore purch:ising. 7 South Main St., Ann Aiboi. COMETHING KKW AT 50 Main Street ! LOUIS WA LZ, GROCER&CONFECTIONER HAS A LL STOCK IN HIS LIN'F, AND WILL PROMl'TLY 8EEVE THK PUBLIC WITH SUOARS, TEAS. TOFFEES SPICES, SYRUPd, CAN DI ES, ETC. Farties Supplied WITH CAKES OF ALL KINDS AT SHORT NOTFE, OF THE liEST QUAIITY, AND AT THE MOSTLIBERL TER MS. CALL JtJJD SJEE ÜI3VC BEFORE PÜRCHASING. 1330 mü. YY H EN Y OU WANT FINE PIIÜTOGRAPIIS, GO TO SAM. B. REVENAUGH, JVo. 30 HurouSimt. STATE OF MICHIGAN- The Fourth Judicial Circuit- In Cbanoary : .mi pond in? in the Cirouit Court. for tlic county of Washtenaw, in Chanoery, wherein Ellen i.. Boydoo u Lainant and Willium A. Uoydon isdefon Aun Aïboi. COmity aml M;ilc iiton xr.ii. (JUS '2lh da y of July, a. ü. 1871. Ou ronding and filingdur proof by affidani thal theabove oamed defendant, william A. Boydou, n.-jidor in Bianoh Con n tv, in the Btati od U Educan, but that a subpoana oottld ooi be served upon him by reaKon öf lus abwnoe firom hisplaesof reridonoe:- On motiou of John N. tiott, solicitori'or complainaot, ii is ordered that sald defendant, Willium A. ÜoydoQ, oame oúappeoranoe iv be enten d in ;iut cana Üiree monuu (rom tto ii q ■]■■■,[! ;ir !!.■'■ becftUBC iii bh iwoi to tbo oompiain- mit - bifiol oomplaintt to be ftlfd, and b copy theroof to I ■ ■ ; ■■ ■■(Hm tHUiiplHillimtVstilii'itiil-witliin IWi Hl .'..;. aiu-r tin M-rviif ui a cj y oí saidbülandn thiaorder; andindefoolt thoreof that the'said bin be taken d by Ü Baid defendant. And it is faxthei ardorod tbat within twentr days the fiaid oomplainaut oaaae thia order to be pablishod in the Michigan Arffus, a newspdper publi&hcd in the city of Aun Axbor, in said oounty, and tbat thi publicataon be owstinued in sala paper onoft in eaoh ■weok fur tix Buooeeelve m B. BEAHAN, Circuit Conrt CoinmiösiüntT, Waoatenav County, Michigan. JohhN. Cíott, Solicitor for Compluinnnt. 6wl3ö2 PlïMmi PBBSCRIPÏiüKS VOCURATELV ANII CAREFULLY PREPABED BY R. W. ELL18 é V0.,DRU0aiS18. Mortgage Bale. I "jl-IA 1' I,' ' :.i Uto oontlitlone of o . both of An7i Arbor, ■ ; i . Alleu, of the aanu u - date the tiííli di A . 0. 1 56 I, ano '■■ of Deads ai theootmtyof Washtetiaw, in tibex ii"r' od page 138, and -■■ i y tutíd B, lien to Betey L. FuHer. tLres, on ttce f said UegieK-rof Di ■ the26thtlay of Match, á. 1), 1661, and wttefortber ■. ■.'. i .ín y A. bennett, by assignmeni recorded in liber two of aésignxncnt oí mortgac i ■ ■■ 0, in the ■ of Dcfjiis, and by n. tefauli !).■■ : . ;ii'i EnortgBge 1 1 = ■- ti operatxi b, and : ín i e being oow claimed I ■ i mortcrthe same, ofaix Erandxed and eightyone dolían and oents, also ■■'■■■ ■ loUara, and no suit oí proco i : ,'t luw or in chancery lm i. insi ttuted to recoi c the Rásate or any parí thereof ; Notio ■ i L'ivcii, that on Satñraay, . 1). L871, al A. M. Oj I t ma-t House, in the dty oi Aun Árbol, ín sai ' cu: ni y Of W'u-hi.-i... w (th Circuit i ouri för aaid eounty ia i ! setU at og the ) .. in Huid moxtgagej or so nuch theri ■ be m ■ ■ oía Bald raortgage and note ;it i with interest and costa and law, la ii lated iii . bor, in toe county od W usfill i half oí I he no ■ sed ion ni d in towmbip immiiI ■ r two uth oí range sis ■ ie deed l by ( - orge i . II ü and v. i i to the parlie of the firgl part in and record d ir; lil er number ';l ol eountj of v i r lew, to which I advcrtisemeni referafor a farther ■ tion of süi'.l promi Dated, Ann Arbor June 12, isri . LUCÍ Ï..BX1 vf-TT, D. CfiAHZB. AösigllCft. Att'y. for said Assignee. 232íi Mortgage Sale. DÚTLTbeV nad id the condition of a mort■ ■■. fxtci ■. y Georgfi Ebnfhlan and Adam ■ ■ lis b) name o;-, rative ; wh ventieth day ot Beptomber, 1869, i icy w. s. MorL ti ■ ■ .. ■ ■ ■ : ;m! June 21 st, 1871. I Raid mortgnge, and theaumoí UOW f!..ii;i il . and no nüi ■ , ínstil atü l to Nol 'v wül be fon dosed ■■■■ I hi ■ nle of the i pi-era■ w ít : "i .'■ unnibot thii l fom aou tb,i ■ he citj of A un Atbox and State o at public vin n ;,i, city, on tbird day of I aoon. . Jane 22d, i i 3J' Y W. B, MOBOAN, Moví E. "U". Mokcan, Att'y. Mortgage f;1 UEFATJIF havii the paynxcnt oí mcmey : ■ by u o ;UM i . : y Jiiyaui St'iiüi.Arbor, ■ I he ■ m n:i day oí Juno, A. I'. 1870, and recorded in thc oliice oí' thc thtenow, of Michigan, o , A. D, 170, tu by whích dofault power of Bale id aaid i a bccomc íve, ■■:.' nu uil i] nroceeding ;it luw or in cnanoery baving been instítuted to recover tiMtamoanf due on síikí mdrtgi . and the su ín oi .■joc-:i buuaréd and fítty doüurs beiugnow olnimt ■ id mortgage and accoropan] ing the eume; Notace la thexefore horeby tri ven, that said mort.■-■ oí the ít. nreinÍB66 on Baturday, the ninth day ot i ber( A, D. 1871, at t!:'. hour i deven a. m. oí' síúú. day. al I he ol Aun Ai' . [the hume being the place where tbe tSrcnit O t eounty ia held] mul .: Üiat time an . at public auction, to ' he hight si I . h mi.=csj, or so laueh tlicifi . amoui .i tbis notice, vith iaterest, ana costa and expeí .-, i t i t ;:il AttO tbirty dollars provided fot Ín aaid moi -. ull tnoee certain piooi i oí paicel oi tandaíj uatod in the oounty oi .md Btate i Mii-i, ; . - foUowi to-wit : y in Brpm'4 Ann Arbor, in aaid oount t'i Wa - and appnrt Uxturee remaintng thereon and to be-put tftCTww osa .'■.', paxcelsoi piii: i '■ power, to-wit: commencin'g i the Houthwesterh boiiudaryof Milletn dition, ftfty-BÚ lin when 'tuir of bloc threo i said boandary, tlu-noonorth ly along BAid boandary threc nam6 and Mven . ■ b nee south thú t; veatto tii noill race, th raí thatacoura ii')n!i thirty degn a easi wiU intenect tibe poüit o beginni o tne placo of beginning, . with all the to be taken from aaid race abo oomxnencing twelve teet northwesterly from tti northorly corner of the factory or oabinot aho formorly atanding between the raco and riveronth eouthfl . ■ up feh athwesterly a rijílit angiea with the line: of the rtcc to ron, th down river forty foei ith the line o . I andeuoh other buildings astJb maj i leol . with the pi h U ■ race, tog thet w iOi aU the land and pi ■■ i . kind and d , to the pü ■ Datoil, Aun Arbor, Jun; l'2th, 1871. JOUN A. NICHOLS, J). CnAwnit, Mui - Att'y. for B V'G Mortgage Sale. DEFATJLT in of a certi ■ ■ e W", Bid fa niii'k and NeUie MeCorniick, of the ■ '■; erf &nn rbor uu, io Alice U ..on the 23d day o in the Oific of the Résister of D I onunty of '■ i i l he 23d I-, 6 oolook w M ol' aaid ■ which ■■ due ;it the dat of )■-■ im of one thotiaand and sis l dollari . - said mortgügo, Hnd no proocedingB Ín l;iw or in cqnit] haviiu ■ uní oi moni part t1: . itico is herel that, by virtue oí' a power of Bale in aaid m containtid, I shull boU ;it public auction to the Et, ;it ! o'clock p. m. ■ -■: door oí' the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, eounty afore aaid, (tl place of holding the Circuit 'om for said OQunty)) ;ill thoa ■ ituated in the oity of Ann Arbor, eounty o VVaehU ■ ■ ii. boonded and d as follóos, to-wil : Being the vreet balf of lots nüii .'i blOOk immber thrce (8) aouth oj Buxoi Btreet, ... ing to i rocordcil plat oi' th ■ityj ot Ann Arbor ittfl aforeaaid. June lat, 1871, ALICE U BEERfi, Ho John X. Gott, Atty for Mortgagee. [324 Mortgage Sale. DEFATTLT I made in thoeondition of a y ( '. Tliornp■:i!iíy of Waahtenaw June Ellawoi th, - i ■, ü1jíi of Lodi, o ■■■ d day of Jm ín the o on the 28th day of June, a. d. 1868, at 11 . o' K., in Líber S9 of mnrtgaj accompanying Ene same U wan ol ninehui o cento, nlao ;i7i attorney'a fee of thirty dolían ahould ariy laken to foreoloBe tliis mortgage, and uity having I Bi i1 ated toreoo f: Notice i. I by virtue of the power of Bale oontainea in said mortgage, i shaO bou tothe highest bidder on the look i'. m. f sniii day, at the front door of the ■ ity of Ann Arbor, in s;iiil oounty of Washtenaw, the premiajea deaciibed tn aadd mortad siiuated in the city of Ann Arbor, oounty of Was] . Lnn'.Mi, bounded and defid , to-wil : Being Iota number u d and elev ti in block numbi i ■ twenty-four in blook number two, and lot i fonr in block nrnmber four, acconlinf? to a i phit of ililiv addition to the oitj of Ann Arbgr, Micho ■ ■ □ and eleven iu block on1 nforeaaid, heretofore rel June lat, 1871. BE JA VI" BLL8WORTH Mortg Jobv (öï Mortgogee. 1824 Qoery Notioe. T.ri' OP MH B i' Ui uit Court for (ln i aahjtöQAW; lu Cbaucciy. :vlAi;ï M, inant, ■ AUGUSTVS f. SAVAGH, ]■- aiing to tDi&Couri by aflldavit idant, Aupnstus H. Bavage, is not u tea in the uite of i Llinoás; on motíon of Felcb .v Granti w licitoro for oompluinant, I fendant oRuee ':■ ttCOBO the date of this order: and thai incas ■ filed, íui ioii - v. i! uní twei Ice oí h noticeof tliis orderi tlio said bilí be laken aa i arlhei ,. i bat v. i tb in uní i :iii.-c .-i copy of thifl ■; !■ hr to bfi poblishod in tlic r ptintod i ii B&idooQnty oí iat publioation continue ;it . i lm sha OAiue a --]y of thia ord serrad onthoBaid deftmdant aooordiDg tu Üu ra oJ thifl ( 'ourt. Dateil, Jano27th, 1871. B. BEAHAN, :. iurt ( k)mnunÍ8f f ouní v, Michigan. FxLca & (irast, Co:niliiuaurí Bolunton. 1330. Commissimif s' lotice STATE OS MICHIGAN, ountyof W.-ishtcnnw, ss. . btivuag beoa íippointrd I iid oounty, ' !omm1 cl-ívu examine and niüust iil chiiiu and all ix?i-' t he estute oí' John 1 'i . pive notioe : I nrt, i'or cu rcbcnt their claizns against the estáte of ■. and that they will . : the city ui Aiiu . cqnnty, on Putujday, the eeventb day md F. Iday, tbo twenty-axth day of Janu;u, t: : , ; ! ten oVlcK'k a. ■ : sftid examJAOi and adjust Baid elainis. ■ lát VXX. ! Commisaioners. nLOPLLB DRUG STOxwjU R. W.ELUS& CO. AIvTN ABBOB ' íleal Estáte For Salo. O In tin; matter of estáte of Jacob MachriT'1 hereby given. tbat ín pmU ited tu the nndersigned, nihiiirjutiïl0' noBwitb the will annexed of eaid deceuM fi Probate for the county of ?'v u'1!av- of Julv a D uthi rewill beeold í publi tho hfeW H dor, ai tbedwelhnf liotiseon tí erSLSS: on wednerday, thcthtrteenthdayoi September Art fWl, al :n th aftcmoon of that i]-,'v i 7' ■ i iii-otiif-ní5' ■ at the time ■ I folios : Lo-wít : Tht westt. u of th o ten ín tnwnSf luthof rangüioiu no eiehtTü2 moro orlóos. Aun al o all that parí of the'soutí?1 dthwesf quarter (rf soction tK? Bouthof theoutCÜ Colun ■ thai parí formerly sofar John Arml h ■ resol ktñd H dod on the south by u ditofa und on the w. by í5 oí" water. ifl LJuly25th, A. 7). IWI. JA Ofi BAtJEB, Adminfetntñr 1JJík mí hw with the wili annext Sheriff 'a Bale. STATE OF MICHIOAN, County - f Waubtétt and un i I of tbeCircí i i í,ní? ior thc county of Waslitcnaw, State of Slú-t , (1-tU-; ■ -nd tomfd1 i; ct4 '1 and ■ .....i hattéla UiSl and tenementool roll, defondantuSÜ I day ot June, 1W71, ít ttï Wanl ■ ■ , ' Vi-mÍT that Thomas Carrolloaa ín tae rollo Lof land, wil : twoacn ol land lyin andwí i 'he city of Ann Albor, bounded und dewSka . at a -point i No. twenty. -■ "? . I achí y -si i rodu soulh of i íTm1 de road, and thenoe rtunung ensterly tloiii? Tole w Dívit1 ■ parallel tothe Geddea toad TÍ McDii i i. twenty-wx roda eoiithii road, and thence extendías ma of theaaxne width. near twenty-four rod iií wiátir ! araUi 1 to the w Bt Une of muw far vnoiigh to contain ti ;u1, the miai er oí' the Oodílesio? which lor sale at puhhc Ip tion, to {)■■ outh aoorof 5 . ín iiu' iity oí Aun Arbor, od the jftk dayof September, A. D. 1871, atlOo'cloek í h Z bü 1 day. ' ■ A. D. 1871. Bierdt 1331 By Jobtin Fosbks, UuderbliCTü iiff's Sale. STA1 SIGA X, 'ounty of Wn.ten,, m wril of ea d outof m thesealoi the Circuid Courtfur thy countrtf m, dftted JunefirtL T I. 1871, and to me -''Wo goode and chnttels, huida ana tenetnents o? AbÜhb 1 Charlea H. Conkiin, ■- thwm aamed. I did, on the Ktli day ol July, U71,forthe wani ■ ton 11 tlie intet. est tliai Anthony Smith has in the t!o-vinpíleriUá ■ '■■' -half, Tjjt.thft :-,n Beit tt-L-u. in townsliip ïo'ii soutb ol i m& : he :ii]t-poodeo enbed QuartCT ütion retofore deedecl by'fnnHhti herd to Ernátiia rBaron.bfiaring dntc April 2UL 1852. AIbo all the int - ;:nhaíia tho followin i.ots No ;thno, tounttof Wai ' irdÍM (o the r corded pla I . . iiiKoftfc Chícafro road Prom tho nortJit-nfitftir. ncr oí' uil lot one, thenoe norcheriy pnrallel Trithibe cast line of eaid lot no sixty fe tertf buallcl with said Chicago roadtvi -í'noitherly parallel ■nitli the sakl asi line of the í'licíiproad to tli Inning, which premiaee I aüeimt for sale i ptiblic a : er at the South Soum ín the cuy ef Au aibor, on tlio 12th da] of ■ ptember next, at 12 o"c noon of said day. liatcd July 26th, 1871. BTTRON WEBB, Pherift 132 By JOBTIB Fokiíks, Uiiiitr-íberíl riff'a Sale. QTATE OF MH'irUíA WaOíteun, O By virtue of a writ of es oution Issued nut of ni ande ■ .. : onit for the comitTtf Wash of Michigai . I I 24thdnif A]vil. 1871, and t me din ti Liyeréd, aguM iitd ten menta ftf Jo-lin iijiTncd, I did, rio the ■.. I). 187U for the want ofgoodsai ohatl in ül the hv: -.-. r?;nttle has in the followin(p described trnci or jmro-1 oí hnd ñtuated in the townanip of Lodi. county of WhM I!. tU. oí boj riiríerof'nonfceast quartf-r, and wcst Indi of eat thrreiiarten tí son tb r of northpst quni-1 er of wctí □ thrée eonth ñve i nint; of land, be the same more or lm, whieïi nremÍBes I símil nxpop for sale .tt publi tothehighest bidder at the south door of the Court House, in the ty of Ann Arbor, on the lith day of Septo ü.1 - r. a. D. 1871, ni lüo'clocka. m. of etiddtr. 25th, 1871. ON WEBB, Sheriff, 1332 By Jobtiv Foches. Uncr-.-íheií. ShoriflTs Sale. STATE or MICHIGAN, County r4 Waabtam,, By virtue of a writ of execution issiied out if rf under t.lif seal erf the l ircoil Court, for thc conntj of Waahtenaw, 8tte of M i i tbeUddnil Jni;e, 1871, roods and chattlee, lnndeand tenementaof (urca in named, I did, on tfce!4th dayof Jone, A. f. 1871, for the want of trfwdíüj ■ . n'. y u]" 'ii uil the interest that Owen Cninus haa in t he ' I ate, to-wtt: aJ thal ■ c I oí land lying and beisglilibe town ot' Northfleld, county of Washtennw und Btett of Miohinn, deecribed asfblldws, to-wit: tbe rtieast ■ lectáon nuinbei íifteen in ttnóa nmuhcr one south, and range nutuber six efuf, KOmingto theo ■ fortj wrf land, which i tr sale MyASüt anct ion, t the tiigheel bidder, nt the soníh doorottW Courl House, in the cityof Ann Arbor, on theimk t August A. D. 1871, at IPu'clock a. m.oí sai day. Duted, June 27th, 1871. MTROXWEBB. Bherift ByJoRTiN Fobss, l'itdvr bhtrii Sheriff Sale. QTATE 01 n, County of Wasotntv, , O By virtue of ;i writ of ex cution issued out of u&i dof the Circuit Court for the i . dated June tth, ïé'ï, and to me directed and ainsi thercedí ■ ■ nts ol Asiiley Síinfir, ■ i, I did, on the 7th day 6f i la and ohatttb, levy upon all the interest blcy uinor hoB iii thefd lowin -I estáte, to-wif : Lots md 11. iiitr th.-ti. pnrcel deecribed jis follows, beginnirg at the south w i i lidloi .No. 113, thenoe wt ce north lo feet, thenoe west 1U0 í. thjCnce south 20 feet to tlic place oí In eibduji:, saiá land? 1 in thr city YfMhtnti, cottntT of OÍ !uIi1l;:ih, m liich taadl I SÍllll lie i' public auction to the highetbiWri ■i' the Coilrt House, in the city oí Ann Arbor, on tho twvlfrh tl.iy of Stptesabcr, A. D. 1871, at 11 oclook o. ni. of said ctor, Dated July 25th, 1871. MTBON WEBB, Sheriff, LS33 By Jobtis Vobbes, Uodcr-sheril Estáte of Patriok Hoban. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County oí WaahtBMW,. Al i BesflKmof the Pn ■ iv fhe ('oimty of WaahtenaWi bol i obate í.iüite,intheOt7 uí Ana Arbor, on be twenty-fwuli T ul July, in the yuar ojie thousand eight'hnndred aad seventy-óne. Present Hiram J. Boakps, Jndye of Probate. In the matter ut the jUie of Tatnck HoUr, deo.-:i On raading and fiüing the pttition, duly Tenfied, ti GeoiV' I rator tic botti non, with tie aying that lie may bt heensedo reu estáte, whorcof said dfce:i&l ü . ThOreupos it is ord'Tutl. that Tuesdny, the flfth dJ !. in tbc f orenoon, l oJ .-.tiit petitiun, and that ti at law ut ,-;ud deccastdt din said estáte, are wquiiw toapptaral a ad oourt, then to liehoUeir at the Probate ütñoe, in itu1 ( iiy of Ano Arbwr. d i iu.-(, ii any thare be, why thc praycr ofü ould not be graoted: And it ib lurthw ordered, thi rrenotice to the peí suits iuterested in said esl iw, ií tlie pondency ition, tui! thé boa f, hx c:ufiuig copy of this order to bt; puoliabed in tlie Michig Ayus, a i' w -;.{■!■ pjriutocl ;tml oirculatüig in w ooun'.y, íour sucoessÍTe weeks pieviouB to smü dnyof (A true copy.) UI RAM J. BEAKKS, 1333 Jddgeof Proba. Estáte of Charles Stuek. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtcnaw, si. O Ataseasionof the Probate Court for tbeCountr .i Washtenaw, bolden at the l'i-obate Office, in tU :ily of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the twcnty-swiw li July, iu tlie yesir one thousand eight hw dred and wrenty-Knko. Present, Eiram J. Beakcs, Judge of Probate. In the niutter of the ettate of Charks Stock Om readüig and filinp the petition, duly veriÊcd,1 Charlee Shier, Administrator, prajing bat ho oT be licensed to sell certuin real eacate wfiereof wiid o died si-ized. Thereupon it is ordered, thnt IMandaj-, the fcraiw duy of September uext, at ton o'dock in the foreaoon, be aasigned for th ■■: said petitioj and Öiat the heira al l;nv ot' said deoeaned, ana all ow , arc rwjuired to ip ol Baid ( unit, then to be holde he Probate Qfflea, in the ( ity of Ann Arbor, ■ if any there be, why the pruyer of tb ■üd not be jnantcd: And it is furtliW -. that Baid petftioqei give uotiot to the peor1 the peodeney of itid P5 ion, and the hearing thereof, by ruusing eiipT i be pubushed in the MUièigan Arg&t i.. .!■■. ■ printed and in stid ('ountj. ivi eks pn riou to aid day of henni [A true copy .] HXBAM J, BEAKEÖ, la:i Judi of Probat1 e of Hcman R. Gage. QTATEOFMICHIGAN,Countj ol W8htCPT-' ' Atasesslonol the Probate Court for tht'ConnT ifWaehtenaw, holden at the Probat? Offlce.intJ 'iiv of Ano Arlor. on rucaday, ihe tweuty-HWJ ay l Juna, ín the year one thousnnri cig tuidred and bci enty-oiie. : . Slram J. Beákos, Jndge of Probate. In tho matter Of the estiue ofllemau K.OaB - il. t Om rvadliifrandfllinc tho petïii'-n dnlv TerïfieI üuh K Gage and Rnsaell Vhïpp, Adnifniitrmjlng tb al they maj be lloeneed to sell eer lis ro;ü oatatfl whcrcol said ilceiiscd died ' Thereapou it is ordered. ihni Wednetday, lj" ixt'.d) h day of Au ;nst next, ut ten o'clock in tftJ oren ooii, be aeslgned for the hoitring of 'J etltion. and that the hcirs nt l:iw of sniddcowc" ud all other persona ÍBterested in &úá ecí'? ie reqtiired to appear :it a sessiou oieaiöfoofj h-i to be holden al tbe Probati Offloe.ln thocity" nu Arbor, and show canse, it nny there be.j7 htprayerof thepet!tlolier?bruldnot be prnntfO' nd it lèfartheronlereil thnt pMiippiiiinuer eñ'nL i hepersou8tntereEted í said estáte o) t'Pv, ■jm;. ol u ld petition, ond the ihcrcof. ?J it Oopj of tbis Order to bepublichfl 1D!n' "-. a uèwipfiperpHnted andcircnWJ v. for.r BueeoMiTe wtft;k prevlonf w esid -lay oi hearing. CAtruecopy ) IUKAW J. BEAKES1380 ifudge ofProbttGotoR.W.ELLlS&CO'f for choice Wines and Liqunri ; for Medical Pxirposes .


Old News
Michigan Argus