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.BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Oaw o Court House. fcttó2S5M a sartas 1T'RIS HU!. D., M No 8 'wü WlllianMiiu. 8,-jiar oflie honre 1 tu 8 l' ". fSptSn tT2rfernawarranteL Be.14 JeMraon stivt. Ann Arl'or. __ n V. r.l.I.JS .v .'.. DraggUt ani R. in p-int,OUs,eW. KaluSWeet, An Arbor. " q . SJESSIONS, Attornejr and rounlloi J. at Uw, Real Eitte nd Inornoe '- "i ConJeMBdií and of ' l.lms pl S5 „., liberal tem. Dfflce i, Diii B!mk optairs, Quron Ktrwt, .nii .rhr Midi. Wít. JACKSON, Dentli Il(' '■ . porter Offlce corner Mainaod riuroa Btreetei. ,v,, th tore .ii B. W. Elllf S ' o . Ann rbor, fch. ncsthttica ad ;1(dis- r. BBEAKET, 1W. I-, Phjwlclaii and . sui n. Offle . . t rai i w eocncir mí liar,„u.i üiïisiv.u Snv.-H l-i door easi of Freoy■ :harrh . Au Arbor. ich. Ej JOHNSON, Daaler In Hatí and Caps, . rara. Siraw Oooda OenM' KjBrnÏBbing Goods, t... n,i I S.intn Main ctteel, nn Arbor ilch. CHHIKt.A5i! A WHBDOl, 1 ! Kir Inanrne icent and 4el r.-.u Real Estáte. Jfflce on Hurón Strcrt. r ruis V. His', Daaler in Hardware, L 8iova Honiie Pomi biog Goode, TIn Wal jiü 3 South Main Btreet. B"TciI A ABKI,, Dealen la ' ryGooda Oro'arics. 4c &c..Nu M ïontü MaluMreet, Aun arboi SLAWSON Sc SON, Groo CoramUslon Mcrehan anfl dfaJcrs In Walcr i :uti Piaster, and Planter Paris. Ko. : il ,:,.i, direct. ■i SOMDHEIW, Wholesale and !,v:f l r Oí i k -atty Made 'lotlilni, t:loth, i j, and Gout'ü Furniahuu; G 8ooth I.WAUKEB) Drak-r In Ready Mad HothIns.-lotba Cawimere Vwtlngs. Hat. Caps, rrunks.". arpot '.is c -1 '"'"ll M''1Ui s!rt'otII,H!tF. FISKE, Bookeellcr ai (j tion-ra M dlcal Law and College Teil Bo ks, 5ci ! ncd MUcell ineou Books. So. 3 North Main snei, ■ ■ '■ _ i-MNJ,i:V - t,KHnS,OealerBiBBob',StroCT, t Qilter, S Ippers, Jcc No. ü Kast Baron .trect, ;.a tliur. TVTÜAH W CHEEVEK, AiTORNET AT LAW ! Offccwiih K. w. Iforgftn, Eosl ilde of Coürt Houw ííKirc. i-;1 1X7 H. DAVENPORT & CO., BASMKERS, SALINE - - - MTCEIGANBOT AHO BELL Government Securities, Gold Coin. Drafts Dn Detroit, New Tork, lios''!!. aBd olli.-r ■ Aho recelve money --n Depol( makc ud Mii-ud pruraptlj tu all boslne ■ pertalniog to BaaUog Mouej luaiied on npproved Scciintits. lt-Smé Tcaiher 'f Music. GWe Instruction on the PIANO, VIOLIN AND GUITAR, thii oflici', No. 6S South Mi?;i atreet, (Moore'a baildiugj. st ihe rcfideace ! the papil. P1ANU TÜNIlvö, MtJe a spuciaïity nnd Batlfifaction guaranteed íi R O C K E 11 Y . GLASSWARE & GR0CER1F.S, J. & ronnelly liw in storo alargeatoi k'f rocken, Olawre, Plitcd Waru, ' 'tulerj (Jroconcn te., íc. all to bt Pold il uinir'ïiiily Knv prtce No li Kust Hnrou snoet. Ann Ailiov lU'Stf J. & P. DOSXELLÏ. TOIIN G. GALL, DEALEE I3ST FRESH AND SALT ME ATS, LABO, StCSAGRB. Ki-.. Order sriliriteil :md promjilly fillcrt witli I ncats in the inarket. 31 Btot Washington itreet. Ann Arbor. Scpt. lth, 1809. ISSMf N." ai Man a tact ur er of Oarriages, Buggies, Wagons, .VNI) 3LB1OU8 of evory style. made oftbe bel BaterUl and wurraiiied. Hurse etaooiug ;i iairiu clone promptlj íihI prioea eUoii sJirect, near R. E. Depot, Aun Albor, Uicb HR. C. li. PORTEE, DENTIST. 33e iu the SiVIHGS BANK BLOCS, Ann Arbor. Ml Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFOHMEIJ U'ITH CARE. UNSURPAS3ED FACILITIES AND EXPBRIENCE SETTING ABtTfÍCÍAL TEETH, rO GIVK BACB INDIVIDUAL, liares of the proper aizr: nhape, color, firmvenxtinii na al expretnion. 1244 n C. JENKINS& H. RANDOLPII V HITE, M. D. DKiSTTJRTS. ÏORNER OF MAIN AND WASHINGTON ST'S. All Operations ppifoimed in the Mosi Thorougii and Scieatific manner. ííitrous Oxido Gas C0D8tantly on hand, VtA atiininisttrcd wit li perfect s:i!V:y. 130 yl. jni) glovks. I have 20 dozen of the CELEBRATED EMPRFS EID GL0VI8 I ' In the most cxquisite shadoc, for one dolïnr a 13ï2-tf J. H. MAY.NAKD.


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