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The Political Future

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VroBi the Dftiuit h'M H Henry 8. btitntnn, formerly a Beste Seuatet ín ftw 'N'f York Legislatura] and Deputy Collector of thfl Port of New York mul. r the J.-uK'oln adininistration, and always itu active and prominent polticia, has tpritten a significant Lettel upon politital matters. iu unswer to a questictn ttubtuittcd by an intímate tïipnd. Se imtwof tlio political fature and tae Presiden tiul outlook of 1872. Ho lays down h wriea of propoeitionSi whioh aro not txüy important ;is au indication of what tln futuro aotíon of those Dciuocrats ■10 left the party yeus ago, ou tho shivtiy question, is likely to be, bu aJso as to what is tho duty ot' the DamoWtftie party at tho jirosent critioal point in ita bistory. Mr. Btantoa si ■ You ask, " what oí' tlio futuro ?" and teil mo that you ngi-eo wííh Mr. Qreetey about Grant and one term. Bodol. - Qreeley is Tiglrt ; ttnd he bunself would run-l)citerthan Uiu. ürant, oqpeoially ü the bouth, wherethe Eepublioan party is liubK te go all to pieoes if Grunt is ronominatea. Nevertkelesa, 1 think hu will be. What thení A largo body of the 4ú:puiihr;ins will refose to suppoit him it the Deniooraoy net wisely. What will yon and 1 then do - wc havo acted togothor for noiir twenty-iivc yeara ? I shall not regret the suocoss of v Denioorat nt'xt yoar, provided ho is sound, tirni and trustworthy on tho " ncw depart uro ;" and for these roasons, in brief : 1. I Bupported ürant solely to ftnish u.p rocoiihtructioH Iry ttftification of Ui: nttoeabh aïKendmeiit. This done, 1 ros 'lune with hini. Nearly ïny whole nctive lito lias boon devoted to cstiiblishiug tho anti-siavery principlea now oagiafted upott the Constitution. The victory being won, I have no taste for scouring tlio fleld to ritte the slain. The slavery oontroverey is ended, and the Elepublinana wjli find tlütt tlicy ciin iiot construct u Presiduti:il platform out of the debri ot a dtmolished rcbellion, nor elévate the nogro inti uudae prominence on the pomts of Federal bayoneta. 2. I want the South to aouiesce in the Constituti'n as it is, and be at poaoe. This we shall not sco until ivii have a Democratie aduiinistratiou wiiieli aceepta and will enforce tho three anmendments. Then tlio Southern malconteuts ivill eifo np their light aud subiait V thc situatiou. 'J. You and I -rere Demoorats of the Beatón and Wright school. Dmnig ttie rebellion the administration went outsidc ot' the Constitution to suppress it. In thi recüiistnaetiou eva CouLrosa Ut l outaidi abuut huif the time. xaora ia o i tor remaining ontside now. But, haviir tasted of uaucensod powci, the appetite of li.jmblican leaders gTOWB by whüt it feeds upon. Right there lies the dangur Underthe present regime the goveramem is lapsing into consolidation, and unies we basten bock withm the constuntioiml limita tmeed by oui fathcru, our dcsceudants will eringe ut tbo footstoul of a dictator. I, therefore, sliould noc object t. the elootion, in 1872, of a State llighte Democrat of the moderate type of oiii friend Silas Wright 4. You teil me yon want to see caTj-t)ag rule at au end. You are riiiUt. It is a mockery of representativa gov mment, ind is ruining the soatb, whioh i( h:is involved in debt l'ull one hundred niillions. fou alo avor universal umnesty. But lo you not feiir that wfl can iiot seoure oither of these ends while Gr uit or any President like biu is in power ''. 5, Wc both agree much more closely with tüo niass of DemoeraLs tlmii wi :he Biepublioau inanag is on questions ol inaiit u. (axation, trado, etc. Tho old issues beJBg out of the arena, this alonu would have weight in determiaiiig my sreference for a Dcmoerat ; would it no yours ? Now, you ask me, will the Democratie party present the right kind of a candidato ? If they do, I believe he can be electud. IJ ut will they 'i General Grant rceeived a popular niiijority, ia MG8, of about three hundred thousaod. If ln is renominat' d. and if the DrTnrrr"" i-y itwiirniy Baocuuate upon a prograewve platform, do you believe that a Buffioient number of fchose !,ü supported Grant in 18G8 will fall away in 1872 to defeat him ? I certainly t hink so. The liepublicnn party was a coalition in its origin. The exigenoy whicb bound togetlier in congruous elemeuts having disappeare.i, tho edges of the coalition will crumble away. Where the fragmonts will go depends on the course of the Dciuocrats. The rcsult of the c niing contest is in tin; hands of these liepublicun fragmenta.


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