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Ballots Or Bayonets

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Thiit taan must bc blind indeed who canuot readily discover the ro;:k apou whioh we are drii'ting. The President intends to put down til formidable opposi tinn to hu riimmin ition in liis owo party with the military foroo ot' the country. Having 8uoured his renomination by thai ïuuans, ho will not hesitute to uso it as the only one likely to secare his re-eleotion. The issue whioh is foroing itself upon the peoplc is that ot' ballots against bayonets. Whioh shallrule - nunibers 01 toree - ballots or bayoneta 'i This is no questiou ot' party eonsideration. It is one ot' deep and abiding interest to the people ot' all classes and all partiea. Ir the President is to renoniinate bimself through the aid of bayoneta and then Beoure tlia r -clection by the amo means, ut oourse popular electiona are at an end and we have a military despotism. That the President bas controlled one oonventiou in iii.s favor by ion-r vo alreaay kii'w. That he will control others by the Bame means vu have every reawin to sujjpose. What ia to be the rosult 'i The bayonet, re-nominatea the Cominander-inChief of the army tor President. Will not tbu bayonet assumo to díctate bis oleetion ? Can any one doubt it? The Ku-Klux bill was l'ramedaud poseed with au especia] view to cnabling tho President to seizo upon a State government and substituto ono of bayoneta in its place ut will. It was not pagied tot the 8outh alone. We havo tho assuranco of the President himsclt' that its provisions ai applioable alike to all tho States. If iny tate shall escape from tho intbetion of the powors oonferred on the President by this infamous and unconstitutional enuotmesi it wül escape Uirough Excoutive olemeney alone. Whatcver powers are given to the President in regard to one State is given him in regard to all States it thu same time. The luw mitkus him a dictator, ii' ho U disposcd to accept the power given him. That he is not indisposed to do so we havo already abundant evidonce. Ho has .ven gone beyond tho powers given him and interproted the luw to Etpply to bis individual advaneoment, rathor than the perpetuity or the aeoendeney of his party. The peoplo should fciku warmn in timo. -


Old News
Michigan Argus