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Surveying The Field.

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The Ohioftgo Tl, in s, in ,1 survoy of the jolitical field, t!ms speaka eacouragingly )ï the BQOO688 ut' tht: Democracy in the ïext Prosidential oontest: "The RepubICat :in( politieiuns comfort tuemi !vis with tlie hopo tliat, although the Democratie parto has determined to ro[uove the 'Southern ijui;stion ' from the .lolitical Ktjld by the acceptanoe of the atust uufiidinriits to tin' Federal oonstituüon, no considerable aumber of Kepubliomi voturs eau bu induced to intrust the Demooraoy again with the control of the goverument. ' (Jalees,1 gay the men managing tliu ruling party, ' Deuiocrats r;m niiike heavy ïnruads upon the Bepublican ranka, they can nut earry the next l'rrsi dentUl eleotion.' It is affirmnd that party tie will keep the liepublicau ranks tmbroken. " Only a few days ago the leading Repnblioan new.-ipii.per in the country aaid that the ohange of a 'few rotes' in Ohio and Pennsylvaiiia vvould giv thoee States to the Demócrata. It is not doubted that New York is now Doinouratic. These throe States will probable determine the rosult of the ïioxt presiaëKtiil election. The ohange of a ■ few votes ' is something very dillerent from a sweeping politica] revofetton, sueh as occuirud when llarrison :tnl Tyler were eleeted. It i iiimto dony that the purties are now ncaiiy equal in strength, and that Giunt's adndnistnitiun has done niuoh tu disgual donest Kopubhcaiis. Such pohtieal chsngea as oecur uro iu favor of the D, moorate, and tbere aro elementa of 1 nc.-s and dissonaion iu tlio Republioan ! party which prevent it from entering on the preaidential oampaign witli any t'ccliiig approuuniug enthusiaam. Ihe office holden and aspirante fot placo must do tho work on toe Repablioaa sido ot' tho ownpaign. The great mum of vaten m the ruling party art! apathetio, and eau not bo rousud to urncst uu.l spiritod action. " They havo been taught by thc Bepublioan presa, and by honest and 6 inoii ut' thoir own party, that Cangress and tht: administratáon are rotten, and that bribery in direct aud indirect forma rales in tho conduct of all oor civil afiairs. - The re is no longer a protence that Grant and Iho majority in Congreso aro oontrollud by tho considerations of duty in the discharge of tho trust oonfided to them. Win -n suob leaders in a great politioal organization as Sumner, Trumbull, Gratz Brown, Greeley, Wells, Cox, and other eminent men who could bc naiuod, reprovo tho paity to whioh thcy aro attiiched for incompetency, oorrupüon and iho oxcruiae oí' power forbidden by law, wiil the voici.i of the party couiido in its integrity ? " 5o into tho stroots of any city in thu L"nited tSt.ites and dwnand of the dozen intelligent RepublicuIlS wuoui you ni.iy lust chance to meet, and who are noithur offioe-holder8 nor oiSce-seekers, whether thov suddüso Ciraut to bo honest and !it tbr President, and iu the majority oí iuatances you will be told that the queetion is oither ironioal or iiisultin. Whiit is to bo done with tlütt man ? He is a nuisiuicü which can not be abated. Hu holds the reins of power, aad every federal oflice-kolder is jil. (l'ii t.i liis re-noinination. For reasons wbioh the Timeegiv&at length, tin' re-uomination oi' Graut is a foregoue conuluaion. Caueron, Delano, Schenok, BüUtweli, Batlnr, Horton, Chandler, and othera promiaent as Eepablioa&s, are for liim. " Ot' cour there i aprejudice exiating in thu Kepublioan party againsl the Demócrata, just as thero tsaprejadijeexia ing in tle Demooratio party aeaiast the li'jpublioahs, but tbese prejuaicee ar& gradually weaiing aflfay and softening down. Linie are otbm tUiiu bUna piejadïces ezisting in both parties which point to Qrant'a defeat. Thu politioians may, ana the chances are two t one that theywill, n iminata him, but they oan not ïeinove the general oonviction tha.t he ia weai and Bordid. " he be nominated or nor, the party in power lus lost tho confidenoe of the people. Itlmsno man initsranka who can rally the country to his supjport. - The ' Southern quostion ' is out ot tho way. War Í8suea are obsoleto' Ihey are dead, and with tluin expire the pasaions they oreated. Greeley i welcouied by Demoin Tcxa-i. and Wella by DomocraU in Chicago. Congrosauien on the Democratie side oan oome int o any of uur Western Statos and discuag the great qu.'stions of finanoial reform, and Kepublioans will join with Demoorata in listening to the diacussion. Tliu temper of the people is ripe for a candid verdiot, umi all the Demooracy asks for i i fair hearing and au intelligent verdict." A gentleman who Iris jast returaed íroin Kurope, whcru he enjoyed intímate social relations with the Frene] Imperial buuily, luis infonned an "Ínter vvwrr " uf n moraing paper that Napoleón believes in hisearly rústoration, api that tin;' roverninent of Xhi ira he regarda as a mere make shift. Gambetta he iookt. upon as an umbitums, intriguing, ablo man. Bazaiae is waiting í'or history to justify Iiim. Lebouff the Emperor considurs i " wTetched oreature." The Empi ss is wl'U, ;iiid iate&ds to senil thoPrince Imperial oh i tour thruugh thc United States ivliii he is a little older. Tlic family reoeive uow tlio attentions of tin: B t'.nuüy ;md oí' tho nooíliiy of England. Thc venerable Sin. Mary Cliaso Barniv, ot' Washington, was gtruck with par alysÍ8 in her right side on Bunday inornng. Bhe has Been ooafiaed to her boi tor the past eiglitiiii luouths from the eft'ivts of a jKiiulytic strokt!. Tiiis venerable lady, n uw in her 8üth year, is a daughter oí Bamuel Chase, oí' a judge of the Supreme Oonrt and a signor of the Deolartttion of tndependenoe, and the last surviving obild of any of tin, gigners of that instrument. It isa coiu,i lenoe fchat the lat surviving signer, Charles Oarroll, ot' C.aoütou, the last surviving ohild oi'any signcr, and the lasi surviving widow (ilrs. H.innahK. Chas.:) of any signcr, wciv all of Maryhmd. The latest afctempt to hurt tho füolings editorial is in this current story : "Are: you COnneoted with a paper lloro ?' asked a oouutryman ot' an iumate of tlu Indiana Inaane Asyluin. " Oh, uo," was the reply; "I havo boen to tho insan( asyluin and boen OUred ; a min nuvei runs a nowspaper after he is oured." Largo beds ot' ooal aro boing oponed in Ühio oounty, Ky., along the line of th.' Elizabethtown ii; Paduoae Eailroad, and are attracting the atteution of tho citi.en of LouUvil'o as offeriuga probable source t'or a Bteady supply oí' fuel, not subjoot to the acoidents of river transportation. ïhe Philadelphia PrtSS wants the political oampaign tried upon an issuo of principies. As the Jladioals are destituí of prinoiple, il plainly sous tho advantagi its party would have in caso its suj;o.itiou was carriod out. A girl in Uu; inturior of New York Statu luis íí prairie roso bnah trailod over tho siilo of her room, and last week it had one thousand rosos upou it. ïho first one hundred umi twenty-flve miles oí' the North Pacific Baüroad, from Duluth toCrow Wiug, has been accepted from the oontraotor. The finí silvor bullion from t!ie first mili in E:ist Canon wasreoeived on Mon(Liy ;it Siiit Lake, Four bars, worthl3, 300, woru sint. Th" Japanese Government annonncos :i now gystem of ooinage of gold ui 1 Bilver oorrpsponding vith the American, the yen, or dollar, being a unit. Rioh BÜver-bearing ;r-il na disooveries „v reported tram Iron Connty, in Soathii 11 th, in the neighuorhood of deposits ot' iron Chicago h is aa ostablishroent for m:iking Buesomer ateol, whioh is au impravoBicnt on the othor Chicago steals.


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