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Local And Other Brevities

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- SnnJ:ty - hot. Muii-Uiy -botter. - Tucsdav - hottest. _ WV-Uaesday - clourty by spells. Tuursii ty - cool ia the moruing wlth i;uod hrte.e. _ l'h farmers COIDplalu tliat il is loo jry to plow. ... O:ii u:e ttporled l nood erop in til '8 mul li r.iy luir. - Gum ii lid late potatoes have been seii iiaiy lujured bv the droutii. - l'lie app.e erop uf A ashteiiaw Counly lili be iiüiliin; to brují of tliU year. - A.utuN Dban, oí lilis city, bus recelved ipjtent lor u " Port:il)le Fiivöiiield." - Apple are reported b.iked m Ule {wund under the trtes. 'Ow is that for'ol -Tlie Public Sciio !s af tiiis city are lo II Uie 3Ül!l ust. See lUtice of áili. - Tiie merenry m irke I i)7 at 1 1 o'clock LiL,Tae(lay, tlie sliaile Furtlier ini itiuns oiuittcd. -R port credi's DavidCoDY.o ['tts :h six acres oí ivhcat, averagiuj; Is u ilie acre. - Urae job ol gndtug is bel ng dun e oo lluruu reet, vvhich, In conuectlon wlth (ie oe dridge, wil] impruve tlie a)[in)aci: to-'Ptiv HUI." - A Port Fiaron commlttce advertlses forprojiosais lor tbe constracilon of waterwurk-i in tliat city. W'heii will un Aun Arlior con) mi Itee follow thcexamplef - Prut'. Winciikll, Rev. 0. II. BhioieÁm, id! Urn. E. C. SKAUAB. all of this city, irtat Indianapolls, atteodlng thcanuual ftttiag of the American Öcienlilic Asso- To-morrow thcre is to le i Picnic at Wiitnwre Lake, for the benefit of the brthSelii Catlioiic Church. Ju'linic (rooi ober of tickets reported sold tliere s to je a bi time. - Tlie Common Couucil lias declared bt4lmbed street tree.- a iialsance, and wlered thein triinmed op ö fet is tlie iMiliird tixod. Not euouli to let the lamp give out their liglit. - Jude Bi'. ki: Iris gone to the seai'h ba short vacatlou. 11e will probably iio County (Jierk, drop down to Loos tnnch, Ijiitlie in the same tub witli " the ..'Hiiimint," and come back loll. -The Directors of the WashteiKiw Uil WFlre Insurance Compauy have offered irew.irJ of $;5j) ror the arrest anl mof tiie inumid ary wlio Iris t -v i ■ ■ ■ sel tetotlie dwelliiiL liuuj of Jcjiin B.jvu Syivan. - .V lioi'se of W. II. MaIiW)KT to'jk W;ht ou Taesday at a streain of water in!{ throtvii from a forcé pump bv Bi. iKnt.tpilled ofl" iiis load f half a dozeu Hibratoiog, btttlerlng and Injuria them Mdenbiy, Mr. Qborob DouSLass quite Meaily. -A Widenmanx lias furníslicd us BOme Wcn of (trapea - Maderia- yrown anil ífein-'d in lus garden, and oot ander gls. vbroaglitthe vine tromjGenn uiy, aad, '■'-"X su miich earlier than any of our tive varieües, it is u valoable aequisiWc hear tbat an cight months oíd kite baby K.a-HUuxed a seveu year oíd '""I boy a few days io, and iu our cily fbere is GuAxTand the military ? Wliat'.s ■Be of a Ku-Kiux Uiw if sncli au out % lito ico uupuui.slied I It i.s, perhaps, ■ to artd that the scralclies ou tlie col"si boys face are uot likely to prove kil ■' F. D. Iaskbll, of iliis city, is enf8l In canvusitig for farmer' Ktw ï'Wmhip tud liattroad Map of Michigan, ':i' iiuw map is 2b by 34 inches, is mght dovvu to the lutest date, shows "tow towoB, 76 new vltlagee tlie latent i'roads (Toledo and Ann Arbor excep "'Kand glves the fctatistics of the last bv cuunties, citieK, etc , wtlb tables ''fauces. Every Ijusimrss man shoukl "cuteoue aml lian it u in a cODveoient nthat be may readil? post liimsi;;! ""geograpliy and progress uf the Sute Jcolored by counties; colured by lowns, iloumsd ou rollers. " inventor, maiiufictunr and p;i tW VVh., of South Ooraet, Vt.. 1My attacbed two of his "Excelsior Fountalns" u the üordon Presses in 116 Ahgcs mee. Tliis tooñtaio i: a labor"■"g tuut: s.iving, and tr"tiblc Mvlng in"IUU". Labor aud time are both saved í ot liavlng to stop t!ie prc-ss to tafee "k''i:l trooble saved by securing K dlly loUbm color and without the constant JKrviaion of an experleuoed protomma. It ■1y attached, readlly cleaned, ráeles ; 'k, and „o Qordon Press should br f' 4Ut 't. We commend it to the craft. J'sileby the Lptroit Paper Company, "c Western A;;eats. Price $10.


Old News
Michigan Argus