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Railroad Movements

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Mr. L. I). Hukcii lias enterad actively apou tlio daty asslgoed liiui by the Directora oí tlio Toledo, Aun Arbor and Northern Llallroad, aml vve are able lo report procreas un Mouday eveulug oí this week, assisted by (Jol. Okant, lie held i meeting lu tlie : cliurcli at .Milun, whlcli was largely at tiiuled. The boat of feeliug prevalled, uncí afler SIessñ. Qkamt aud Buiten had set Ibrtli the present position and needs of the eutcrprtse, il wu voted to ail the worK to the utmost. A committee of eiglit - gen tleinen aml ladies - was iippoinleil to solicit subscriptlous, wüoeutered upuu duty on Tuesilay, kuowiug uo siich word a.s teil. At uu eurly Uour a siugie l;nly o! tlucuiniiiiitre li.i'l (jbi.niicd autMcrlpttoua uiiiouiiting to about 4jO. Milau will do lier part. Tnosday eveutug a large meeting was held in the churcb at Dundee. Hete i coldness luid liten leporled, lint the peocle rere wariued up, aml we are asgared tim. a good report muy be reüeil upon. Tne uffoaes xcuseil tiicnseives lor bolding back by cliarijiíi ilisseusiou aml ilelay upon Aun Arbor. Let us assure our Dun dee Meada tliat Aun Ai muí1 DOW ineans work, aml Uiat our past sins will uo' excuse auy coldoeu un tbelr purt qow. It ím tli-.:ir luterent to act proioptljr aml liberaliy [iival luteredta aro vvntchtug tliom, au I i tlifv mil jack tbere inay be a dlvergeuce In a dlrectlon tliey will nol rellsh. On Weduesday, AKsrs. BuitOH aml Gkant atteuded, by luvitatloo, a Bchoul l'icnic in District No. 4 of Sfork - a closing jubilee. There wcre loteredling exerclaea by the scliool, and abort addresüea bj Elev. I. Git.w aml .1. U. FOLLSB, Esq. Tliis school has been t.uiulit lor six years by Misa X. A Sf BKBLBlt, ánd with fjoKl surccss Afler the pronimine was jone through wiih Messrs. Buucii aml Quant, by lnvltatlou, talked rallroad á little, and set t lie ball rolling. We are giad to kear aad record sucli favorable t'fports. We h.ivc il ilii ontij Uay two September magazines : - The (fahtay accompllshes ioroethtuj? this tnonth, iiiüshus JtlHtiu McCarlhy's Lady Jiiditii, a Tille of Two Oootinentsj treta in tour more cbupleru of Oujrlit Wo iu Vis;t Her? wliicli qaestloo .Mis Khvanls is a loug timé lo ausvrerlng; nul, uesiiles jjives tlie lirsL six ehaptera of a nevv noyel by Antliouy Trollope, Tiie Eustace Dlnmundn. Theau uai bcluir euoagh we have: Agricaltiiral Labur at the Soiuli, by a dontherner ; Perpetual Moción, F. IJ Per kins; Oiiicast Cliiliiivn, miucher of C rap sey'a Nellier Sido of New York Sketches ; Peuri-Huotliig in iliu Pomotors, by Charles Warren Suxtdard; Lese-Ainour, by Ernest ltoland ; poeins iiy Olías Siblev, Rose Ier rj. Mü.ry L. Uitiur and George Kiowerdew, vviiiie tliu several depurtinenlH, Drlfl-Wood, Scieutiilo Mlucellany, FJurreut Literature, Clui) Room and Nebolte are well Blled. A reailable Qumber. Siieldoh & Co., Ü77 Broadway, X. Y. - Gudey's Lady' Dook Is blooming witli 'nabion platea tbr the seusou, au.l Ita lite ■ary au I lio'isühokl deiiartuients are well fllled Thure aro glories by Ma-ion Harlaúd, Clara Augusta, Louisa íj. Dorr, and otlier (Jodey fiivnrites. U is a aooil number )otli for the worK rUoin and the buudolr, $'S a L. A. Goosr, Piilladelpála. Last October, Hearlh and Home y,s-v a: Llio liaiuls oí Meásrri Ou.vnqe Jüod & Co , 24Ö Broadway, New York, tbu wolikiiown pil!ishers uf American AgrieuL turüt - journal loug without a rival lo Bcerling valué umi clrculatlon The markuil linproveineuis Uien expecicd to nppci r n Hearlh and Home bave buen itii'y reaiiziil aud it is uow oi' the cho etst Illnstratetl juuruals tiiiywhere lüsaed lor the famlly circle - aclapted tr both the juvenüc and idiili people, and meetiug lic special wants i thu housekecper. Besidea il Boppltea vcry iisi-ful chaptera lor tlie garden ml iiriu, ;ui 1 au Important üews glieet, givlug t val uable retume oí iheutwjíor a week, ip to the moment of issue. From $500 to p80u wortli o! very nne vngritvlngg beautify eacli weekly d amber. Wu ïioiice noiv a mu iurther mark o', entcrprlse on tliu pari of iliu publishers; they have Becured tinxchiHive ettiturial services of Euwakd CoOLE8iv)N, mi wldely and favorabl; cuown iiy liis vr;tius in Scribner'i Mnnlhy, and niiiiy other uiagaziues aud jourlalg, nul especial!; aa the cblef superiueudiuu Ivlitur of the New York Indepcnir some.time pat. Wlth thls notable idditiou to the previonsly lareêaud strong 'ditorial torce, Übarth ud HoMucau nol ail Lu merlt and coinmand u prominent ilace In every houneholcl, in city, villaje, nul country. Specimen copies eau doubtc beobtalued oftlie publisbera, asabove. IVrins oniy (8 a year. Single copies 8 en s. Bearlh and Hom", and American vllurUsi Logetlier, 1 a year Better idd out: or t)i):.ii of tlieio to your supply ol ■eadiug; they are eacli worth lofluitely uoru ttlilU i:iu sinall eest.


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