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Nüw Yukk, Aug 15. Business continúes to lack aiiiinatlon and uu til the thermometer comes down, llttle Improvement Is expebted. Western blij cis are notably few and as Southern niercliants anticlatud their wauts wheu the markets liud a more decided upwanl tendeney, - guine 30 or 40 days ago, tht mlrisammer qntetaeae sneuu Intriialfliiil One oi two Ui ua is becoiniDg daüy more certain, pirücularly as regareis dry go ,df, altner tliat there will be au eztraordlna y rush witliin the next two weeks or dealers have anticipated too much. Agents are more llrm tliun jobbers, in pnces, and actually uiideisellins ihem. Moreover, the decline oí lic on raw cotton iu 80 (lays Ims a rlepressiug inlluence on fahric values. In groceries there has been uo ciiange iluriru Uie Week worth muntion. Kio codees are vet very flïm ; ugars have lallen off. Standard A is lield at 12((il2c. Flour lias been quite active d Uring the week and priors 10@löc betler. Wheat is quiet and a trille otl' to liay, Uut the leelmgis lar from heavy. White and aniijer Mielligau 14(i@ 15J. Coru is dull, aiul oats steadily deoliulog- Michigan 4U@-tó. Western' but ter is taken ly exporters at 17 18. Eü-s linn at l?@iy Hops ol 1870, 25 bid. 27@ 'ü asked, and the condition of the gruwinK erop make it nearly certain tliat hih priees are goiug to be obtolued the eDsalu; sea sou. Mess pork is a simde lower to-dav hut gpeCDlatun ure feehtir the market, ta if saüslied tliat boltom had been toiii lied ; sales ui 13.d5(g!l3.00. LtiM d vaneed to 9%o Lve hogs ürm atau advunce of 5(d lue Money easy at 2@3 per cent. Gold wc;ik a-, llá, and ftoilid be lower but .'or ÜiB powerlul eflbrta of the rin. Qovernmenta Mrm- cuupousof '81. 1181, 's. 115% Stocks nrere exclted ; the bears iold in order to repress the markct, but failini; '" tbeir object, bouglit back at u loss. Tlie bulls rule. Dkïhoit. Aup;. 16. Quite uu improvemeut is uoticeaDle in tlio Jobbing trade 8 ice a week ago. Hardware is movhig as fixely as could be expected, wüile oil, paiuts and drugs, and Clieinlcals are airead; eiijoying a good fali tráete. Leaiher ík movlng largeijr and held at firin pnces. Dry goods are uot so active as coukl be desired, but pnces are firm, e.-peeially on I'abrics wholly or iu part wooleu. Lumix-rteudsupward ; thestocks held here are large, and so far but lítele Change lias ukeu place iu prices. Breadslutl's are autive and buoyunt, partlcol riy wheat, wliich is exportinjj; ct tlie rate oí about 100 cars per diiy. Prices to day fell ütt'(ttlc, yet tluy are Ií3)3c bigUer Uian n week ají. Tliev cljsil as fullows: Kxtri $134; No. 1 white 1.3(!; No. 1. Tread well #1.20; amber, $l.a;i@l-24. Fiour beglos to enter into export and is held íinn Cboice wblte wbeat branda, $(60; lancy, 0 0ü@ 75. Corn is duil at 58 O.its have been at 41c for a lew dayg, to-day tlii-y sold at 40. Barley is evideutly golug to rule blgb- tor No. 1 $1 60 s pi-d. Kye nomioal at 90@í)5. Applus 1.50a.00 pi-r ■1)1. on street 5()@7ü per bu. Butter Is lower, 10c bslng the rallón Hure. Es are poor stock ; eelllng at 12c counted. Hules Di9c. Ootona 60c per bu Potatoes 80c. Peacbwt $3 50aS.60 per bu. Sugar- standard A, 13c Talluw-dull at 7c. .Monev easy at ö@10 per cent. Anx Aunou, Aug. 17. We anote this p. m., ta lollows : Wheat- Amber, $1.15; No. 1 White. $120; Delhi, $1 25. Oats- Oíd, 4()c; new 30@32. Oorr- 00aC2)c. Nkw Potatok.s - 85c. O.nions- 1.60. Burras - 17c. Eüqs- 10cApi"i.ks- 40 a 50c. t


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