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Rotation Of Crops

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Cepk!]igantgtis All cultivatuü plauts extract a quannty of minoral ingredients froin tho soil, which, when the plaats are burned, constitute their asnee, ïho amonnt and nature- -of the food they exist on is tlms ascertained. If cereal crops are faised frequently off the same soil, without anything being rostored by manuring, the acreablo produce gradually diminishes, and after a time it is found that the produce in seed, which wasoriginally twelve to sixteen times the amount of what was sown, is reduced to five, andsometimes to three times the amount. Tho fertility of the soil is gradually diminished by the rpetition of crops of the Mine kind, because they abstract annually a oertain olass of ita ingredients. The exhausting power is exercised by all crops, but varíes much. It jnay be said that every plant diminishes the fertility of the soil in the spot on which it is grown, unit ss some portion of it ia returned to the ground. It is botter to prevent tho exhaustion of the soil than to endeavor to euro it. It is sometimos difficult to discover whai the land rually requires. The bett niethod of preventing the oxhaustion of the soil is to introduce a judicious rotation erferpps which are unlike each otlier, and consequontly do not require oxact-ly the same kind of ingredients to sustain thenjj In adopting sueh a rotation, we copy nature. In the natural forest, inany generations of broad-leaved treea live and die, and succeed others ; but the time comes at last when a general postilence seems to assail them all. Their tops droop and wither, their branches t'all off, their truiiks rot ; they die out, and a narrow-leaved race succeeds them. This rnce again hs its term of existence, which lasts perhapa several eenturies : but deftth seízes it too, and the broad leaves of the boach, the ash, the maple, and the oak, again chcer the eye. It is so in the broad m adow ; the gramea &fcafaL bad nei ♦a.neti'ea sueceed others as the tields inorease in age. The alternation of orops, therefote, ios86M68 sometliing of the dignity of a naturil l'uv, and man is ovidentlv right ■whün he imitates, on a small scule, some of tho grand processes of nature. 15ut opon Wü.vt do tile good effieota of rotation depend? Why do the broad leaves altérnate with the narrow in tlie ancient forost? Why do thgia-vs change in the meadows and pastures1? Why does tfee farmer obtain a laxger produce, anrt for a groa ter nnmb.'i'oi' yaars by growing unlike crops alternately, than by continuing year after v::r to same? - The reaaon is not tnerely that one erop eairies off moro, (vad another erop less, of the ingredients which crops derive trom the soil ; but thut one carries otï more of one thing, and another mure of another. j Graan oarries offmoie phosphoras, straw, silica, and the bulk, alkaline matter. Aftcr several supoecsvre crops of the sa'ne kind. 1 1 n ■ surft ie soil through which the roote ai-e spread, : 10 devoid of those BubstaQcee whioh .the erop specjally re juires, thut the plant, canuot uxtract the nectissary substauco. 'J'.: i o thfir l)PKt. ; they collópt as diligc: as they can. but the supply of fi out before the plant arrivés at maturity. In the case of a grain orop, the firsi of a BOarcity, say of phosphoric acid, is to make the ear smaller, and the ntuuher of grains less ; the next, to continuo the growth until frost arrests vegetatiou. Hut suppose we altérnate a cereal crup, which roquires much phosphorufl, with a grasa or clover crop, which requirea much tilica, or a root crop, to which much alkaline matter is neccossary, then the one civp would live upon :md remove what the others had in great abuadance. Instead of roöbfng the soil every year of the same substancos, we should be cxliaustiiifi it more equally of all, and wj should be able, for doublé the timo nt least, to crop it without the iisk of its ceasing entirely to give us a profitablc returu. Vi'ís should gradually work np, also, every availáble substance in the soil, whether such are naturally present in it, or such oa (re have added in the form of raanure. What is truc of the úxnplí : m of aeereaFcrop with a green erop, is trucr still of a longcr and more complicated ro tation The gtot r the variety of tho crops we grow, and the tokeror tl:e intervnl between the crops of the same kind, the more porfectly do we avail ourselves of the bencrits which an obodience to the sugeestions of thia principie is fitted to coiifer upon us. It is true that no rotation, however judicions, will alone prevent the land frurn becoiuiníí exbiinstcd. Nothing but regular and Buitable mauuring will do this, unlesa 'e in the dccaying fragment of rook mixed witli the soil, orin substaneys brought down from higher grounds, or in the nature of the rain and snow that fall upon the ground, some unusual and perennial Bource of those suhstances which the crops annually require. Altt'' green crops with wreals has a very beneficial effect by keeping land freefrom weeds which ripen and shed their seeda among grain cropa and which a repetitiun of cereals has a tondency to éstabfish in the soil. - Industrial Protector. Mayno Reid, the proliflo author of wild storic" forlittle and bigchilaren, was ;nce a gallant soldier, and diatingnishi il hin - selfin the Mexican war. After thee ture of the City of Mexico, he was won i to fmi)ty his trunk in adoming hia perr-on before calling upon the. fair Uaudeloupe, and while so doing would btir uji ',. thusiasm by reciting pootry, much to the ■wrath and disgust of his brother offioen, who had no line clothes and no lover. ! day whtle dressir.jr ye roared out : "At mit&ÍRht in r.'v.rmird (ent, The 'i'urk of the hour "Wlien Grcccc her knees " "I say, Keid," interrupted Ned Marshall, "why did they grease their knees 'C' "Whatr" "You said "grease her knees." Now the question that agitrites the country is why did they grease her knees ':" Tho gay Lieutenant gazed for a moment in blank amazement and then said sternly : " You' re a fooi!" A duel was the conseqneuce, in which Xed üarshall got the worst of it. ToKeepIilk Sweet. - The %" Farmer says that a teaspoonful of line sak or of horse radish in a pau of milk will keep it sweet for several days. Milk eau bc kept a year or more a,s sweet as when taken from the cow, by the followiug mothod: lrocure Dotues, anü as tlicy art filled imroediately cork them well and fosten the eork with pack threod or wire. Then spread u liltl( straw in the buttom of a boiler on wliich place the bottles, with Etraw betwi-en them, until the boiler contains a sufíicknt quantity. Fill it ap with cold water, and, aa soon as it bepins to boil draw thofire and [el the whóle gTadually eool. Whan quito cool take out the bottles and pack them is sawduifj in hampers, and Sto V them away in the ooolest part of tiie house. Brigham Young's sevcntioth bijrthday arrived latuly, aucl bis wivcs and ehildren gave hirn a surprise party, all asBembling in a hall and tnvitíng hiui to dianer. The fainily together looked liko a towis meeting wht;re universal suffrage was in vogue. An Arkansas lfgisUtor announces that he fought in thirty-srvtn bftttles, and waa woundod thirttcn timts in;: the South, and liis entin aunted to tliirty dullars ia Copt'eduraie scrip, all of which he paid tor a glass ot whisky. New Yorlters aro trying on the fashion of naming places on the European plan - as Haoken8ack-on-tho-Hud6on, and -mch ; but it don't look well wlicn they como to places like Harlem-ou-the-Spuyton-Duyil-creek. So many patents of nobi'ity have beeu grranted in Öormany as retarda for military sorvices that, we are told, "hardly any genei als naiiuin commui er:-." In thlf eountry, siuce our war, notii.Bg is comaaoaer thun gtacrals.


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