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Longfellow's Home

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In ( ambndge, Mass., oppoeñie Mr. leldor'g, is the weüxknowri mas f Air. Longfellow, knowa m the Oroigie [ouao, and iilso Gtanerbl Waahingi eadquartew. it was erëoted in 1769, by oionel Juhn], esaddson i' Leon v I, and. son ofthat jolm vho wli! )ii ■r.ilh.r I ! ■ ü i tho house just I be siitV'ly =■■!! : bi ' ao di n'cw Ëaglamd of iisdote retáains paoious or elegant tbna tfais. It Bi aok ome hnndred ai oad, indis suurronnded by large opm on either ■ to tlio ■ peing of seTeral aores in extent. Tht are elma of the aoblest, ara are other Borts, including fruit trees iD,d ornamental skrüba in great variotj Che Eront, statoly. of gtaoetuJ propottion nul harmoiiious deooration, is a, jileasure o behold, Onoi .vcll-slicHcivd piazzas, the front mclu ;,,i;i bai&g OTei cig'lity feot. ïhc loor is masBÏve, . fcha -üik: aa whaa v ngton made it liis home in the inemorajle winter of 'ïó. ïlie hall, twelvc t'ce n breadtk, oontains the broad, squar rtaircaee, witib tandiogs, t. whiön genius lias given a apcoial aasooiatio] ritih the tathor of bis oonntïyi The drai i ti of great heigh Eor the potiod, sotne i en1 eithê limenaioB, waineooied in aboi ktely oaxved, the mantel with Corinthia pilasters on cithcr gide. In tí fine painting, by Can ■ ond 8ir Williara Pepporel] and In sis) ohildren. Aoross the enfcry trom ibis apnrtmeni isthostudy, a uunny r :, and behind it ',}■.,■ library ut' i ogth with columns diversifying (lic li ■ optho windovrs, Botwcon tin tl ■ (i ':. . which k ■ ■ :■.:■,!- some ni%:! ..i'Iiüi ut, rises anotber BtairI asinuoL docoratodas tbat in tho front hall. B walU are ofqxscial stability, a portion of them i; handsomo briok-work, wbioli of date more reoent than tb e rost. Colonol Vasall having left it, ' ui' montha thai the siege of as the abode of Waaiing' ,011. From it vrcre addrcssed tbogc ailnirablo letters whicb organized rcbcllioo nto successfnl revolution. There gathired liis generala Lnoouncil; i' ofer with hint tho patiiotic li longing to the legislativo bod Watertown, and within its aparlmento ocurred many an incident whicb his biog worthily narruted. Mh t ;ho war the propi rty was gold to Nathanc-1 Trui y, of Newburyporti who oonveyed if to Thomas Russell in 1780, ;uul in 1793 it flnally passud v Andiew Cr long dwolt thoro, and in whose time it lonsisted ofncorly two hundred i Mr. Craigic niarricd the daughtcr of the Eev.Bczaleel Shaw, 11. 0. 1703, settled ü colativo oí tho late chief justicc. i - i istate, and was fond of di ■ purchaacd the handsomo ' and four ■ii had bren tlio nroüi i btio Duke of'Kentwbcu Lu , .ml ill will oí hisnoighl :;.. n !Üi iisuinmcr house over i;, n I ite of the : tv, and extcnsïve : houscs, thoy proj i ;( n. good coukl come tú one who flcw in the fa Providonce, spitting the sunmior with lus dlho winter with his flowers. Ilt; ras liberal in his liospitulity, and his nridow, who L: thq house her . maintainodits charIt waaat diffcront.timea the ofEdward Evcrott, Jared Sparbs, md Joseph Worcester, thé distinguí lexicográpher, but for the laet quao a oentury it bas boen tbo abode of one who, ronownod fts he is in lotti so won lanrols to lm chcrished in the :iffeotion'ato regard of lns countrymen, l'nder its roof have been conippsed most of those exquisito pfoductíons pf his p;iiii;:s wlneli have md hin; faTnOTM (iv. world. tod whioh in all time must infost liis abode with associationa not likclv to fado.-


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