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What Is Protection?

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The íev York Bulletin defines Fiotoction thus : "Vt 'lint is American Protection ? It is that axtraordinary gov rmin-ntul poiicy which would grant to u few favored oapitnlists, engagod in cortain branches of manufacture and produotion, privileges at tlio expenso of the great nioss of tho peóple. Lt is tl ktjon which would place siu-h restrictions iipon couuuorce as .sliall deny to Aineïican ocnBumer8 tho privilege oï Bupplying tluir wauH in tlli , - 1 ■ s t and best way, and. coiudi 1 theza to eat drink and woar such articlcs as tho government. late. lt is that syst-eni whioh, under the pretest of fostering tlie dovülopuient of döniestic industries, creates and sustains vast and oppreasLve monopolies which prospei at the oxj of all classes of coiuinunity, aud whieh aro Iíftod to financia] prosperity by insana of burdensome and onerus taxation, which nono can escape but those who go nakcd and ertarve out doors. Itistliat a which, purporting to sook tho wel' faro of tho American working-man, di1 1 1 oi" from naturally remuneradle occupations into artificia] nnd naturally unprofitable industries, which enhauQes the oost kof living in a ratio more than proportionate to the ' enhancement of . and whioh deprives tho pooplc of all tho natural commercia] advantages which would be onjoyed wore the productivo labor of the country cmployed in self-sustaining industries. Jt is thatsystem which seeks !■ doprivo the American pcoplo of all the ad vautages which would result trom linrestrictod ((muuereial intorcourse witli other nations, and to deny i'iuni the enjoynient of the seryioos of thoso bost aliii' to Bupply thoir maniioid and increasing necessi ■ i and desiri Ii isthat system which, Failing to accomilish the orids i'or which it was prosumal)ly d.viscd.lins paralyzcd ttiany branches of industry to Btímulftte a few, wkiiffi has driv n uur commorce bom the oce:m,rendcred os dependen! on foreign oarritírs, and deprived us of our t.nner rank among the miritimi' natimis ot the wurid. lt is tliis systcm, in short, which, without benufiting the oouni ry in any re levics tho uiost butdensome Mud odioua taxation taxation to sustain and onmeh [UOnopolista -on al] we eai. drink, v,v;ir, he er we broaithe. - tem be based spon any principie of right, justico or expediensy, pr can it long be taleyated in any country or among any pooplo? A rOUgh-looking specimen of Iiiruanüy was roe nüy promonading up Ohf.t'dam , New York, when he catas pfaimp!y apon a Jew a specimen of lns edee, about wboui thora was no 1 1 1 i - 1 i Without a word ot' waming, tho rough knopked him sprawling into the gutte. - Picking himself up, and taking his ble .veen bisfingerand tliuml), aanded an explanátion. " Shut up ; 111 ouv ed the . 'v.'j: him again. "Ihavenevoi doie notings mit you, and what tor you Diash nio in the n. Uam. i lied tTesus Chxist, and 1 il ivo a miud fu g i aill." "But) niino Cott, dal ttoon hur.dred yi ," Baid the Jew. "Woll, 1 ■■ ii' it was; I only heard ofit last niglit," replied the unwashi d ; and he weiii fpr him agsin. Old Dr. A - i - -was a qu&ok and a vary ignorantón.' On one occasion ho was called by mistake to attond a counpil of physiciana in a critVcal cao. Ai'tor conile diacusaion, the opinión was exoon- v -ili-i -eni. Wlicn it canio to Dr. A 's turn d he, HE : !'v ouxed uut in hou 8.""


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