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Cheap Glorification

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In notioing a week or so Mg;. tho appointment of Messrs. Biiixey and Gkant oommissioner and altérnate to arrangefor tho Philadelphia or nationft] celebratioo of thc contcnnial anniversary of tho Doc[aration of Independonco, ws jooularly alLuded to, iiuitation by Gongroaa of boards of supervisors and eommon councils in gu.irding ag:iiiiít raid; upon tho national treasury. Siiico that issue the act of Congress ruforrod to has "come to hand." It is cntitled : " An Act to pro" vide for eclobrating the ono hundredth " anniversary of Amerioan i&dopendcnoe, "by bolding an international exhibition " of arts, manufactures, and produets of "the soil and mine, in tho city ofl'hilu" delphia and State of Pennsylvania, in "tho yoar eighteen hundred and soventy"six." Aftcr ordiiining that such an exhibition smU be held, providing for thc appointmont of commissioners from eaoh Stato, and defining thoir dutios, the act provides : "That no compnnsation fot services shall be paid to tlie c()ininissiouiTS or Oth er offioers provided by this act, from the treaeury of tho United 8tato and tho United States shall not be Hable for any expensas attending suoh exhibition, or by reason of the samo." A section preceding tho ono quoted, giveaktho commissioners power to odopi plans for buildings, superintend their erection, mako rules and regulations, etc., áUatthttzpeiuó of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia or private niunificencc : a sort of intimation being given that ibreign goods for exhibition may be admitted f:ee of duty, - if the cominissionors so advite. And thon, " whenever the President ühall bu informed by the Governor of tho State of Pcnnaylvama that provisión has been made for the erection of suitable buildings for the purpose, and for thc exclusivo control by tho commission herein provided for of tho proposod exhibition," ho, the President, shall issue a proolamation, fixing the time of opening, and cominunicate the same, with the rules established by thc commissioners, to thc diplomatic representativos of all nations. Did tho reader cvor hear the story of the pullet which cacklod herself to death over tho egg laid by a more industrious sister P or of the abundant and self-sacriii ing patriotism of Artemus Waed, who deolaced a wilHngness that "all his wife's relations" might enlist or be draftod and go to tho wur ? Congi-oss has beatón both thc pulkt and Artkml'S, in providing for a national glorification freo of expenso. The Jackson Patriot says tlmt at a meeting of the Michigan Central Itailroad Board, held rocently in Boston, the President was authorizod to ncgotiatc foi a ninety-ninu year loase of thu Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw Ruilroad, and that a meeting of tholattor company will soon be held and a decisión made. The Patriot is confident that the lease will be exeeuted, and that the speedy extensión ot the road to Mackinaw will follow. This unnimiicemcnt is significant, and is only anothrr step in the gobbling up procoss all tho railroad linos in tho State. The Central now controls the Air Line, the Grand River Yalley, the Chicago and Michigan Lakc Shore, and the Detroit Ilillsdale ; and Mr. JoY, the Detroit, Lansing and Laka Michigan. Tho Lake Shore and Michigan Southern and the Ponnsylvania Central control the other lines running into the nortliern portion of the State, excopt the Pero Marquette, which will sooner or later be swallowed by one or tho other of tho last named corporations. What Corporation will gobble the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern road ? And, with the arrangement now reported, what is lts chance for a connection at Owosso ? The AVisconsin Democratie State Convention was held at Madison on Wodnesday, and was largely attendcd. Ex-Senator J. 11. DOOLITTLE was nominated for Governor, receiving 123 out of 154 votes. He accepted tho nomination in a pertinent and telling speech. II is associates on tho ticket a"e : For Lieutenant Governor - John A. Rico. For Secretary of State - Milton Montgoniery. ÍSw Treasurer - Anton Klaus. For Altorney Oenend - Edwaid S. Bragg. For l'rison, Commissioner - L. E. Johnson. For Superintendent of PuMic rit et ion -W. D. Parker. For Commissi'jner of Immigratwn - Jacob Baden. The platform adopted is sound in every plank. -In 1869, Faikciiild, Rep., had 8,2G3 majority. If there is a solitary partióle of trvith left in that old but oft-squeezed maxim : " Wlien rogues fall out honest men will get their ducs," there is a good time coming for the State of Louisana. The war of tho Republican factions waxes hotter and liotter, and a new dictionaay will havo to be constructed to furnish epithets for the use of tho valiant combatants. When these Kilkenny cats - if it is not slandoring tho meiuory of those fabled braves, to cali carpet-baggers, political adventurers, troasury plunderers by their name - have devoured themselves or proved thoir uttcr unworthincss to hold any position of trust or honor, the order loving citizens of Louisana may hopo for a State government that will relieve them from the rulo of whito sharks and ignorant negroos, tho lattor buing tho tools of the former. It is a great pity that tlio Democratie ultiaists down in Ohio will peisist in exposing their ignoranco by assuming to mako and diseuss financial platforms. They have greenback on tho brain, and would set all the papor milis and printing offices in their State to grinding out a lufficienoy with which to pay the undue bonds of tho govornment. If they will let tho greenback and debt question itlone time will settlo it satisfactorily to dl. A proper administration of tho govïrnment, such as a Democratie President vnd Congross will give, will mako tho promisesof tho government,. greenb.icks iliko with bonds, equivalent U) gold, and then tbtjro will bo nothing at issue for tho Ohio politicians to ravo about. Colonel Downing has beon electcd Chief of the Cherokce Nation ty 200 majority.


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Michigan Argus