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The public are fnrblditon to trnst my jon John vollandon my account, as 1 sh.ill imv no debts of nis contradi 11'. Vroede . agast i3, 1371. 1336m HARMON VOLL'ND. yyANTED. ' AT OUR NEW PRODUCB HOUSE, opposite the M. C. R H. Depot. 5,000 Bu. of Oats for which we will pny cash woon t rnnnm. AnnArbor A:if;.22d, 1S7Í. 138fiw8 Estute of John Gcorgo Volz. (JTATEOF ! K : 11 HJAN.Uonnty o) Washt.nnw.ntj Atae88iooof the Probate Oonrl for tiicCoiinly ofWaahtonaw, tolden ni the Probate Offlee. in tfce i'ity o!' Ann Arbor. on Monda;, the twenty-flret aay "I Auim, la the yer tlmn-iTnl eteht ntui'irod and 8evutyoue. Present, Htram i. Beakes, Jndge of Probate. Ia tho matter of taaestitteol JohnSeorse Volr, deceaped. Oureidtn(tniailngthc x't!ti"n duly verifirdol Ann Maria Vol, prayfng thut her dowcr n the rc:il esta e whjroiif gald deesasad diud atized may be asBigned to her. lUpouitla ordi'red. thnt Moodny, the ei-,'hteen b .Uy ofSeptember m'xt, :t ten o"'clock in the roroaoon, be asignad for the heiiring of eaic peütlon, nu tbc hcirsatlaw of :iid dec-ased, and ti 7 1 nthei penona Intereated in aaid eïtate, ure requirió! to ;))M:ir ui n geseion of saidConrt tl;n to be holden atthe Probate Offlee, Ir the city of Ann Arbor. and show canse, fany tbere be.wbj theprayeral the ietltlonersnonld not be grantedi Aiulit Uriirtheronlered.thatraldpetltioiieii'lTeiiOticetOEhepersonalnterastedin taideatate ol the pendencj ofanld pelltlon, and the ho.-innr thcreof, by catnlnga copy of thie Order to bipnbliphod inthf n.trgtu, nawapaperprlnted andcirciilating in said connty , thrce necsssl ve weekt previonf io iiid áfty oí Iteurlng. (Atroecop; j iiiram .t. bkakes. ISS-i luile of Probate Ebtata of Catharine McCafferty. STATE OF OTCHIGAtf.obantrtfWaahteiiftir, w. ai a si ion of the Probate Coort for the oounts ut' Wu--ihteimw, holden at tho Probate office, in the aty t Aun aröoT, om &Eondy, ttie sevenu. iny oí August, in thfl yearone thousaiid eight hundred and neven1 y-ono. .1 lliriini .ï, Bcnkes, Juffn of Probate. In the matter of tl ttharine Mi-i "uffcTty, au al] ge 1 incompetent p non. On rending mid üüiv the petition, duïy rcrifiod, of Chauncey Joxlin, praying tbat Prlnra Iiunnctt. of the city of TpMlanti, in enid cotinty, may bo ippointcd GKiatdinn ftnr Raid ( iatharine McCaflterty. Thepnupon il in ordoreü, Mondny, thenJntb T:iy i i" i i .it ti-ii o'dockin the ïoienoon, be nssignod for the hearintrof aaid petítíon, and that the nest of kin of soid itUeoed Inoompetant, and othor pexaoas interenteil in sid wtate, are required U appear at a Boadon of snid Court, fchen to be holden 1 Office Ín theoityof Ann Arbor, nniï show eaxu ■, ü' any theze Lc, why tin: praycrof the petitioner should not be rntitcd : Andit is forther orderad, lïi s.-n-l poritiontT ffivc noticiï to tho iwrsons intermí i Batata, of tho pendonoy of siJ petition, and the hearing thereof, oy oauaing u py of this ordra bobo publtshe t Ui the Wcfrigttn dryus, a urwspaper print -i and dronlatlng in said oounty, rix 00ooBsive vreoka proviooa to aufadar of heavinfr. ml ny oausing to be aerred on thesoid Catharine ttoConVrty peraonully, o oapy of iliis order at le;t four vecks lid dÁyof hf.trinu'. and by oauaing to ))e mailed a oopy of tíiis ord r to eeoh of the (oüoving namcd poraonA. i: to JohnJloCaffertysof Yp-üanti, n'atopmn of anM alleged Inrampetcnt ; to Anthony Collins. of Etookford, In the State of Illinois; audto-James Collina, of f'iMMili-, Fowa, who ara nephewa of snid alleged Incompetent, al Lettel six weeks bdbrcsaidday of bearinff. (A trao copy.) HÍKAM J. BBAKES. IS96w6 Judgc of Probate. pUBMC SCHOOLS. The FoU Torm of the Public Schools of thi city will open on Won lay, the Mth Inst, Xon rasidenta vrianing to enter tho iwhooi] and mt dent pupila subject to examinfvtioi] befare entorine nre roquv&ted to meet in the Buperintendenva 10010, iliírh Sciiool miltUn', on Snturday, the 2Gth inst, at 0 oVüodk a. m. me rcacnera ue roquestea to meet tne Mipcnnteivjellt tlK' s:i!ttf l:tv :lf I o'eloek 1'. M. A Ci lobera' Clan wUl be formed the first weck of t t( mi, to continue eight wcekB. The instmrtion wil] oonust in thorongfa reí lew of the oomjnon i'nu'Ii-h bronohesand Leotnx8 od Metlsods and the practicul würk ot' the school room. W. S. TEItliY, Srp't, Ann -Vbor, Auir. leth, 101. ISHwS A NN ARBOU SAV[NGS BAÍÍK. AHS AK130K MICII. ivrEiicsT iuowra o.v ueposits i ! COLLECTIONS MOK AT AU, ACCESSIULE POINT8UNITED STATES BONOS, GOLD, SILVER, CANAPA MONEV, AND COUrONS BOÜGHT AND SOLD. Drafts inMiedon New Ytirk, OhicagO, nnd Detroit, aiui IüIím f BxchanfrA drawn at sifiht uu all the principal cltlei of Earup. MONEY LOANED ON PIRST-CLASi SECURITIES. AU Uii ils oflegltimata Banking Bulnaai transactcrt ACCOUNTS SOI.ICITICD ISBÍtf. SfTLT f Snfoscrtbers to Petera I I i v! I Y ÜÍOílcal Monthlv ;ir.' ■_■■■!■ A tinpr Iheir Maule forlcss t ha a two cents a pu-cc T f í rhoBO who have not geen lih3 Musical Hagadne I shoald frncl 80 cents Pt a Pfl I I -nnip)ecopy. The music le (-■m 9 I ''y Hiiys. Thomai, KinL'f'l II kel, IVrsIcy. anrt other JJU v popular wrltera. Two hack numl)T lor A School -"'ints. Four Iwi-k minir.. . ,-k„k,. Price'J Sb-...!' por d' zvn. OoDiaina ■ iirpw) ovi-r two Iminlrcd iit!v ftndj I Jii S1! beantMil songs, dneta, etc. I Ij IJ.' I 1 hy Will S. Hays. H ster, Thomns, etc. Ever} I TTj fl hlni; Is neiT, Irerb, nmi X I % Oontent( and n,., . . fi xpt'Clmi'li pni-i't si'iit l'rcc f II II I 1 I Sample copie mailedft'eo llfl l.'l B 9 sents. Lilicral teñu f'T iiitiiidtioüon. Vrorth of M;islc Cor Í.3. Adilrcas, J. ï.. PETEKS, 599 Itroadwnj-, ?í. Y. Tonclier flendiiiïr n tticir orilfr8 for $10wortho music cn claim a ycurs subwriptlon to PeteJ ktiwical .Moatnlj. ls.'Stf T IVE ÖEESE FEATHJÍRS FIKST GIXJjiVXiIT'ïr , .'onsta'jtljon liand and forsnUhy BACE ABEL, GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's j for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicines .Faints ,Oils,&c. rJ HE ARGUS IOS OFFICE 18 NOW SUPPUED WITIf FÍRST-CLASS PffflS NKW, AND IN OOOD ORDKH, NEW STYLES OF TYPE, AND GOOD WORKMEN. A SPKCIALTY MADE OV BILL HEAJDS, BLANKS, CAEDS, CHECKS, CIRCULKS&, I.IiTTKU IIK.IUS, ntouiivniics RECORDS AVI BRIEF8, S TI .11.1, BILLS, ETC. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. WORK W ARR ANTED TO PLEASE. PRICES REASONABLE. I i,AWYi:ns, iiiiiniors vn aMi "I. asi;s OF iiimmss il !■ tui, itri'i:n il) FAMilt IS W ITII III 1 IK ItllDEB8. COKÏïER OF MAI3Í AXD HÜKOS ST


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